I have seen enough of UCWBB to know ---All things are possible and Gabby is no longer an under grad--she's one of Geno's hand picked 4--
To REPEAT and REPEAT again---IF---IF---IF she shoots the 3 as well as I expect --all numbers are possible with Gabby, Collier, Kia, Katie LOU, Crystal, Butler, Molly, Kyla, Lawlor, Chong (if healthy0
But you didn't answer the question based on your prediction of not above 10 percent additional 3's made.
if she made Zero last year and makes 1 three this year--mathematically/stats wise--what percentage of increase is it// Also-asked--if you approach 1 from Zero--as you approach 1--what kind of number is that???
The Queen is gone---long live our new Queens---I don't base my projections for Gabby on a Wnba player--I base them on Gabby's ability to adapt.