UC, your point about SNY Tv content being external was a good one so I ran than angle down also. The SEC network and Longhorn network also provide external content to ESPN3. Right now I can tell you when Texas, Kentucky WCBB games are going to be streamed via ESPN3 but not UCONN SNY tv games. I feel like I am being tortured.
Jeff, you may be underestimating how pathologically (committed) I have been to getting an answer. I did not just stop at customer service. I have been in contact with a few executives at ESPN such as Laura Gentile- Vice President and Founder, espnW and Craig Lazarus, Vice President, Production at ESPN who is from Hartford and a Dukie.
I'm also sure you are incorrect about this time last year and the games being posted later in the season. By end of september of 2014 I was sleeping well because I had A UCONN schedule and knew exactly which games were going to be streamed on ESPN3. The agreement between SNY tv and ESPN was put in place almost 1 year prior Nov 7, 2013 as a result of UCONN being in a new conference. This time last year the only thing I was sweating were 2 or 3 UCONN games that CBS had the broadcast rights to. I ended up having to add CBS sports to my cable because one of the CBS games was the game on Senior Night-I was not going to miss that.
I also wrote to John Altavilla and got this more encouraging response:
“Although I do not know this for certain, I have been given no indication that the schedule games on SNY, usually streamed on ESPN3, will be any different.
When I hear for certain I will try to touch base. But I may forget, so remind me.
My backup plan is to go get Sling box and connect it to my daughters cable- she lives in NJ and gets SNYtv as part of her cable package.
I am not going though a season missing 17 UCONN games live-it is 2015 for goodness sakes!