Baseball Hall of Fame, Red Sox Hall of Fame what's next, an infielder's museum of excellence? Its all just a silly PR exercise to sell merchandise. I don't think we need to argue about who used PED's in order to gain admittance into a made up museum.
I'm starting a Narrow Hallway of Super Duper Fame to be comprised ONLY of Hall of Famers from all of the Halls of Fame. Rockn'Roll, football, baseball I'm only taking the best of the best. Except I'm accepting obvious Hall of Famers that weren't admitted to their respective discipline's halls of fames because of silly arbitrary rules that people take way to seriously about a process that only has meaning unto itself.
So..congratulations to my first class of Narrow Hallway of Super Duper Fame inductees:
Pete Rose
Shoeless Joe Jackson (someone look up his real name please)
Barry Bonds.
You might think I'm inducting these people into my NHOSDF just to get publicity. are right! *
*Congrats, you get $10 off the $45 admission price and are eligible for a limited edition NHOSDF bumper sticker!