Geno quote about AEH status | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Geno quote about AEH status

Nov 23, 2017
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What ticks me off is that Z was not the only player giving up points because of poor defense. KLS did not sit one second until she got her third foul and she was having a hard time guarding. I know Geno has won 11 NC but these players today who see him sitting some of freshmen when the team is 30 or more points ahead may just say we don't want any part of that and UCONN may start losing out on some very good recruits. Sometimes positive comments can be very helpful players who are struggling. The game would have been a lot closer without Z's offensive contribution. Just my opinion.

While I spend a lot of time lurking on the board, I’m replying because your post goes against the successful culture that GA and CD have spent decades building. First of all, what any other player does on defense is of no consequence whatsoever to whatever issues Z had in doing her assigned duties. If you don’t agree, during film study as a player try interjecting the theory that some other teammates weren’t playing good defense either and see how that idea works. Secondly, Z knew exactly what she was signing up for when she decided to transfer into the program, and being held accountable was part of that deal.

Secondly, no coach substitutes players strictly by the score, or by their talent level. If that was the case, Kyla would never go into a game before MW. When fans wonder why a certain player or players aren’t getting more minutes, the only way they could understand is for those fans to be at each practice, film study, strength and conditioning session, training table, knowing the scout, & daily interactions with teammates. The culture in the UConn program demands that you are committed to all of the above, and if you aren’t you then suffer the consequences.

If any potential recruits are turned off by the UConn culture, both they, and the program are better off if they choose another option. Those players who are fortunate enough to have sufficient talent, and a desire to be the best possible player they can be will always be attracted to this program as long as the current staff is in charge. The track record of that staff is that you will leave the program a much better player than when you arrived, and that fact will always attract top notch players who understand that talent is never enough. Great players, and great coaches always understand that success is never owned, but just rented, and the rent is due every day.



Who put the Bop in the Bop Shoo Bop?
Oct 5, 2015
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I don't agree with any point of your post here.

1-- If Lou gets beat off the dribble because the player is just quicker -is that the same as AZ blowing a defensive assignment for example on the trap? If we could bet - I would put a lot of money on how Geno has probably gone over that trap in practice with the team many times and has told Z and the other bigs many times they should be in the position of inside denial/ or not wonder too far on the perimeter. Yet we saw AZ for some reason outside.

2-- No offense to you. But if you won't distinguish between these two types of defense -then I hope Geno continues to tick you off. OFC I don't want that. But I think he is right if he's doing what I think/expect he would / should. And that is be more apt to reward "a KLS" who gets beat off the dribble vs "a player who defends dumb." You can always "help" off a player who gets beat off the dribble. IMO "dumb defense" is harder to help. Thus it's worse.

3-- I think what you said is typical of the kid Geno tends not to recruit. In other words if you're a star h/s player and you get ticked off that Meg Walker didn't get more minutes vs "UCF" and that's a deciding factor in not coming to UCONN then I tend to think thankfully Geno would never recruit you-- unless you are "Maya Moore." I think anyone is wrong if they think the overall consensus of star recruits (top 5) would be to not want to come to UCONN because in their frosh year while they play vs the top teams such as UCLA and ND - somehow not playing in their frosh year vs "UCF" would have much meaning.

4-- The game would have been more lopsided if possibly AZ would do defensively what Geno asks and for her to possibly concentrate more on the defense which the 11 time NC coach suggests. Not all the time can you rely on your offense. It can be "fools gold" just to reward offense and yet not penalize "dumb defense." These are the games to teach/coach because the game is 30+ points. So - while Lou might get beat on defense more - it seems it is the opinion of the 11 time NC coach that "dumb defense" frustrates him more. IMo that is the right approach. So if you don't agree with that- I mean this as no offense to you- I hope he continues to upset you. Because I prefer to watch the basketball style he is coaching.

Years ago Charde Houston deliberately slowed down while a ball-handler drove from the far right baseline - Charde let her get ahead so she could try to tip the ball from behind. I believe the player or the other team scored and it was set up because Charde tried a dumb play. Geno immediately pulled her. At some point in Charde's career she saved a game (vs Syracuse I think) in which she did the same thing late in the game at midcourt - tipped the ball and UCONN got the big steal. On the radio postgame afterwards Chris Dailey remarked what Charde did was a bad play. She was happy with the outcome but highlighted it's a bad play. IMo this highlights even from way back that UCONN will not accept dumb defense that he has gone over many times. And what makes GA and CD special is that I can only assume they are consistent.
Poor defense is poor defense no matter whether a player gets beat off the dribble or misses an assignment. Dumb passes and dumb decisions are also bad. They were not pointed out. How many assignments did Z miss? Some of the stuff you stated I already know. You made a mighty long response to the few things I stated. It's not that serious. I know Geno knows what he is doing. His record speaks for itself. I guess calling out Z publicly is his way of using psychology on Z.
Apr 29, 2015
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Not sure what you're saying. UConn has a reputation for being physical on the court, but not in a UCF sort of way. Run into a UConn screen and you know you've been screened, etc. The TASS crew were a rugged lot. Heck, a certain former guard in the stands with a bandaged leg certainly never shied away from incidental contact. The trick is being able to deal with overly physical play while maintaining your game.
Three very physical players from the past are Meghan Pattyson, Jamelle Elliot and Stacy Hansmeyer also known as Bam-Bam.


Poster Emeritus
Aug 27, 2011
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Secondly, no coach substitutes players strictly by the score, or by their talent level. If that was the case, Kyla would never go into a game before MW. When fans wonder why a certain player or players aren’t getting more minutes, the only way they could understand is for those fans to be at each practice, film study, strength and conditioning session, training table, knowing the scout, & daily interactions with teammates. The culture in the UConn program demands that you are committed to all of the above, and if you aren’t you then suffer the consequences.

Sometimes I dearly wish that Boneyarders analyzing/criticizing UConn's substitution/playing time would remember that they see a very small portion of players' performances. As a long-time coach some years ago, I wish I had possessed the courage to link allocation of game time more strictly to practice effort and performance. Husky coaches rightly teach their student athletes that they must earn their time in games. And no player has, in my memory, taken that more to heart than Gabby, who placed the responsibility on her lack of playing time early in her freshman year squarely on her own shoulders. It was— for her and for all our sterling recruits— an invaluable lesson, on and off the court.

We fans see so very little of the evidence that the coaches see every day, and upon which they make their judgments. Are those judgments infallibly correct? No, but at least they are based on what the see every day at every practice, evidence simply not available to us. For us Boneyarders, a little more humility and a lot less certainty is in order as we argue our opinions.


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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Sometimes I dearly wish that Boneyarders analyzing/criticizing UConn's substitution/playing time would remember that they see a very small portion of players' performances. As a long-time coach some years ago, I wish I had possessed the courage to link allocation of game time more strictly to practice effort and performance. Husky coaches rightly teach their student athletes that they must earn their time in games. And no player has, in my memory, taken that more to heart than Gabby, who placed the responsibility on her lack of playing time early in her freshman year squarely on her own shoulders. It was— for her and for all our sterling recruits— an invaluable lesson, on and off the court.

We fans see so very little of the evidence that the coaches see every day, and upon which they make their judgments. Are those judgments infallibly correct? No, but at least they are based on what the see every day at every practice, evidence simply not available to us. For us Boneyarders, a little more humility and a lot less certainty is in order as we argue our opinions.
GP. I would also add Crystal to the list of players who clearly understood that PT depended on her effort in practice, so she made a commitment to work much harder this season in the weight room and at practice, and her minutes as well as her performance have increased significantly.
Dec 15, 2016
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Poor defense is poor defense no matter whether a player gets beat off the dribble or misses an assignment.

I do not want to get in the middle of your discussion but would like to interject these two are not the same, and especially at this level. What your saying is like comparing a player who does not understand the overall offense to having a bad shooting night.

KLS is now a good (but certainly not great) defender. For instance look at the peripheral stats compared to Kia who most consider a great defender. And yes more to defense than stats, but they show some aspects/performance. However, physics is physics and you will come across players that are gifted which are hard to guard one on one. I have seen ALL our players get beat one on one. (Also look at NBA, best defenders get beat all the time and is why help defense is so important. No one stopping Harden or Westbrook 1 on 1)

However, knowing your assignments and responsibilites is not something dependent of the other team's players (I realize it changes but it is not dependant on physical execution, it's mental.)
Apr 10, 2015
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The longer it goes .... She has been around the program so long. Hard to figure. Wish the best for her.

PS. Not much opf a post, but it bumped this news up again.

5 games missed, apparently academic's missed, conditioning missed, practices missed. AEH was headed, in my opinion, to be the 8 or so player off the bench.
Ignorant as I am as to why she remains away---all I can do is wish her well and a speedy return.
Aug 26, 2011
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Point taken, but I would have hoped Geno would have taken the games this year to introduce the talented freshman into the game. Maybe that's not his style, and he is a hall of fame coach, so who am I to question (but it is an internet board). UConn recruited top freshman who now sit on the bench in a 30 pt blow out. Yes the team is stacked with 6 maybe All Americans, but I think he should devote some game time to developing next year's (or the year after's) players.

With GW gone who knows how the team will play next year. That's a given. She is unquestionable the spark.

Yes KLS and Precious are all stars who should rule next year, but they are one play away from being sidelined.

MW and some of the others need game time to mature.

Not sure if Geno has ever had such a talented bench (he normally plays 6/7 all year). This year he has options, but is he all knowing to develop them on his terms? Does he have a track record of doing this? Or do they really play bad? I hope no potential recruits actually read what I have written, but then again who am I?

If there is one hard and fast rule about his team, it's that Geno has always predicated playing time on how players work and perform in practice. If you're not giving him what he wants in practice, you're not going to get in games. It's that simple, and I don't think he cares whether or not that leaves his freshman inexperienced in game situations.


Who put the Bop in the Bop Shoo Bop?
Oct 5, 2015
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I do not want to get in the middle of your discussion but would like to interject these two are not the same, and especially at this level. What your saying is like comparing a player who does not understand the overall offense to having a bad shooting night.

KLS is now a good (but certainly not great) defender. For instance look at the peripheral stats compared to Kia who most consider a great defender. And yes more to defense than stats, but they show some aspects/performance. However, physics is physics and you will come across players that are gifted which are hard to guard one on one. I have seen ALL our players get beat one on one. (Also look at NBA, best defenders get beat all the time and is why help defense is so important. No one stopping Harden or Westbrook 1 on 1)

However, knowing your assignments and responsibilites is not something dependent of the other team's players (I realize it changes but it is not dependant on physical execution, it's mental.)
I understand what you are saying and agree. My point is how many times did she miss an assignment and was she the only one who missed an assignment. He singled out Chong in a loss to Stanford for poor defense and she was not the only one who played poor defense that game, regardless of what the defensive errors were. I also know Geno has been doing that for years but it just seems that kind of information should be discussed with the player and the team, privately.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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"It's almost like the best thing that can happen to a freshman is to never have a good practice," Auriemma said. "Then you know this kid doesn't have it, every day it's something, chalk them off for the season and maybe they'll be better next year. The next best thing, obviously, is they're really good and every once in a while they have a bad day. ... OK, I can live with that. The worst thing is to have a really good day that you go, 'Hmm,' and then they follow it up with another good day and you go, 'Whoa,' and then [they] play well in a game. 'Hey, I think we've turned a corner — and then [they] turn back to, not square one, back to where you have to work really hard just to get back to square one. You just shake your head, 'What are we doing here?'" Geno Auriemma Looking For UConn Players With An 'I Got This' Approach

Might end up having some application here. We should stay positive and hopeful. I know we are a society that craves instant answers, but not all questions have quick answers.


Who put the Bop in the Bop Shoo Bop?
Oct 5, 2015
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While I spend a lot of time lurking on the board, I’m replying because your post goes against the successful culture that GA and CD have spent decades building. First of all, what any other player does on defense is of no consequence whatsoever to whatever issues Z had in doing her assigned duties. If you don’t agree, during film study as a player try interjecting the theory that some other teammates weren’t playing good defense either and see how that idea works. Secondly, Z knew exactly what she was signing up for when she decided to transfer into the program, and being held accountable was part of that deal.

Secondly, no coach substitutes players strictly by the score, or by their talent level. If that was the case, Kyla would never go into a game before MW. When fans wonder why a certain player or players aren’t getting more minutes, the only way they could understand is for those fans to be at each practice, film study, strength and conditioning session, training table, knowing the scout, & daily interactions with teammates. The culture in the UConn program demands that you are committed to all of the above, and if you aren’t you then suffer the consequences.

If any potential recruits are turned off by the UConn culture, both they, and the program are better off if they choose another option. Those players who are fortunate enough to have sufficient talent, and a desire to be the best possible player they can be will always be attracted to this program as long as the current staff is in charge. The track record of that staff is that you will leave the program a much better player than when you arrived, and that fact will always attract top notch players who understand that talent is never enough. Great players, and great coaches always understand that success is never owned, but just rented, and the rent is due every day.

What you say makes since. However when you stated no coach makes substitutions based on the score you are wrong. Geno used to sit most of his starters most of the fourth quarter when Stewart, Tuck, and Jefferson. Also, if what you say is true, why does he wait until the final minutes to bring in reserves when the score definitely shows UCONN will win the game? Many other coaches do the same. Further, I know about UCONN's culture and have known for quite some time.
Apr 1, 2013
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(1) Poor defense is poor defense no matter whether a player gets beat off the dribble or misses an assignment. (2) Dumb passes and dumb decisions are also bad. They were not pointed out. (3) How many assignments did Z miss? Some of the stuff you stated I already know. (4) You made a mighty long response to the few things I stated. (5) It's not that serious. I know Geno knows what he is doing. His record speaks for itself. I guess calling out Z publicly is his way of using psychology on Z.

1-- What does "poor" defense mean to you? Your definition of it and apparently mine and thankfully along with Coach Auriemma's is different. I mean for you to get "ticked off," and don't see a difference -- then I think I just pointed out if you always carry that belief imo you will eventually always be "ticked off." And as a result, I think your view on defense is wrong.

2-- Dumb passes is offense. Are we talking offense or defense? Or now we want to talk both?

3-- Apparently one too many. You have an 11 time NC coach over the years telling you practices are important too and he is telling you that AZ's defense is poor. That's not enough? And if we are comparing Lou vs AZ - now you've just recently mentioned offense and you've heard over this year how Geno has said how important he feels Lou is even if she isn't scoring. I take it you've been a follower of UCONN a long time and Geno has showed you with Strother and with Mel Thomas he loves "the shooter" in the lineup even if it meant less mintues for players like Turner or Charde. He has "told" you specifically though for how long that "practices" are important? And yet you feel you know the number of AZ's defensive mistakes was maybe just once or twice vs Lou's many to the point that you had to post on here that you were ticked off of the coaching of the 11 time NC coach (The only reason why I brought up 11 time NC coach is that you first said it. Yet you're pissed to such a degree with his substitutions?)?

4-- I enjoy making long responses.

5-- I know it's not that serious. Yet you made it a point that it was serious enough that you were "ticked off?" Then went on to suggest that it's serious enough that UCONN would start losing recruits because the 11 time NC coach isn't handling substitutions in the manner you feel appropriate? My post sort of responded that Geno not giving others minutes vs "UCF" is not that serious as you made it out to be, right? From the post you had made it sure didn't sound like you thought Geno knew what he was doing. Even another poster questioned your post.

******At the end of the game before they put the mic to Geno I thought exactly the same as you. Plus I thought Lou played poorly though I know what her presence means. But then the mic he speaks of the freshmen- that told me why they didn't play. It told you too, but yet you're ticked off even after the fact? It sure doesn't sound like you believe Geno "knows what he is doing" by the post you made still arguing about Z's defense ("How many mistakes did she make?" you asked) along with suggesting we are going to lose recruits. And then the postgame he speaks of AZ's defense. So for me it changed everything. With you apparently it hasn't? So if I don't agree with your defensive philosophy -- I think how you look at defense is wrong- how else can I express it while you make posts to the contrary that you're "ticked off?"

Some people agreed with your post. Some didn't. It's not a big deal we are arguing, is it?
Apr 1, 2013
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I understand what you are saying and agree. My point is how many times did she miss an assignment and was she the only one who missed an assignment. He singled out Chong in a loss to Stanford for poor defense and she was not the only one who played poor defense that game, regardless of what the defensive errors were. I also know Geno has been doing that for years but it just seems that kind of information should be discussed with the player and the team, privately.

Again I disagree with your entire view. I'm so glad Geno is not doing what you want him to do. We can agree to disagree. Other than others made defensive mistakes too- there is nothing here i agree with- it's also your tone. You know Geno only has a mic for so long, right?
Apr 10, 2015
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If there is one hard and fast rule about his team, it's that Geno has always predicated playing time on how players work and perform in practice. If you're not giving him what he wants in practice, you're not going to get in games. It's that simple, and I don't think he cares whether or not that leaves his freshman inexperienced in game situations.

As is always the case: All hard and fast rules has exceptions.
Remember Charde ?


That venerable sage from the west
Jan 9, 2015
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That's because it is the actual meaning of her name..
I couldn't stand it. I had to look it up for myself. You are correct:
Nafisa - The name "Nafisa/Nafeesa" is a baby girl name.
Muslim Meaning: The name Nafisa s a Muslim baby name. In Muslim, the meaning of the name Nafisa is:Precious. Delicate. Gem. And now you know the rest of the story!! :)
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You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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"It's almost like the best thing that can happen to a freshman is to never have a good practice," Auriemma said. "Then you know this kid doesn't have it, every day it's something, chalk them off for the season and maybe they'll be better next year. The next best thing, obviously, is they're really good and every once in a while they have a bad day. ... OK, I can live with that. The worst thing is to have a really good day that you go, 'Hmm,' and then they follow it up with another good day and you go, 'Whoa,' and then [they] play well in a game. 'Hey, I think we've turned a corner — and then [they] turn back to, not square one, back to where you have to work really hard just to get back to square one. You just shake your head, 'What are we doing here?'" Geno Auriemma Looking For UConn Players With An 'I Got This' Approach

Might end up having some application here. We should stay positive and hopeful. I know we are a society that craves instant answers, but not all questions have quick answers.
I love this article and also the fact Mikayla was made available for quotes :)

Gus Mahler

Popular Composer
Mar 31, 2015
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I couldn't stand it. I had to look it up for myself. You are correct:
Nafisa - The name Nafisa is a baby girl name.

Meaning - Muslim Meaning: The name Nafisa is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Nafisa is:Precious. Delicate. Gem. And now you know the rest of the story!! :)
I think we can all agree she's a gem.

Gus Mahler

Popular Composer
Mar 31, 2015
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Nov 23, 2017
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What you say makes since. However when you stated no coach makes substitutions based on the score you are wrong. Geno used to sit most of his starters most of the fourth quarter when Stewart, Tuck, and Jefferson. Also, if what you say is true, why does he wait until the final minutes to bring in reserves when the score definitely shows UCONN will win the game? Many other coaches do the same. Further, I know about UCONN's culture and have known for quite some time.

If you truly do know the UConn culture then you would understand that the starters want to bench with a lead, and other players came in because even though they weren’t as talented they were committed to what the coaches were demanding from them. If you read my post I stated that no coach subs STRICTLY by the score or talent level. Obviously the score plays a part when determining minutes, but substitution patterns are set by the depth chart, and the depth chart is determined by what the staff sees on a daily basis. How many stars a player had from recruiting analysts, or raw talent has very little to do with your position on the depth chart. What you put on film every practice, and what you do with however many minutes you get in games are the major determinants to future playing time. If a player wants more minutes you can rest assured that they have been told what they must clean up to get them.


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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I love this article and also the fact Mikayla was made available for quotes :)

I gather that is a sign of Geno's approbation? While on the subject of that article, the man sure is quotable himself. I love this one.

"My expectations are pretty simple. I don't have a lot of rules — play hard. And do what I tell you. It's not that complicated."

CD, Shea and Marisa give them all the rules.
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Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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"Auriemma said Thursday there was still no resolution when it comes to freshman guard Andra Espinoza-Hunter, who has missed the last four games as she deals with personal issues. "We're almost there," Auriemma said. "We're not quite there. Hopefully, we'll have something by the end of the week." Spring semester classes start Tuesday …"

He sort of makes it sound like an interactive decision making process. Chris Dailey among Women's Basketball Hall of Fame 2018 finalists
Apr 10, 2015
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Sounds like we need an "All Physical" Mount Rushmore discussion. Maybe in another thread. :D

Meantime, I'll nominate Dolson.
You'd never know it now---but Shea Ralph was as strong inch for inch as any Uconn player ever. She always amazed me when she'd go under the board surrounded by BIGS and come out of that pack with the ball. Also, she was an enforcer----against a very physical Hampton team--she gave a Hampton a severe shot to the gut--who in the next play gave Shea a shot to the throat--Technical on Hampton--with a grinning Shea. She developed her game playing against guys and often beat them..

Gus Mahler

Popular Composer
Mar 31, 2015
Reaction Score
You'd never know it now---but Shea Ralph was as strong inch for inch as any Uconn player ever. She always amazed me when she'd go under the board surrounded by BIGS and come out of that pack with the ball. Also, she was an enforcer----against a very physical Hampton team--she gave a Hampton a severe shot to the gut--who in the next play gave Shea a shot to the throat--Technical on Hampton--with a grinning Shea. She developed her game playing against guys and often beat them..
Yes, she's a candidate, too.

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