If the team is taking the proper precautions, why do we still have enough co-vid issues that will affect a game on Friday? That will be 12 days from the time they were due back from holiday. One player stayed home, so the isolation should have started at that time. Other teams are making it back within 10 days, so why is it taking our team so long? I know the injuries are causing the problems also, but why wouldn't we be ready by Friday if we are following the CDC guidelines? Well, I'm sure they are being cautious, just wondering out loud. Building on my frustration is the news that Azzi and Nika still are not ready to come back. Wow, maybe we won't have a season after all, we are running out of time, as well as playing dates. I hope that Geno can somehow get us going again before it is too late. Ok, I said it, so let's hope we can move forward soon, cause along with the men, the rest of the basketball world is leaving us behind.