Former Season Ticket Holder... | The Boneyard

Former Season Ticket Holder...

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Oct 27, 2011
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Have tried to contact coaches-Cummings e-mail and DB Coaches Show to no avail.
This is not Des Conner report card, suck up to the coach and players stuff. What a joke!!! Was a season ticket holder till this year. No more watching SMU (worse team in college) at mid-night at the Rent -20 degrees for me. Remember the days of the Bowl in Arizona-BD would not remember . Who let our program go down the toilet like this? Starts with Chair. Bd. of Trust to AD down the line. Loyal UConn fans don't deserve this.
Went to South Fla. game hoping the turn around would happen. Off. 600 yds. and due to bad game management a loss. Def. Coaching staff could not blow up the option. HEAD COACH, OFF. AND DEF Co-ordinators poor coaching. Other team coaches come up with answers.
Yesterday not to have a defensive set that could pressure the QB was insanity. (What are these coaches getting payed for?) Defensive backs were helpless with no pass rush. Coaches fail to make adjustments during a game like other teams and poor coaching blows us away. Two off. linemen blocking 1 defender 10 yds from the ball-blocking air. Get coaches to think a good game plan and response for what other team shows us during a game. Now play the young players more .- Walsh, Ormsby,Stapleton,Diggs,Hicks,Myers.
How can we expect to recruit(Windsor downstate etc.) if we can't coach up young players? Get the best players from Ct. and we will win. You still have 4 more games to show there is hope. This is Connecticut and we are proud of the state- no more of this bad football- we need to save our basketball.
Aug 26, 2011
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Get the best players from Ct. and we will win..

...we need to save our basketball.

Dec 14, 2012
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Yep just beat down that frustrated fan. That's the way to go.
Just replace his seat from that long waiting list we have for season ticket holders.
Dec 14, 2012
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Sorry, but you come to a UConn Football forum after another exasperating few weeks and end a post with "we need to save our basketball"?

Sorry, but please produce evidence of your wtf post.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Sorry, but please produce evidence of your wtf post.

How about if I produce another one of his instead?

>>This is my attempt to get around the coaches gatekeepers. I am an angry frustrated UConn men's basketball follower. Being a thirty-five year season ticket holder and loyal to the core I didn't deserve the humiliation at Louisville of the worse defeat in the history of UConn men's basketball. Joe D. quotes "Worse defeat for UConn in the past several years". My take is Ryan Boatright tried to sabotage Senior Night by lack of effort on defense and then trying to make up for it missed many untimely, ill opportune shots. Nightmare and the coach was complicate by continuing to give him extraordinary playing time in lieu of Terrence Samuel who has been a spark off the bench of late. The Seniors didn't allow a loss to ruin their night by playing defense and making a good % of their shots. All of this and the coach was complicate like in the EW game when Boatright did the same thing and got away with it. He was allowed to keep playing and the Texas Massacre was the result. As the team saw that kind of play would be condoned. The team committed sabotage at Louisville to get even for the coach allowing Boatright's behavior in the Rutgers game. This was the Texas situation revisited. Team getting even with the coach for not putting Boatright on the bench by laying down in a big moment before national TV in a game with NCAA Tournament implications. I don't condone the team for laying down at Louisville. Bazz and the rest of them should have sucked it up and played their best despite the circumstances. Coach Ollie shows shades of Paul Pasqualoni when he kept playing QB Chandler Whitmer when he never showed the skill or ability to lead the football team. Here we saw our football program taken down and the same thing is happening in basketball. A coach for his preservation of the program and self must be able to make difficult player decisions. Pasqualoni could not do that and Ollie is following in his foot steps. Florida and Louisville are 2 best teams going into the NCAA's because they play intense well coached defense. Well coached defense is going on the floor for loose balls and rebounds, drawing the offensive charge, double teaming the ball like we want the ball and talking and using hands. Why can't we be that intense? Look at the Florida game early in the season to see what the results would be if we could emulate these 2 teams. I hate to think of where we will next year with Boatright playing and Samuel riding the bench again. Guess I'll have to StubHub my basketball tickets next year like I did my football this year. Coach Ollie needs to earn his million and a half and pay more attention to UConn and less to Glastonbury. A coaches job is to right a dysfunctional ship. Will KO do it. Its not to late. In 99 we lost the Senior Night game and won the NCAA's. In 11 we lost bad to St. John's at the Garden and won the NCAA. Coach Calhoun with all his faults these miracles. Its time for another turn around like this. It could happen if people get their act together. Coach and team...if you believe you have the best fans in the world reward them by using your star power and capabilities to make a run at AAC and NCAA.<<


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I am always amazed at UConn fans who can't seem to root for all sports. The basketball fans who want to cut football are truly delusional. What if we spun the bottle in the opposite direction? What if "football fans" started crying to cut down on women's basketball spending to put more money into football? No other school comes close to paying its WBB coach what we pay him...couldn't that additional $1-$1.5M/yr be put to good use to attract TOP offensive/defensive coordinators? Of course it could...but "football fans" don't dare say that out loud. We're a basketball school at its roots but we absolutely need a good football program to be able to keep up with the "power" basketball programs. We need to get into a power conference and improving football is the only way.

The only way to "save our basketball" is to improve our football. Period. Basketball will die out too if we punt football and move our hoops into the mid-major Big East. It's Power Conference or save ALL OF OUR PROGRAMS.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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How about if I produce one of his instead?

>>This is my attempt to get around the coaches gatekeepers. I am an angry frustrated UConn men's basketball follower. Being a thirty-five year season ticket holder and loyal to the core I didn't deserve the humiliation at Louisville of the worse defeat in the history of UConn men's basketball. Joe D. quotes "Worse defeat for UConn in the past several years". My take is Ryan Boatright tried to sabotage Senior Night by lack of effort on defense and then trying to make up for it missed many untimely, ill opportune shots. Nightmare and the coach was complicate by continuing to give him extraordinary playing time in lieu of Terrence Samuel who has been a spark off the bench of late. The Seniors didn't allow a loss to ruin their night by playing defense and making a good % of their shots. All of this and the coach was complicate like in the EW game when Boatright did the same thing and got away with it. He was allowed to keep playing and the Texas Massacre was the result. As the team saw that kind of play would be condoned. The team committed sabotage at Louisville to get even for the coach allowing Boatright's behavior in the Rutgers game. This was the Texas situation revisited. Team getting even with the coach for not putting Boatright on the bench by laying down in a big moment before national TV in a game with NCAA Tournament implications. I don't condone the team for laying down at Louisville. Bazz and the rest of them should have sucked it up and played their best despite the circumstances. Coach Ollie shows shades of Paul Pasqualoni when he kept playing QB Chandler Whitmer when he never showed the skill or ability to lead the football team. Here we saw our football program taken down and the same thing is happening in basketball. A coach for his preservation of the program and self must be able to make difficult player decisions. Pasqualoni could not do that and Ollie is following in his foot steps. Florida and Louisville are 2 best teams going into the NCAA's because they play intense well coached defense. Well coached defense is going on the floor for loose balls and rebounds, drawing the offensive charge, double teaming the ball like we want the ball and talking and using hands. Why can't we be that intense? Look at the Florida game early in the season to see what the results would be if we could emulate these 2 teams. I hate to think of where we will next year with Boatright playing and Samuel riding the bench again. Guess I'll have to StubHub my basketball tickets next year like I did my football this year. Coach Ollie needs to earn his million and a half and pay more attention to UConn and less to Glastonbury. A coaches job is to right a dysfunctional ship. Will KO do it. Its not to late. In 99 we lost the Senior Night game and won the NCAA's. In 11 we lost bad to St. John's at the Garden and won the NCAA. Coach Calhoun with all his faults these miracles. Its time for another turn around like this. It could happen if people get their act together. Coach and team...if you believe you have the best fans in the world reward them by using your star power and capabilities to make a run at AAC and NCAA.<<

The best part of this incoherent rant is that we went on to win the National Championship in both men's and women's hoops a few weeks after this was written. What a fool.
Aug 26, 2011
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The best part of this incoherent rant is that we went on to win the National Championship in both men's and women's hoops a few weeks after this was written. What a fool.

It a freaking omen!!!!! We're gonna run the table!!!

Look, I get King Conn's post (and would normally agree w/ the sentiment) but nothing frosts my testes more than a "save our basketball" post.
Aug 27, 2011
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Have tried to contact coaches-Cummings e-mail and DB Coaches Show to no avail.
This is not Des Conner report card, suck up to the coach and players stuff. What a joke!!! Was a season ticket holder till this year. No more watching SMU (worse team in college) at mid-night at the Rent -20 degrees for me. Remember the days of the Bowl in Arizona-BD would not remember . Who let our program go down the toilet like this? Starts with Chair. Bd. of Trust to AD down the line. Loyal UConn fans don't deserve this.
Went to South Fla. game hoping the turn around would happen. Off. 600 yds. and due to bad game management a loss. Def. Coaching staff could not blow up the option. HEAD COACH, OFF. AND DEF Co-ordinators poor coaching. Other team coaches come up with answers.
Yesterday not to have a defensive set that could pressure the QB was insanity. (What are these coaches getting payed for?) Defensive backs were helpless with no pass rush. Coaches fail to make adjustments during a game like other teams and poor coaching blows us away. Two off. linemen blocking 1 defender 10 yds from the ball-blocking air. Get coaches to think a good game plan and response for what other team shows us during a game. Now play the young players more .- Walsh, Ormsby,Stapleton,Diggs,Hicks,Myers.
How can we expect to recruit(Windsor downstate etc.) if we can't coach up young players? Get the best players from Ct. and we will win. You still have 4 more games to show there is hope. This is Connecticut and we are proud of the state- no more of this bad football- we need to save our basketball.

Good start. How about we start working on becoming a former BY poster now?
Dec 14, 2012
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OK, when you said "you " I took it literally and thought you said I did.
So you want to point out that this person might be more emotional than you, gets more frustrated and maybe a little crazy at times? Go down to p5 country, that would be tame. Believe me many more people are just as frustrated as he is. They may not be as vocal and search out emails. They just express themselves with empty seats.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Yep just beat down that frustrated fan. That's the way to go.
Just replace his seat from that long waiting list we have for season ticket holders.
Yeah because everyone knows there is such a surplus of football talent coming from Connecticut that recruiting the state will put us where we want to be.
Dec 14, 2012
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Yeah because everyone knows there is such a surplus of football talent coming from Connecticut that recruiting the state will put us where we want to be.

Wtf does that have anything to do with my post that you are responding to?
As wrong as he might be on that one point, everyone is entitled to their football opinions. My point was very clear, he is one of the many former customers heading for the exits. That needs to be addressed.
Jan 12, 2013
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Have tried to contact coaches-Cummings e-mail and DB Coaches Show to no avail.
This is not Des Conner report card, suck up to the coach and players stuff. What a joke!!! Was a season ticket holder till this year. No more watching SMU (worse team in college) at mid-night at the Rent -20 degrees for me. Remember the days of the Bowl in Arizona-BD would not remember . Who let our program go down the toilet like this? Starts with Chair. Bd. of Trust to AD down the line. Loyal UConn fans don't deserve this.
Went to South Fla. game hoping the turn around would happen. Off. 600 yds. and due to bad game management a loss. Def. Coaching staff could not blow up the option. HEAD COACH, OFF. AND DEF Co-ordinators poor coaching. Other team coaches come up with answers.
Yesterday not to have a defensive set that could pressure the QB was insanity. (What are these coaches getting payed for?) Defensive backs were helpless with no pass rush. Coaches fail to make adjustments during a game like other teams and poor coaching blows us away. Two off. linemen blocking 1 defender 10 yds from the ball-blocking air. Get coaches to think a good game plan and response for what other team shows us during a game. Now play the young players more .- Walsh, Ormsby,Stapleton,Diggs,Hicks,Myers.
How can we expect to recruit(Windsor downstate etc.) if we can't coach up young players? Get the best players from Ct. and we will win. You still have 4 more games to show there is hope. This is Connecticut and we are proud of the state- no more of this bad football- we need to save our basketball.

Please leave your tickets, both football and basketball, Stub Hub or Season. Please go and root for BC or Syracuse, please leave the boneyard and don't forget to take your Tampax with you on the way out. I wouldn't answer your emails either, you sound like a spoiled brat.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Have tried to contact coaches-Cummings e-mail and DB Coaches Show to no avail.
This is not Des Conner report card, suck up to the coach and players stuff. What a joke!!! Was a season ticket holder till this year. No more watching SMU (worse team in college) at mid-night at the Rent -20 degrees for me. Remember the days of the Bowl in Arizona-BD would not remember . Who let our program go down the toilet like this? Starts with Chair. Bd. of Trust to AD down the line. Loyal UConn fans don't deserve this.
Went to South Fla. game hoping the turn around would happen. Off. 600 yds. and due to bad game management a loss. Def. Coaching staff could not blow up the option. HEAD COACH, OFF. AND DEF Co-ordinators poor coaching. Other team coaches come up with answers.
Yesterday not to have a defensive set that could pressure the QB was insanity. (What are these coaches getting payed for?) Defensive backs were helpless with no pass rush. Coaches fail to make adjustments during a game like other teams and poor coaching blows us away. Two off. linemen blocking 1 defender 10 yds from the ball-blocking air. Get coaches to think a good game plan and response for what other team shows us during a game. Now play the young players more .- Walsh, Ormsby,Stapleton,Diggs,Hicks,Myers.
How can we expect to recruit(Windsor downstate etc.) if we can't coach up young players? Get the best players from Ct. and we will win. You still have 4 more games to show there is hope. This is Connecticut and we are proud of the state- no more of this bad football- we need to save our basketball.

They haven't e-mailed you back yet because they're busy writing you a contract proposal for the head coaching job
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