Not so sure it's so dumb. Plenty of restrictions on college athletes using social media. Some of it is a safety issue -- stalking much? Some of it is protecting them from the effects of saying something thoughtless and it getting blown up in national coverage (Cappie anyone?). As scholarship recipients, I believe the University has some say on what they can and cant do vis a vis conduct unbecoming etc.
On the money.
It's not Twitter or 'social media" that's the problem, but some folks' unawareness or indifference that they are giving up their privacy. It seems some don't much value privacy anymore. Perhaps, that will lead to a better world, but it sure doesn't feel that way for the older generation.
And, if you are someone in 'the public eye,' then you expose yourself to multitudes of judgments about anything you reveal. What you reveal can and will be twisted to fit the agendas of various factions. Nobody, let along college kids, can possibly vet everything they write for cyberspace. No one has lawyers and PR people going over every statement to eliminate the opportunity for others to parse and mis interpret even the most benign words. Basketball players don't need the distraction of such crap, though I think some BYers find it serves as recreation.
I hope there's no ban on Huskies following the BY, though. Think of all the great advice they'd be missing!