Football Attendance - UCONN hired Bob Diaco at the right time | The Boneyard

Football Attendance - UCONN hired Bob Diaco at the right time

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Sep 23, 2011
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As everyone knows, UCONN football was in a steady decline. Attendance dropped 11% last year. Had the coaching change not taken place UCONN football was headed for a Black hole. Hopefully the new Sheriff in town will turn things around! Let's all do our part to help Ward and Bob sell tickets and fill the Rent! Look

College Football Attendance 2009-2013

School 2013 2012 2012 2011 2010 2009
Connecticut 30,932 -11% 34,672 36,668 38,248 38,229

The home schedule is tough:

BYU, Boise State, Stony Brook, UCF, Cincinnati, SMU, Temple

At best for now it looks like 2-5. Lets hope that Diaco and staff along with Matt Balis (strength & conditioning coach) can work some miracles and turn it into a winning home record. Right now
I will take 4-3 if it was given to me!
Aug 27, 2011
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Carl if you mention that there is an attendance problem on this board, you will be crucified. There is no problem and there really are people in all of those empty seats.

Give him credit Diaco is trying to get some momentum going. We can only ope.


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Aug 25, 2011
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The problem with year to year attendance numbers is that tickets sold were reported as attendance up to either last year or the year before. So it's not apples to apples, but 2013 to 2014 will be.
Aug 28, 2011
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Only a 11 % decrease? I am actually surprised it was that low considering the on field product last season.
Aug 27, 2011
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rich1122 said:
Carl if you mention that there is an attendance problem on this board, you will be crucified. There is no problem and there really are people in all of those empty seats. Give him credit Diaco is trying to get some momentum going. We can only ope.

Here we go again. Just because we disagree that attendance is the reason we are left behind doesn't mean it isn't an issue.
Aug 27, 2011
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Carl if you mention that there is an attendance problem on this board, you will be crucified. There is no problem and there really are people in all of those empty seats.

Give him credit Diaco is trying to get some momentum going. We can only ope.

Give it a rest Captain Strawman.
Sep 15, 2011
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As everyone knows, UCONN football was in a steady decline. Attendance dropped 11% last year. Had the coaching change not taken place UCONN football was headed for a Black hole. Hopefully the new Sheriff in town will turn things around! Let's all do our part to help Ward and Bob sell tickets and fill the Rent! Look

College Football Attendance 2009-2013

School 2013 2012 2012 2011 2010 2009
Connecticut 30,932 -11% 34,672 36,668 38,248 38,229

The home schedule is tough:

BYU, Boise State, Stony Brook, UCF, Cincinnati, SMU, Temple

At best for now it looks like 2-5. Lets hope that Diaco and staff along with Matt Balis (strength & conditioning coach) can work some miracles and turn it into a winning home record. Right now
I will take 4-3 if it was given to me!

Well, that settles it! You think attendance may be an issue, and don't believe we are destined to go 12-0 in 2014 despite having BD as our new coach?

Admins take note he must be a UConn hating troll!!! He should be banned for life for his heresy!!
Aug 27, 2011
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Jimmy Serrano said:
There are some really odd and bizarre factions on the BY.

No doubt. At least if me and Jimmy get in an argument it is about actual stuff.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Carl if you mention that there is an attendance problem on this board, you will be crucified. There is no problem and there really are people in all of those empty seats.

Give him credit Diaco is trying to get some momentum going. We can only ope.

Actually if you pretend a 38.5k stadium seats 25k over and over people get sick of it...
Aug 27, 2011
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Easily my least favorite is the anti-whaler11 faction. What a bunch of jerks.

Once I get into a faction I'm totally going to go at them.

I'd have to think if there were a BY dunk tank you might be the one guy to give Waylon a run for his money for longest line.
Aug 27, 2011
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Actually if you pretend a 38.5k stadium seats 25k over and over people get sick of it...
I don't take myself too seriously. You should not either. It's a bloody message board.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I don't take myself too seriously. You should not either. It's a bloody message board.

I was pointing out your joke wasn't funny the first time remind the 50th.
Aug 24, 2011
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Well, count me in the faction that is very concerned about attendance. P duck*ed this thing in 2012 when he delivered nothing with a terrific team. He then left it for dead starting in 2013 before Ward fired is old, tired and incompetent .

We start the first quarter of the season at home with two excellent opponents in BYU and Boise. Unfortunately, from where we sit today, we'll be considerable underdogs in both of those. If Stony Brook turns out to be Towson, Diaco will immediately start to feel the heat and there will be late season games at the Rent with attendance like we saw when Memphis visited last season.

I think Diaco needs some real time to right this ship and I don't know how he gets it done for next season. The question marks on the OL are huge. Couple that with considerable unknowns at DE and LB, and I could easily see the first half of this upcoming season being very, very difficult. BYU is an awful opponent to start the season with the inexperience we have. I could see that being a total disaster.
Aug 24, 2011
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If Diaco rights the ship people will forget about last year in about 10 minutes.

My point is that his or anybody's ability to right this ship right away is unlikely. We have a rough home slate next season that could easily look like 2-5. I hope not, but it's certainly realistic.

Take a look at the roster and point out to me what we have for OTs. If we don't have some young guys that are ready to fill those slots and ready to play right away I see one miserable start to the season on offense. I don't see a single known or experienced pass rusher at DE or LB on the roster either.

P's regime set this thing back a long way from where Edsall left it. It is going to take Diaco, assuming he can do it, a season or two at least to fix this.

I would sign up for 6 or 7 wins and a bowl for next season in a heartbeat.
Aug 28, 2011
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My point is that his or anybody's ability to right this ship right away is unlikely. We have a rough home slate next season that could easily look like 2-5. I hope not, but it's certainly realistic.

Take a look at the roster and point out to me what we have for OTs. If we don't have some young guys that are ready to fill those slots and ready to play right away I see one miserable start to the season on offense. I don't see a single known or experienced pass rusher at DE or LB on the roster either.

P's regime set this thing back a long way from where Edsall left it. It is going to take Diaco, assuming he can do it, a season or two at least to fix this.

I would sign up for 6 or 7 wins and a bowl for next season in a heartbeat.

I don't disagree here. If we can get to a bowl next year, the season would be a resounding success.

My hope is that Coach P recruited solid players. We should start finding out how he did this season. If he proves to be as poor of an evaluator of talent as he was as a coach, we could be in deep, deep trouble.

Casey gives me some hope because he makes quick decisions, and should be able to get rid of the ball quickly. He will need to behind an offensive line that really struggled last season. And the receiving group #1-5 is the best we have ever had here. Outside of that, there are nothing but question marks.

There is talent on a D that lacked discipline last season. Losing Stephen and Smallwood are huge losses, but I feel much better about the D than the O.
Aug 24, 2011
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I think that is exactly right. We are about to find out what P's recruiting really was, and if it was as bad as everything else he did to this program we are in for one hell of a stretch.

I will say this about the OL. As soon as P and GDL were gone, the group's performance improved immediately and by the end of last season they were performing very well. Bennett and Greene will get a look by the NFL scouts and Friend, before the injury bout, was as good as any of them. P and GDL were just that bad. It's not inconceivable that there is some talent behind those guys.

I am very concerned about the LBs where nobody could clearly pass Stewart and Donahue who I thought struggled terribly. Again, I thought Vann and Ashiru were far superior, so maybe it was just another case of P's incompetence.
Aug 27, 2011
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uconndogs said:
My point is that his or anybody's ability to right this ship right away is unlikely. We have a rough home slate next season that could easily look like 2-5. I hope not, but it's certainly realistic. Take a look at the roster and point out to me what we have for OTs. If we don't have some young guys that are ready to fill those slots and ready to play right away I see one miserable start to the season on offense. I don't see a single known or experienced pass rusher at DE or LB on the roster either. P's regime set this thing back a long way from where Edsall left it. It is going to take Diaco, assuming he can do it, a season or two at least to fix this. I would sign up for 6 or 7 wins and a bowl for next season in a heartbeat.

Right. But we could see there were things were wrong with P the first two seasons when we should have been bowling. People will be able to see the improvement even if it doesn't translate to immediate wins. Meaning people like us BYers will stop spreading doom and gloom and maybe we can generate excitement instead of dread.
Aug 28, 2011
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The good thing about O Line is that it is possible to see drastic improvement from the young players due to another offseason changing body composition and gaining strength. We have one of the best O Line coaches in the business, so that certainly gives me some hope. But there are question marks at every single position. We usually have at least one player coming back that I feel very confident in.

I think Vann and Ashiru will continue to get better. Vann seemed played better as the season wore on, and Ashiru has shown flashes of being a solid 3 down backer. Donohue showed no speed off the edge, and seemed a step slow in pursuit. Graham Stewart was dominated by opposing teams. He absolutely should not be handed a starting spot.
Aug 28, 2011
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Right. But we could see there were things were wrong with P the first two seasons when we should have been bowling. People will be able to see the improvement even if it doesn't translate to immediate wins. Meaning people like us BYers will stop spreading doom and gloom and maybe we can generate excitement instead of dread.

We can see improvement, but not sure if the casual fan will. We can be below .500 next year, yet still see a ton of improvement and things to build on.

It is very simple for me. The season will be a success if I see passionate players play disciplined football. I have never seen a more sloppy team in all the years I have watched UCONN. I can accept teams beating us because they have superior physical talent, but I cannot accept teams beating us because we blow assignments on offense and don't play within the system on defense.

I will be doing cartwheels if some of the players Coach P recruited have a significant positive impact on the team next season.
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