Azura Stevens Duke commit;
Full Court #7 and Blue Star # 59
quite a difference
What Sonny said, John. (Except the part about Geno not getting his share of recruits, as UConn is doing exceptionally well! Best class in 2012 and so far the best class in 2014.)
Either don't really worry about the variation in rankings, or split the difference. Besides 7th in Full Court and 59th in BlueStar, Azura Stevens is 25th in ASGR, 28th in Hoopgurlz, and also 28th in Prospects nation. That gives her an average rank of 29th. Or we could throw out the best (7th) and worst (59th) ranking and her mean rank is 27th.
Ekmark is 32nd in Full Court, 7th in Hoopgurlz, 8th in ASGR, 13th in BlueStar, and 16th in Prospects Nation: overall mean = 15th, throwing out the highest and lowest ranking = 12th. Either one looks pretty good to me. And most importantly, wouldn't you trust Geno's judgement over these evaluators?
I asked Clay Kallam (one of 5 committee members who created the rankings) about Full Court's low score for Ekmark, and this was his reply: "As for Ekmark, the feeling is that she's basically a shooter, and so far hasn't shown much else. I guess other services think she can do more, or think that if UConn recruits her, she must be really good. I think she just fits in really well with UConn -- she can stand out there and make threes, and really help that team. On other programs, I'm not so sure."