Too late. SEC and B10 hold all the power because of the product on the field/court and the insatiable appetite of the consumer.
I am all for the kids getting paid something on the money being made off them but this system is making me lose interest in college sports as a 40+ year fan. I am already only watching UConn football and will not be watching the college FB playoffs (unless UConn is in

) because of the recent expansion and guaranty of half the playoff field coming from the SEC and B10.
And, when these conferences and their media partners also ruin college basketball and March Madness which I really hope doesn’t happen then at that point, I will be watching professional sports only. I may be there sooner if the SEC and B10 get to break off the top 50/60 programs and form their own league.
Again, nothing against the kids getting paid but it’s a real shame as to where we are now and likely headed.