Areo Hotah died like a punk. What the heck? The Sand Snakes are still ridiculous.
I would have preferred that Doran cut the sand snakes' heads off but still had to deal with the consequences of what they did. THAT would have been interesting. Who is in charge of Dorne now? Oberyn's ex-girlfriend? That would be ridiculous.
The Brienne scene was badass. Brienne does take a beating in every fight scene she is in. The actress must be tough.
I am struggling a bit with Roose putting up with his son's behavior. While completely amoral, Roose Bolton is one of the best players in the Game, so it is a little silly that he puts up with Ramsey's sadism, and even sillier that he doesn't know it is happening. The other people in the castle or the north would never tolerate Ramsay behaving like that, especially when Ramsay is just a captain, not the lord. Sansa's escape is a massive problem for Bolton, and is the end of him if anyone of consequence gets her. Roose would have seen that coming a mile away, and prevented Ramsay from being such a freak. To be honest, Ramsay's behavior is a bigger plot problem in the books than it is in the show. I keep waiting for Roose to give Ramsay a vicious beat down.