FBS Scheduleshas UConn/Rutgers home and home 2016/2017 | Page 3 | The Boneyard

FBS Scheduleshas UConn/Rutgers home and home 2016/2017

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Mar 19, 2013
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Not trying to be a troll but what does Rutgers gain from scheduling UCONN? Let's take the homer glasses off for a second.

1. Does it help with exposure?
Nope, RU is already in the BigTen playing big teams.

2. Does it help with recruiting?
Nope, no other northeastern team gets the recruits that RU gets. I can't think of a single time that a recruit chose UCONN over RU (I'm sure it happened but 9 times out of 10 he's selecting RU if it's a head to head battle).

3. Easy win?
This is probably the reason. By 2016 and 17, RU will probably be seeing its potential and will be blowing many teams out of the water. Especially once all the top recruits decide to stay home. Yes this will happen no matter how much you dislike it.

So let's face it....you are our cupcake which replaced Norfolk State. Many of you are claiming that we are comparable on the field but RU is 22-10 vs UCONN. That's a .700 winning percentage.

So what does RU gain?

I am sorry to say it but I think that you are right. RU hit the jackpot. Anyone who talks the truth on this board is considered a troll and is mocked. UConn's future for the next 5-10 years will to be cupcake games for P5 schools.


$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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I am sorry to say it but I think that you are right. RU hit the jackpot. Anyone who talks the truth on this board is considered a troll and is mocked. UConn's future for the next 5-10 years will to be cupcake games for P5 schools.

Uconn is not a cupcake, for anyone, in any sport. That is the truth.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am sorry to say it but I think that you are right. RU hit the jackpot. Anyone who talks the truth on this board is considered a troll and is mocked. UConn's future for the next 5-10 years will to be cupcake games for P5 schools.
Just remember that in UConn's worst FB season ever, B1G Michigan was thrilled to get out of the Rent alive.
Aug 26, 2011
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When one of our teams becomes a cup cake, that coach gets fired. That is the difference at UCONN. Sucking is not acceptable long term like it was at places like rutgers and Temple. Cripes, RU sits in basketball talent hotbed, played in the greatest hoops conference ever, and when was the last time they made tournament?

The closest thing to that type of futility, we've had is P, he missed a bowl game by one game his first two years, and isn't getting a chance to finish year three. Losing=unacceptable here.
May 23, 2013
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I am sorry to say it but I think that you are right. RU hit the jackpot. Anyone who talks the truth on this board is considered a troll and is mocked. UConn's future for the next 5-10 years will to be cupcake games for P5 schools.
New handle billybud?
May 23, 2013
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Absolutely not.
Probably just a my observing the similarites in the situations between the 2 of you recently?I'm not really adverse to people speaking there minds here but many are sensitive due to their CR misfortune and bad season in FB.I really don't mind speaking if its the truth and not mean spirited.Are you a UConn fan or a visitor?
Aug 5, 2013
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3. Easy win?
This is probably the reason. By 2016 and 17, RU will probably be seeing its potential and will be blowing many teams out of the water. Especially once all the top recruits decide to stay home. Yes this will happen no matter how much you dislike it.

We've been waiting for Rutgers to "probably see" its potential and to "blow many teams out of the water" for decades. "Probably" means, "more likely than not." What in God's name has made you so confident that this unprecedented level of success (for you, not us) will be "more likely than not" in three short seasons?

You must be fun at parties.
May 23, 2013
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We've been waiting for Rutgers to "probably see" its potential and to "blow many teams out of the water" for decades. "Probably" means, "more likely than not." What in God's name has made you so confident that this unprecedented level of success (for you, not us) will be "more likely than not" in three short seasons?

You must be fun at parties.
I only wish I could be so confident but I still see it as a slower process with competitive being the watchword to be realistic.I take his post as being arrogant and prematurely being boastful not to mention unnecessary or informative here!
Mar 19, 2013
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Probably just a my observing the similarites in the situations between the 2 of you recently?I'm not really adverse to people speaking there minds here but many are sensitive due to their CR misfortune and bad season in FB.I really don't mind speaking if its the truth and not mean spirited.Are you a UConn fan or a visitor?

Lifelong, dismayed UConn fan/alumnus. Many years of donations, season tickets, all seen as lost money. Thirty years of progress erased by one man's decision. I am far, far from mean spirited. Just upset and depressed and angry at the whole situation.
May 23, 2013
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Lifelong, dismayed UConn fan/alumnus. Many years of donations, season tickets, all seen as lost money. Thirty years of progress erased by one man's decision. I am far, far from mean spirited. Just upset and depressed and angry at the whole situation.
Yes I thought so and sympathized with your situation!You didn't seem meanspirited but everyone here is SO sensitive they take anything they disagree with way out of context and think the truth is bad!If you can't handle the truth how can you fix it?As you may have observed Im an RU fan who happens to believe in UConn and felt they got dealt a crummy hand!I once thought RU might get left holding the bag if UConn went too the ACC with SU (like they should have) instead of Pitt and I know it would have been a devastating blow to our base's psyche....but I had heard for 4 years there were secret talks with the B1G and that's what their goal was but how does the average fan hold on to hope w/o that "secret" knowledge?Don't fret Buddy your team is too large,wealthy,influential and not w/o friends in the NE!Not just UConn fans!!Try to have patience(I know its hard)cause it'll be a year or two but AAU and a great FB coaching hires are imperative this time!You'll never know how disappointed I was at PPs hire(like Burton)and I understood the negative implications and misperceptions that were sure to follow!Keep your chin up buddy no way you guys are LO!Maybe drop a WF,Dook,BC or SU but never a large flagbearer of a major northeastern state with a growing following nationally(I know I do)!!@you sound about my age(62 in Nov)!
Mar 19, 2013
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Yes I thought so and sympathized with your situation!You didn't seem meanspirited but everyone here is SO sensitive they take anything they disagree with way out of context and think the truth is bad!If you can't handle the truth how can you fix it?As you may have observed Im an RU fan who happens to believe in UConn and felt they got dealt a crummy hand!I once thought RU might get left holding the bag if UConn went too the ACC with SU (like they should have) instead of Pitt and I know it would have been a devastating blow to our base's psyche....but I had heard for 4 years there were secret talks with the B1G and that's what their goal was but how does the average fan hold on to hope w/o that "secret" knowledge?Don't fret Buddy your team is too large,wealthy,influential and not w/o friends in the NE!Not just UConn fans!!Try to have patience(I know its hard)cause it'll be a year or two but AAU and a great FB coaching hires are imperative this time!You'll never know how disappointed I was at PPs hire(like Burton)and I understood the negative implications and misperceptions that were sure to follow!Keep your chin up buddy no way you guys are LO!Maybe drop a WF,Dook,BC or SU but never a large flagbearer of a major northeastern state with a growing following nationally(I know I do)!!@you sound about my age(62 in Nov)!

Same age. Thanks for the pep talk. I needed it.
Aug 26, 2011
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At UConn in 2016.

At Snookie U in 2017.

This is a good thing, on many levels.

Article to go with document posted above in #5 - http://www.fbschedules.com/2013/10/...dules-leaked-penn-state-lsu-florida-michigan/

Hope they eventually pull it off.

C'mon Warde - Make the BY smile.

2:13pm via TweetDeck
#UCF officially announces they will play at#Michigan on Sept. 10, 2016. Game was listed in BG doc leak - Post original url/16QSbkO
Oct 3, 2012
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I don't understand why we would schedule a series with you guys. I used to be for a home/home with UCONN, thinking there was a rivalry between us but 2012 solidified to me that there isn't much of one.

1. You never bring anyone to our stadium for starters, not in 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004.
2. This game only gives you more access to NJ to recruit.
3. Our schedule will be hard enough and this game is always close.
4. I much rather do a home and home with Temple. We brought 20k to Temple last year, it was like a home game for our South Jersey fans.

I am going to Storrs this year, but more as a farewell to the series.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Not trying to be a troll but what does Rutgers gain from scheduling UCONN? Let's take the homer glasses off for a second.

1. Does it help with exposure?
Nope, RU is already in the BigTen playing big teams.

2. Does it help with recruiting?
Nope, no other northeastern team gets the recruits that RU gets. I can't think of a single time that a recruit chose UCONN over RU (I'm sure it happened but 9 times out of 10 he's selecting RU if it's a head to head battle).

3. Easy win?
This is probably the reason. By 2016 and 17, RU will probably be seeing its potential and will be blowing many teams out of the water. Especially once all the top recruits decide to stay home. Yes this will happen no matter how much you dislike it.

So let's face it....you are our cupcake which replaced Norfolk State. Many of you are claiming that we are comparable on the field but RU is 22-10 vs UCONN. That's a .700 winning percentage.

So what does RU gain?

It's a rivalry game that would be competitive in most years. If RU thinks MD, PSU, or any other B10 school will consider RU a meaningful game, they are in for a rude awakening.

Michigan and OSU are only now, 20 years later considering games against PSU to be lesser rivalry games. It's never going to happen like that for RU.
May 23, 2013
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I don't understand why we would schedule a series with you guys. I used to be for a home/home with UCONN, thinking there was a rivalry between us but 2012 solidified to me that there isn't much of one.

1. You never bring anyone to our stadium for starters, not in 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004.
2. This game only gives you more access to NJ to recruit.
3. Our schedule will be hard enough and this game is always close.
4. I much rather do a home and home with Temple. We brought 20k to Temple last year, it was like a home game for our South Jersey fans.

I am going to Storrs this year, but more as a farewell to the series.
I can't see how we would'nt?Longtime conference mate of a comparable sized state school in a neighboring state!If we fear competition then maybe were the wrong school for bigboy FB?Close games should be something to strive for instead of a steady diet of cupcakes!I think their fans will represent well at games but we'll see.I think going forward we'll see Temple on the schedule too!?!OOC I'd like to see competitive but geographically close team's.
Oct 3, 2012
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I can't see how we would'nt?Longtime conference mate of a comparable sized state school in a neighboring state!If we fear competition then maybe were the wrong school for bigboy FB?Close games should be something to strive for instead of a steady diet of cupcakes!I think their fans will represent well at games but we'll see.I think going forward we'll see Temple on the schedule too!?!OOC I'd like to see competitive but geographically close team's.

Dude, we will be in the 2nd toughest division in the country (SEC WEST is #1). The cupcakes are gone. I doubt we fear competition, I just don't see what the benefit is. Temple at least you can say is a great game for our South Jersey alumni. What does UCONN do for me that Temple can't do? Nothing. I say that believing this game to be a rivalry but the apathy from the Huskies fanbase tells me otherwise. In fact, I am willing to bet we get a better turnout next week from Temple fans then we ever have from UCONN.
Aug 26, 2011
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Apparently Rutgers is so great now that they don't need to have an OOC schedule.


Aug 14, 2012
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It's a rivalry game that would be competitive in most years. If RU thinks MD, PSU, or any other B10 school will consider RU a meaningful game, they are in for a rude awakening.

Michigan and OSU are only now, 20 years later considering games against PSU to be lesser rivalry games. It's never going to happen like that for RU.

MD has recent history with RU (5-4 all time RU) and us both joining the league together will likely result in an instant rivalry. I agree PSU fans think we're beneath them but a couple of wins will change that pretty quick. The years it's going to take to generate rivalries don't really matter as long as we can hold our own in the conference. We recruit well enough to do that. The question is will our coaches step up.

As for ruskoolie, he has a point. Where have all the UCONN fans been at RU stadium? Bringing 500 fans to a rival's stadium 2 hours away doesn't sound like much of a rivalry. In all honesty from reading the RU Rivals board, I'd say the consensus was about 3 - 2 against continuing the series not because of recruiting or scheduling issues but more because the game seems to be losing its luster.
Aug 26, 2011
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MD has recent history with RU (5-4 all time RU) and us both joining the league together will likely result in an instant rivalry. I agree PSU fans think we're beneath them but a couple of wins will change that pretty quick. The years it's going to take to generate rivalries don't really matter as long as we can hold our own in the conference. We recruit well enough to do that. The question is will our coaches step up.

As for ruskoolie, he has a point. Where have all the UCONN fans been at RU stadium? Bringing 500 fans to a rival's stadium 2 hours away doesn't sound like much of a rivalry. In all honesty from reading the RU Rivals board, I'd say the consensus was about 3 - 2 against continuing the series not because of recruiting or scheduling issues but more because the game seems to be losing its luster.
Funny, we sent 7,000 to MD last year. Perhaps RU excites few.
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