Give UConn an added string of Nationals and .. ??? | The Boneyard

Give UConn an added string of Nationals and .. ???

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Sep 8, 2011
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According to all indications for the next 5 years, including this year, this team, the 2014/15 may be the weakest in the next five years, even with the leaving of Stewart. Which leaves the league in a not so good position, as the country will play for second place and a change to knock UConn off..

People like SC’s Wilson may never win a national, and she went to SC on the thought of a sure National Ring.

As one current player’s father said …if you want to have fun, get a education, you can go to 100 different schools, but if you want to win National Championships, have fun, get an education and play for the best coaching array in the country go to UConn.

Of course all this depends on injury, health, and student contentment. I say contentment because UConn could have a mix of ten players where the 10th can be the 1st any given night… so that’s 200 minutes divided among ten players. Or as one would say, give me 8 players…so that 25 minutes per game… It’s really not a healthy atmosphere, and it had a lots to do with the falling of UCLA and their famous streak.

Or … Or is it time to consider a point lottery or National Draft, based on a tuned up AP/Coaches poll of the top 75 teams… All schools finance folks would love this because it would cut the recruiting process 75%.

Food For Thought…
Nov 23, 2013
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Another weak attempt to tear UConn down. What was it first, boycott playing us, second deinigrate us for playing in a bad conference, ignore our players for recognition, ignore Geno for recognition, now steal players away from a great recruiter (CD).
Wow, Bill you want me to think conspiracy theory.
Sep 8, 2011
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Another weak attempt to tear UConn down. What was it first, boycott playing us, second deinigrate us for playing in a bad conference, ignore our players for recognition, ignore Geno for recognition, now steal players away from a great recruiter (CD).
Wow, Bill you want me to think conspiracy theory.
Well when your the #1 of the #1's, no telling who or what will be taking shots ..JW at UCLA wrote in one of his writings, that one would be surprised to the extent people tried to keep players out of UCLA, but the key is...sure player it's your choice, but if you want National Rings, a stout education, from the best program only have one choice...and the banners on the ceiling prove it.....
Proof of the pudding ... a former player/grad working for a 500 company, called upon a possible client, when it was noted they she was from a UConn National team, every door down the executive suite hallway opened.
UConn is getting to be like Georgia Tech, Notre dame, Duke, the Acamadies, if you graduated and played a sport, you future was solid....
Aug 30, 2011
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According to all indications for the next 5 years, including this year, this team, the 2014/15 may be the weakest in the next five years, even with the leaving of Stewart. Which leaves the league in a not so good position, as the country will play for second place and a change to knock UConn off..

People like SC’s Wilson may never win a national, and she went to SC on the thought of a sure National Ring.

As one current player’s father said …if you want to have fun, get a education, you can go to 100 different schools, but if you want to win National Championships, have fun, get an education and play for the best coaching array in the country go to UConn.

Of course all this depends on injury, health, and student contentment. I say contentment because UConn could have a mix of ten players where the 10th can be the 1st any given night… so that’s 200 minutes divided among ten players. Or as one would say, give me 8 players…so that 25 minutes per game… It’s really not a healthy atmosphere, and it had a lots to do with the falling of UCLA and their famous streak.

Or … Or is it time to consider a point lottery or National Draft, based on a tuned up AP/Coaches poll of the top 75 teams… All schools finance folks would love this because it would cut the recruiting process 75%.

Food For Thought…

So your solution is to apparently create competitive balance similar to professional sports where every team has an equal chance to win the NC is to force kids to:
A) Go to schools they don't want to attend.
B) Go to schools that may not fit their academic needs
C) G0 to schools that they might not be academically suited for
D) Live where they don't want to live
E) And play for a program and a coach they don't want to play for.

Sep 8, 2011
Reaction Score
So your solution is to apparently create competitive balance similar to professional sports where every team has an equal chance to win the NC is to force kids to:
A) Go to schools they don't want to attend.
B) Go to schools that may not fit their academic needs
C) G0 to schools that they might not be academically suited for
D) Live where they don't want to live
E) And play for a program and a coach they don't want to play for.


Well your correct, but the counter is the talk and movement, to start "Paying College Athletics", and if this takes hold you will see tailoring to fit the question you pose....not saying there will be a universal college football, basketball, baseball draft ... never because parity is not a problem there. But where there is no parity say for a run of ten bases will be screaming from the roof tops.... You also could see a under current from different schools ...No we won't play them...And today ..what competitive conference would invite UConn in ...ACC..SEC...?? Who???

It's a Crazy future possibility, as the next 5 years are in the cards...???
Mar 23, 2014
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I'm confused. I assumed this thread was supposed to be funny. But then he replied twice indicating he's serious.

Nobody could possibly think that's a good plan right? Even delusional SEC fans?

Would this "draft" extend to football? So UConn could get those football stars the SEC gets?


And That’s The Way It Is
Aug 26, 2011
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Don't know if you're a fan of the University of Georgia, but perhaps if they would hire a new coach that can recruit In-State HS Players and coach, then perhaps they would have won some of the Championships that UConn has. There has to be a reason that the majority of the Georgia HS elite players don't attend the University of Georgia. Since before Maya Moore the elite players from Georgia have gone elsewhere to play. Why is that?

With the caliber of HS WBB players that Georgia produces on an annual basis, Georgia should be one of the Elite Teams in the running for F4's on an annual basis. But instead they're a middle of the road team that competes for S16/E8's, but rarely a serious contender for F4's. They make the tournament because they have a pathetic OOC Schedule that they dominate and then win 60% of their SEC Games. They play in a Power 5 Conference and get the benefit of the doubt to make the tournament. This year they go 12-1 in their non conference schedule and are now 5-6 in SEC play beating up the lower tier SEC teams. Their only significant conference win is against a disappointing Texas A&M team. Yet they'll make the tournament over more deserving non Power 5 Conference Teams that Georgia refuses to schedule games against.

Unfortunately for WBB, Georgia is not the only school that does this. Yes, it happens in the mens game as well, but doesn't make it right.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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According to all indications for the next 5 years, including this year, this team, the 2014/15 may be the weakest in the next five years, even with the leaving of Stewart. Which leaves the league in a not so good position, as the country will play for second place and a change to knock UConn off..

People like SC’s Wilson may never win a national, and she went to SC on the thought of a sure National Ring.

As one current player’s father said …if you want to have fun, get a education, you can go to 100 different schools, but if you want to win National Championships, have fun, get an education and play for the best coaching array in the country go to UConn.

Of course all this depends on injury, health, and student contentment. I say contentment because UConn could have a mix of ten players where the 10th can be the 1st any given night… so that’s 200 minutes divided among ten players. Or as one would say, give me 8 players…so that 25 minutes per game… It’s really not a healthy atmosphere, and it had a lots to do with the falling of UCLA and their famous streak.

Or … Or is it time to consider a point lottery or National Draft, based on a tuned up AP/Coaches poll of the top 75 teams… All schools finance folks would love this because it would cut the recruiting process 75%.

Food For Thought…
I strongly disagree with your premise: “this year, this team, the 2014/15 may be the weakest in the next five years, even with the leaving of Stewart. “
It is simply impossible to project how good UCONN teams will be without knowing who will replace Stewart. Stewart is a special player and UCONN gets it fair share of special players but so do other schools see- Britney Griner, & Candice Parker & Delle Donne ???. If you know for sure that the next player of this caliber will definitely play at UCONN could you please send me the next winning power ball numbers on my private account. I am greedy like that , so no need to share with everyone else.

People like SC’s Wilson may never win a national, and she went to SC on the thought of a sure National Ring.
Wilson is not entitled to a ring. If winning championships was part of her criteria for that should have been factored into her recruitment. I am not saying it was not factored in. The only criteria that was published from the extensive spread sheets her parents kept as part of her recruiting visits was playing time. T here was always the rumors of Wilson wanting to play at home. Wilson had an offer to play for UCONN at UCONN she would have been virtually guaranteed a national championship. IMO she prioritizes other things over winning a national championship. To be perfectly clear: There is/was absolutely nothing wrong with Wilson’s Priority!
Or is it time to consider a point lottery or National Draft.

I deplore this idea. It is a solution looking for a problem. High school kids being subjected to a draft to play college basketball. Going to college should be more than about basketball. The current selection process for college and college basketball works fine-Let’s stick with that. UCONN does the selection process better than anyone else- applaud, emulate, copy UCONN– don’t penalize them. UNC in women’s soccer won a series of Championship; Northwestern did the same in women’s lacrosse - applaud, emulate, copy UNC and Northwestern also. UCONN is on the rise in field hockey- I wonder who they emulated?
Nov 16, 2013
Reaction Score
So your solution is to apparently create competitive balance similar to professional sports where every team has an equal chance to win the NC is to force kids to:
A) Go to schools they don't want to attend.
B) Go to schools that may not fit their academic needs
C) G0 to schools that they might not be academically suited for
D) Live where they don't want to live
E) And play for a program and a coach they don't want to play for.


All while they're not getting paid!
Jan 13, 2014
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Or … Or is it time to consider a point lottery or National Draft, based on a tuned up AP/Coaches poll of the top 75 teams… All schools finance folks would love this because it would cut the recruiting process 75%.

Food For Thought…
Nick Saban said [paraphrasing], "In the NFL the worst team gets the top draft pick. In NCAA football the best team gets the top 10 draft picks." Seems "unfair" in some ways, but in the NFL there is a salary cap, basically giving each team an equal chance of winning (financially, anyway). In WBB some schools make commitments to field competitive programs and some don't. Why penalize the ones who do and force elite recruits to schools not committed to winning? (like Georgia)
Nov 23, 2013
Reaction Score
I'm confused. I assumed this thread was supposed to be funny. But then he replied twice indicating he's serious.

Nobody could possibly think that's a good plan right? Even delusional SEC fans?

Would this "draft" extend to football? So UConn could get those football stars the SEC gets?
This is, what Communism/socialism? If this happens, sports will be something that happened in the past. Sports is capitalism at its purest and best. Hard work and innovation, means payoff. No payoff, no desire to win. No sports. What is this guy thinking?
Sep 8, 2011
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Let Me Wrap This Up …….. This is getting twisted and that was not my intend ... Sorry ....

Only point is: who wants to play UConn when they know it will be an embarrassing blow out …Now no fault of UConn, their system just hits to perfection on all eight cylinders. There are 100 come-backs but leave it at that....

Sure you can gauge the future teams, Gil Brant was a master in the 60ies/70ies with the Dallas Cowboys. If you were to see the GA “Player Checker Board” one would understand. Like DT said recently ”If you don’t get them this year, forget it”. … Now think a bit in 15/16 a proven Big-Biggy comes in, frees up Stewart for her year of years….… we lose our 3 pt threat but pick up a trio of That can mature like no other Freshman…and on and on ..

Go back 10 years chart all the players, chart the starting 7 … now chart the graduations and chart the incoming Frosh…it becomes a very neat pop-plug-and play picture….sometimes one wonders .. Why is he interested in so & so ???? It’s probably to plug a slot maybe 2-3 years out..??
I’ve already got a 6’5” eight grader in my backyard, now that 5-6 years out, but she’s already on GA’s board….

But now on to more serious notes…
Where is TonyC setting up after buying all the “T Bones” at the March Final Victory….


Aug 14, 2011
Reaction Score
According to all indications for the next 5 years, including this year, this team, the 2014/15 may be the weakest in the next five years, even with the leaving of Stewart. Which leaves the league in a not so good position, as the country will play for second place and a change to knock UConn off..

People like SC’s Wilson may never win a national, and she went to SC on the thought of a sure National Ring.

As one current player’s father said …if you want to have fun, get a education, you can go to 100 different schools, but if you want to win National Championships, have fun, get an education and play for the best coaching array in the country go to UConn.

Of course all this depends on injury, health, and student contentment. I say contentment because UConn could have a mix of ten players where the 10th can be the 1st any given night… so that’s 200 minutes divided among ten players. Or as one would say, give me 8 players…so that 25 minutes per game… It’s really not a healthy atmosphere, and it had a lots to do with the falling of UCLA and their famous streak.

Or … Or is it time to consider a point lottery or National Draft, based on a tuned up AP/Coaches poll of the top 75 teams… All schools finance folks would love this because it would cut the recruiting process 75%.

Food For Thought…

Please stop with the all bold text. It's difficult to read.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Let Me Wrap This Up …….. This is getting twisted and that was not my intend ... Sorry ....

Only point is: who wants to play UConn when they know it will be an embarrassing blow out …Now no fault of UConn, their system just hits to perfection on all eight cylinders. There are 100 come-backs but leave it at that....

Sure you can gauge the future teams, Gil Brant was a master in the 60ies/70ies with the Dallas Cowboys. If you were to see the GA “Player Checker Board” one would understand. Like DT said recently ”If you don’t get them this year, forget it”. … Now think a bit in 15/16 a proven Big-Biggy comes in, frees up Stewart for her year of years….… we lose our 3 pt threat but pick up a trio of That can mature like no other Freshman…and on and on ..

Go back 10 years chart all the players, chart the starting 7 … now chart the graduations and chart the incoming Frosh…it becomes a very neat pop-plug-and play picture….sometimes one wonders .. Why is he interested in so & so ???? It’s probably to plug a slot maybe 2-3 years out..??
I’ve already got a 6’5” eight grader in my backyard, now that 5-6 years out, but she’s already on GA’s board….

But now on to more serious notes…
Where is TonyC setting up after buying all the “T Bones” at the March Final Victory….

Billy Boy ... the use of all bold doesn't do a thing for your message. A good shout still needs content and a modicum of coherence.
Nov 23, 2013
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Geno is willing to teach all he knows. Practices are open for visiting coaches. He shares while coaching olympics and nationals. Geno has videos, shows, seminars, and shares everything. He is all about coaching every one else in how to build a winning program. When he started he was coaching a losing team. He BUILT a program from nothing, fan base and facilities. He earned everything! We the fans benefit, the university benefits, the entire state benefits.
On top of all this, Geno wants competition, He thrives on competition.
The ball is in your court, not UConns. No regrets, no apologies.


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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Aug 24, 2011
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For the next 5 years - I just want to address that...

SR: KML, Stokes
JR: Stewie, Jefferson
SO: Tuck, Chong
FR: Nurse, Williams, Butler, Ekmark
2015: Collier, Samuelson, Boykin
2016: Dangerfield, Irwin, ????
2017: Espinosa, ???

The 5th year out would be when our 2015 kids are seniors. Seeing as the 2016 class is not done, never mind the 2017 or 2018, I think it's impossible to know which UCONN team would be the "weakest" relative to the rest of WCBB. I am slightly discouraged that it appears we may not land an elite post in 2016 (McCoy may now be a ND lean and I just don't see Cox coming to UCONN) BUT never say never. Maybe the staff is all in on Cox in 2016 and believes they have some kids in 2017 that they like a lot and like us back.

I know Walker in 2017 is considered a UCONN lean. With the potential to be at least as good as Maya Moore, having her, Collier, Samuelson, and Dangerfield on the same team would be like having Jefferson, Moore, a taller KML and Tuck all on the same team. Recipe for at least a few NC's.

But my main point is that until some the rest of 2016 recruiting shakes out, we won't know for sure how good UCONN "should be" in the next 2-3 years, never mind the next 5.

I believe next year the team will be at least as good as this year, but after that there is a drop off, especially if we don't land Cox/McCoy from 2016.
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction Score
According to all indications for the next 5 years, including this year, this team, the 2014/15 may be the weakest in the next five years, even with the leaving of Stewart. Which leaves the league in a not so good position, as the country will play for second place and a change to knock UConn off..

People like SC’s Wilson may never win a national, and she went to SC on the thought of a sure National Ring.

As one current player’s father said …if you want to have fun, get a education, you can go to 100 different schools, but if you want to win National Championships, have fun, get an education and play for the best coaching array in the country go to UConn.

Of course all this depends on injury, health, and student contentment. I say contentment because UConn could have a mix of ten players where the 10th can be the 1st any given night… so that’s 200 minutes divided among ten players. Or as one would say, give me 8 players…so that 25 minutes per game… It’s really not a healthy atmosphere, and it had a lots to do with the falling of UCLA and their famous streak.

Or … Or is it time to consider a point lottery or National Draft, based on a tuned up AP/Coaches poll of the top 75 teams… All schools finance folks would love this because it would cut the recruiting process 75%.

Food For Thought…

I strongly disagree with your premise: “this year, this team, the 2014/15 may be the weakest in the next five years, even with the leaving of Stewart. “
It is simply impossible to project how good UCONN teams will be without knowing who will replace Stewart. Stewart is a special player and UCONN gets it fair share of special players but so do other schools see- Britney Griner, & Candice Parker & Delle Donne ???. If you know for sure that the next player of this caliber will definitely play at UCONN could you please send me the next winning power ball numbers on my private account. I am greedy like that , so no need to share with everyone else.

People like SC’s Wilson may never win a national, and she went to SC on the thought of a sure National Ring.
Wilson is not entitled to a ring. If winning championships was part of her criteria for that should have been factored into her recruitment. I am not saying it was not factored in. The only criteria that was published from the extensive spread sheets her parents kept as part of her recruiting visits was playing time. T here was always the rumors of Wilson wanting to play at home. Wilson had an offer to play for UCONN at UCONN she would have been virtually guaranteed a national championship. IMO she prioritizes other things over winning a national championship. To be perfectly clear: There is/was absolutely nothing wrong with Wilson’s Priority!
Or is it time to consider a point lottery or National Draft.

I deplore this idea. It is a solution looking for a problem. High school kids being subjected to a draft to play college basketball. Going to college should be more than about basketball. The current selection process for college and college basketball works fine-Let’s stick with that. UCONN does the selection process better than anyone else- applaud, emulate, copy UCONN– don’t penalize them. UNC in women’s soccer won a series of Championship; Northwestern did the same in women’s lacrosse - applaud, emulate, copy UNC and Northwestern also. UCONN is on the rise in field hockey- I wonder who they emulated?

Love your reply coco. The OP - his beliefs of certain things are so mind-boggling wrong-- the outcome he suggests I feel like it is coming from some unknown an alien planet.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Let Me Wrap This Up …….. This is getting twisted and that was not my intend ... Sorry ....

Only point is: who wants to play UConn when they know it will be an embarrassing blow out …Now no fault of UConn, their system just hits to perfection on all eight cylinders. There are 100 come-backs but leave it at that....

Sure you can gauge the future teams, Gil Brant was a master in the 60ies/70ies with the Dallas Cowboys. If you were to see the GA “Player Checker Board” one would understand. Like DT said recently ”If you don’t get them this year, forget it”. … Now think a bit in 15/16 a proven Big-Biggy comes in, frees up Stewart for her year of years….… we lose our 3 pt threat but pick up a trio of That can mature like no other Freshman…and on and on ..

Go back 10 years chart all the players, chart the starting 7 … now chart the graduations and chart the incoming Frosh…it becomes a very neat pop-plug-and play picture….sometimes one wonders .. Why is he interested in so & so ???? It’s probably to plug a slot maybe 2-3 years out..??
I’ve already got a 6’5” eight grader in my backyard, now that 5-6 years out, but she’s already on GA’s board….

But now on to more serious notes…
Where is TonyC setting up after buying all the “T Bones” at the March Final Victory….
Is there an English translation of this post? What does this have to do with Georgia? A 6'5" eight grader in the backyard sounds like the punch line to a bad joke?
Aug 24, 2011
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So your solution is to apparently create competitive balance similar to professional sports where every team has an equal chance to win the NC is to force kids to:
A) Go to schools they don't want to attend.
B) Go to schools that may not fit their academic needs
C) G0 to schools that they might not be academically suited for
D) Live where they don't want to live
E) And play for a program and a coach they don't want to play for.


Yeah - socialist basketball. Ever notice that the Russians aren't so stupid as to arrange their sports effort like that model?
Nov 23, 2013
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Yeah - socialist basketball. Ever notice that the Russians aren't so stupid as to arrange their sports effort like that model?
This was the dumbest thread I have ever seen on the BY. What was this guy thinking except to punish UConn. Can't be a fan of our school. Perhaps instead of socialist BBall, we should be talking "banishment."


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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This was the dumbest thread I have ever seen on the BY. What was this guy thinking except to punish UConn. Can't be a fan of our school. Perhaps instead of socialist BBall, we should be talking "banishment."
Banishment is probably not appropriate because there are no rules violated. Call me crazy but I enjoyed the brain exercise of trying to figure out what was being said- kind of like a really really hard puzzle wrapped in BOLD TYPING.
Sep 8, 2011
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Yes ... I figured this byte would stir up the "soup pot". Sometimes this group needs a little fire, it's not like it was in the early ninety's when we were climbing the ladder of success. But the guys I was hoping for did not come out of the wood work. Guess I need to hit the telephone and make sure all is OK ....

No, I'm not some weird freak from outer space ...ask TonyC, he can vouch for me....

Be Good ..have a great weekend!!

"Keep the Powder Dry and the Flag Flying."

Bill in Georgia
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