Fixing the problem | The Boneyard

Fixing the problem


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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The problems we are facing are fixable. Some of the posts I've read have mentioned tons and tons of problems. To fix them it all comes down to one thing. Working on the fundamentals. Lack of practice and lack of scorers have got us into bad habits. At this point we have a few days off and we need to get back to working on the basic fundamentals and executing them the right way. When you look at us at the beginning of the season we were scoring alot of points. Aaliyah looked like an AA and Lou was lights out and Caroline and Azzi were seeing minutes. Those were are scorers. What happened was when Caroline and Azzi went down opponents made the adjustments and lets face it UConn lost 2 prolific scorers and that's why they struggle to score.

To fix it we need to go back and start from scratch. We've gotten into some bad habits due to the fact we have a short bench and really no time off to practice. Go back to basics. We have through Friday to work on executing the basics and getting back to where we were. Then we play on Saturday. We have the players we just have gotten off track and need to get back on track. It doesn't matter now why we got off track what matters is we now have time to fix it and we haven't had time to do much of anything over the past few weeks.

We need Caroline and Azzi back. They are the scoring punch we lost. Their presence on the floor makes a huge difference on how opponents will defend us. It also gives us more ball handlers and more scoring options and we've lacked scoring since Caroline and Azzi went down. Thats the reason we have had a hard time scoring over 70 pts. They should cure that problem. It should also help us make a statement that we're back.

Many fans feel we may not win the BET. Thats a legitimate concern based on how we've struggled. We now have the time off we've needed and we will have Caroline back and Azzi should see some minutes too. Right now it doesnt matter why. We cant focus on why things went sour. We need to focus on getting back to the team we were and we have 4 days to do that. We still have the talent. Now we will have the scorers back that we lost to injuries. They should all be back this weekend. I expect to see a different team this weekend. Dont expect miracles either. It will take time. These 4 days off give us the time we needed. With everybody on board we can win the BET.

The next step is the NCAAs. I would think if healthy we will be back looking like we did early in the season. The NCAAs begin March 15. That gives us over 2 weeks to regroup. BTW those first 2 games are at Gampel. We have plenty of time to work on fundamentals. It shouldn't take to long. We've struggled to score 70 pts a game. Our defense has kept us in games. We will have Caroline and Azzi back and that should help us with our scoring. These next few days gives us time to clear our minds, reset, rest and work on what we haven't been able to work on due to all the travel.

I remember playing sports and my coaches always said when things aren't going right take a few days off and to fishing or a movie just get your mind off the game. Then go back and start working on the fundamentals and it will come back. Your mind and body know what to do they just need you to get away from it for a while. You know what? It always did. We now have time to regroup and get back to basics and I am confident that we will look like UConn again.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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The problems we are facing are fixable. Some of the posts I've read have mentioned tons and tons of problems. To fix them it all comes down to one thing. Working on the fundamentals. Lack of practice and lack of scorers have got us into bad habits. At this point we have a few days off and we need to get back to working on the basic fundamentals and executing them the right way. When you look at us at the beginning of the season we were scoring alot of points. Aaliyah looked like an AA and Lou was lights out and Caroline and Azzi were seeing minutes. Those were are scorers. What happened was when Caroline and Azzi went down opponents made the adjustments and lets face it UConn lost 2 prolific scorers and that's why they struggle to score.

To fix it we need to go back and start from scratch. We've gotten into some bad habits due to the fact we have a short bench and really no time off to practice. Go back to basics. We have through Friday to work on executing the basics and getting back to where we were. Then we play on Saturday. We have the players we just have gotten off track and need to get back on track. It doesn't matter now why we got off track what matters is we now have time to fix it and we haven't had time to do much of anything over the past few weeks.

We need Caroline and Azzi back. They are the scoring punch we lost. Their presence on the floor makes a huge difference on how opponents will defend us. It also gives us more ball handlers and more scoring options and we've lacked scoring since Caroline and Azzi went down. Thats the reason we have had a hard time scoring over 70 pts. They should cure that problem. It should also help us make a statement that we're back.

Many fans feel we may not win the BET. Thats a legitimate concern based on how we've struggled. We now have the time off we've needed and we will have Caroline back and Azzi should see some minutes too. Right now it doesnt matter why. We cant focus on why things went sour. We need to focus on getting back to the team we were and we have 4 days to do that. We still have the talent. Now we will have the scorers back that we lost to injuries. They should all be back this weekend. I expect to see a different team this weekend. Dont expect miracles either. It will take time. These 4 days off give us the time we needed. With everybody on board we can win the BET.

The next step is the NCAAs. I would think if healthy we will be back looking like we did early in the season. The NCAAs begin March 15. That gives us over 2 weeks to regroup. BTW those first 2 games are at Gampel. We have plenty of time to work on fundamentals. It shouldn't take to long. We've struggled to score 70 pts a game. Our defense has kept us in games. We will have Caroline and Azzi back and that should help us with our scoring. These next few days gives us time to clear our minds, reset, rest and work on what we haven't been able to work on due to all the travel.

I remember playing sports and my coaches always said when things aren't going right take a few days off and to fishing or a movie just get your mind off the game. Then go back and start working on the fundamentals and it will come back. Your mind and body know what to do they just need you to get away from it for a while. You know what? It always did. We now have time to regroup and get back to basics and I am confident that we will look like UConn again.
Nice post Tony.


Lost patience with the garden variety UConn fan
Aug 26, 2011
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The biggest problem is they are mentally and physically drained. Most of the issue can be corrected by rest. The Big East Tournament will be a slog but the time off between the NCAA tournament and then some will go along way to help that out. Light walk throughs this week.


Aug 27, 2011
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The problems we are facing are fixable.

It is certainly possible...

Remember Stewie's first year, when we lost three tough games to Notre Dame...It was hard to imagine that we could ever beat them...But we did and It was the start of an era.

This season's issues seems a bit more intractable.

-Just about everyone who wasn't got nicked up yesterday
-Azzi still hasn't made an appearance
-The bench if anything, regressed

But their were positives too;
-Geno looks healthy
-Caroline had some good moments
-The team looked coherent at the outset
-The D was tough for the one segment that mattered.
(but remember who the opponent was)

I have been most critical of the presser...but its possible that I'm wrong...that Geno uses it to re-gather the group...That's the most potentially positive outcome.

I think we'll know very soon; the very first game of the

Does the team play coherent UConn ball?
Or do they scrap their way on, paltry scoring, every moment a struggle.

If so, it will be a very short post-season.

But who knows, he's pulled rabbits out of hats before.
Feb 5, 2016
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As I watch games I wonder whether the practice players ball-hawk and clog up the paint on entry passes or drives. We know there are too many turnovers and blocked shots - do they also experience those in practices where there are opportunities to reset and do better?


Snark is always appreciated!
Nov 10, 2016
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Well, my take on this team has been the same as all year- too many turnovers. Aaliyah and Nika have to be better with the ball as their 98 and 103 turnovers attest. Stop trying to make something spectacular or when double and triple teamed.

Geno did say something in the post game on court interview that has me encouraged-he did say the offense in practice had been looking really good but then in the games they just do not make the same decisions.

They should get Azzi back and that will
Help lengthen the rotation plus her shooting will help and her decisions will aid Nika as well.

I am optimistic and am looking forward to being at Mohegan this weekend!
Mar 5, 2015
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Back to basics should include making better passes- or, more specifically, not making bad ones! Short passes into the post including bounce passes- yes. Those long passes that look spectacular when successful but majority of which end up as turnovers- no. Develop that core line up again and practice the defensive switching- Inez needs to shoot more if in game, Ayanna & others need to learn shot fake. More practice passing to the cutters when they are momentarily open. Obviously, I'm not a coach! But, they were playing better, the fatigue and battles during games took their toll, now is time to rest and mend. I really hope they get Azzi back- they'll be able to fit her in if she can play. Her outside shooting will help open things up both for other outside shooters and inside. But, if she doesn't play in the Big East tournament, does anyone really think she still could play in the NCAA tournament? As far as this year goes, it really is now or never for her. Hope she can and will play!
Jan 7, 2020
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The problem is that now our game includes a high number of turnovers, almost all of which are unforced. We are doing it to ourselves. 17 turnovers against the worst team in the league last night is not an anomaly anymore, it's how we play. Something radical must be done. I agree that a return to fundamentals is the key but I think the offense with our current personnel creates forced passes and one on one forced moves especially by our bigs. We are diminished offensively.

The answer is actually mostly Azzi to me. She is a secondary playmaker, an instant shot, an always must be guarded player, and a great passer. It will take pressure off of Lou and will create one on ones for her and Caroline. You are also talking about a minimum of 15 points a game. The only outside 3 ball threats on the team right now are Lou and Caroline. If Azzi is healthy and can stay that way, I do see a path, tortuous at best, but a path nevertheless.
Nov 24, 2011
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Great comments as always, TonyC

I hope that with the time off between games, the team can get a decent practice session in and develop that timing and rhythm again. As well as get back into the mindset of just going out there and having fun and playing free. They are playing too tight and over thinking things. Just play basketball.


OC Hoops Fan
Aug 26, 2011
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Fix It Fox Tv GIF by makinghistory
Mar 8, 2016
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While I agree with all of the suggested solutions, suggest stopping the ability of defenses to double Edwards and Dorka down low is #1 objective. Will reduce turnovers, open the floor and provide more points. Giving Lou and virtually everyone else the ability to rest their bad ankles and knees is #1. While everyone keeps saying having Azzi back will solve everything, we will still need to make the outside shots. Lou and Caroline have both been struggling a bit and doubt Azzi will immediately become the Azzi of old. We have the shooters, but they will need to get and stay hot.
Aug 26, 2011
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I enjoy your optimism as always. However, in my opinion, this team has passed the point of no return are destined to achieve limited success in the BE and the NCAA Tournaments. The Team at the beginning of the year is not the same Team at this point. If they had a healthy Team going into the Big East, with Paige, Azzi, and, perhaps, Ice (no one knows what kind of contribution she can make), thing would be significantly different from what they are now. Past injuries to Dorka, Caroline, and Lou, yes, Lou who hides her aches and pains, as well as Aubrey and Edwards may have been mitigated with a full Team instead of a short one. I also contend that Nika plays under duress and does not show it. But that is just Nika. Let's face it, Patterson and Amari and Ines have not been significant.

As much as I would like to see exciting and positive results, it ain't going to happen. What bothers me is that next year PB and Azzi may be injured again with season ending if not career ending injuries to their legs. Hate to be pessimistic, but it looks like everything came together, ( the sun, the moon and stars ) to destabilize the most successful womens basketball program.
Jan 7, 2020
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While I agree with all of the suggested solutions, suggest stopping the ability of defenses to double Edwards and Dorka down low is #1 objective. Will reduce turnovers, open the floor and provide more points. Giving Lou and virtually everyone else the ability to rest their bad ankles and knees is #1. While everyone keeps saying having Azzi back will solve everything, we will still need to make the outside shots. Lou and Caroline have both been struggling a bit and doubt Azzi will immediately become the Azzi of old. We have the shooters, but they will need to get and stay hot.
Our bigs don't suck in the double and then pass it out like you are supposed to and when they do it is Nika or Aubrey who are open on the arc and they don't want to shoot usually. Lou is still face guarded at that point. We are an easy team to defend. Shut Lou down and double the bigs.
Mar 9, 2013
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I enjoy your optimism as always. However, in my opinion, this team has passed the point of no return are destined to achieve limited success in the BE and the NCAA Tournaments. The Team at the beginning of the year is not the same Team at this point. If they had a healthy Team going into the Big East, with Paige, Azzi, and, perhaps, Ice (no one knows what kind of contribution she can make), thing would be significantly different from what they are now. Past injuries to Dorka, Caroline, and Lou, yes, Lou who hides her aches and pains, as well as Aubrey and Edwards may have been mitigated with a full Team instead of a short one. I also contend that Nika plays under duress and does not show it. But that is just Nika. Let's face it, Patterson and Amari and Ines have not been significant.

As much as I would like to see exciting and positive results, it ain't going to happen. What bothers me is that next year PB and Azzi may be injured again with season ending if not career ending injuries to their legs. Hate to be pessimistic, but it looks like everything came together, ( the sun, the moon and stars ) to destabilize the most successful womens basketball program.
This is the most absurd post i have ever seen. Now we are complaining about Paige and Azzie are suffering career ending injuries next year.

Life is a series of peaks and valleys. UConn didn't become UConn by packing it up every time it got hard and challenged felt insurmountable. Geno didn't become Geno by quitting every time his teams went through a rough stretch where they weren't as as easy to coach. The greatness comes in persevering through the challenges, not in letting them define you.

Many on this board show a typical "losers" mindset, and then use that to project onto the team and coaches to predict what will happen next. It's sad and mostly reveals a lot more about posters than it does about the team.
Aug 8, 2013
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I enjoy your optimism as always. However, in my opinion, this team has passed the point of no return are destined to achieve limited success in the BE and the NCAA Tournaments. The Team at the beginning of the year is not the same Team at this point. If they had a healthy Team going into the Big East, with Paige, Azzi, and, perhaps, Ice (no one knows what kind of contribution she can make), thing would be significantly different from what they are now. Past injuries to Dorka, Caroline, and Lou, yes, Lou who hides her aches and pains, as well as Aubrey and Edwards may have been mitigated with a full Team instead of a short one. I also contend that Nika plays under duress and does not show it. But that is just Nika. Let's face it, Patterson and Amari and Ines have not been significant.

As much as I would like to see exciting and positive results, it ain't going to happen. What bothers me is that next year PB and Azzi may be injured again with season ending if not career ending injuries to their legs. Hate to be pessimistic, but it looks like everything came together, ( the sun, the moon and stars ) to destabilize the most successful womens basketball program.
Realistically, it is likely the FF streak will come to an end this March. However, that likelihood is based on the current state of our roster. Clearly, this team is fried, physically and mentally! However, youth, rest, real practice, and the return of; Dorka (very likely), the continued improvement of Caroline (also very likely), Lou’s recovery from a month’s worth of bruises & dings ( very likely) and finally (the big one), the return of Azzi at 80-100% (hopefully possible), could/should change this team tremendously!
[Personally, I have had a hard time even recognizing the team that has taken the court since the SC game. Obviously, there is/was a reason for that but it’s been nevertheless, disheartening. Couple that with Geno’s obvious frustration and seeming inability to make needed moves to help his team out (not all of which is his fault), and we find ourselves at the lowest point I can remember since I first started following this team.]
If, and I realize it’s a big if, all of the above happens and they can somehow banish this funk they have fallen into, there is still a chance, even a good chance, that they could get on a roll and make it 15 in a row! It seems like a lifetime ago now but I remember how I felt after we beat Texas in Nov?. Even though we were later to realize that Texas was overrated, I still felt like this team had a real chance at number 12. Well, after all the injuries, ups and downs of what has been a brutal season, we have the possibility of having that same team that inspired me to dream of #12, into the NCAA tournament! Though undefeated, I don’t see SC, the clear favorite, as some unbeatable force that is simply going to roll over everyone in their path! They’ve had several close calls, in spite of having (as far as I know), no significant injuries. Remember, the closest call was from us! (Without Azzi or Caroline) As for the rest of the field, sure, there are a handful of teams that are quite good but none that a healthy, happy UConn team would not have a solid chance against. Can they get back to that healthy, happy place in two weeks? Stay tuned! Same Bat channel…Same Bat time!
Mar 4, 2015
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Our bigs don't suck in the double and then pass it out like you are supposed to and when they do it is Nika or Aubrey who are open on the arc and they don't want to shoot usually. Lou is still face guarded at that point. We are an easy team to defend. Shut Lou down and double the bigs.
You pretty much covered it with just four sentences


The Sultan
May 8, 2016
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We tend to forget just how good Azzi is. At the beginning of the year she was playing at a First Team All American level. Point totals first six games: 26, 32, 32, 14, 24, 16.

The possibility that she returns and is able to play at or near that level is still on the table. Is it probable? Who knows.

That doesn`t solve everything but it definitely would solve quite a bit. It would free up Lou. It would open up the lane. It would give Nika some rest at the point. It would provide another good ball handler who moves well with or without the ball. All of these things are areas we are currently struggling with.

Our 60-65 point outings would suddenly become 75-85 point outings.

If she does not return, the road is much tougher. Two things in our favor - one, an improving Caroline. Two, every game from here on out is an elimination game or a championship game and they will fight like crazy to keep the UConn careers of Dorka and Lou going.
Nov 30, 2022
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My opinion is that it’s defensive letdowns where opponents have open shots or blow by to the basket. I think the defense is 8-12 points worse than earlier this season. Offense has its problems but there are inherent flaws when there are players that don’t shoot from outside that requires constant movement and focus on offense. So that adds to these close games. Maybe some rest some calm some patience.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Summarizing everything . We won 26 games with players who were not suppose to start. We may not have looked good all the time but we won the BE title. We have 60 pts sitting on the bench most of the season. There are according to many fans many problems with this team. We won 26 games with a very tuff schedule and with players starting who werent suppose to start. So let me ask. How poorly did our opponents play against us to allow us to win 26 games???? Now we get 4 days off which we all agree we need badly and we will have Caroline and Azzi back for a few minutes each game and many of you think we will lose??? Hey we gonna be better with Caroline rested and Azzi back.
Dec 2, 2018
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I think during Stewies senior year they were averageing like 7-8 turnovers a game. That’s what I remember anyway. If this team could get down below 10 a game that would be a huge plus.
More like 12 a game, which is still pretty good. The stats I can find easily (on HerHoops and NCAA and Uconnhuskies) only go back to 2010; the lowest figure in that time frame was 11.8 in 2013-2014. The juggernaut of 2001-2002 averaged 14.5. The issue is more the fact that the current team is committing more turnovers than the opponents (more than 2 a game margin), ranking 273rd in turnovers forced and 287th in turnover margin. The steal rate is 6.7 per game, by far the lowest since 2010.
Nov 13, 2013
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Summarizing everything . We won 26 games with players who were not suppose to start. We may not have looked good all the time but we won the BE title. We have 60 pts sitting on the bench most of the season. There are according to many fans many problems with this team. We won 26 games with a very tuff schedule and with players starting who werent suppose to start. So let me ask. How poorly did our opponents play against us to allow us to win 26 games???? Now we get 4 days off which we all agree we need badly and we will have Caroline and Azzi back for a few minutes each game and many of you think we will lose??? Hey we gonna be better with Caroline rested and Azzi back.
It's not just fans. You didn't mention that the Head Coach thinks there are several problems also. Did you watch his presser? He's not real pleased either.
Apr 6, 2016
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Geno summed it up. 1) Players doing things they are not good at (e.g. a "big" dreaming of playing like a PG ) and
2) Just not doing what the coaches ask. These two things are more about mindset and not about "basics."

If players don't listen closely and reap the genius of the best coach in basketball, then don't expect a turnaround.

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