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i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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They could, but it makes zero business sense. You don't alienate your customers if you can avoid it. It's the reason pharmacies and department stores use "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" -- the more people you can have feel included, the more happy customers you have.

Can you imagine a Disney board member saying, "Hey, guys, we can't help but notice you're really pissing off 3 million paying ESPN customers in Connecticut, many of whom vote for our tax subsidies, but hey, GO CUSE." Cause I can't.

Media works differently than that though. The more people you piss off, the more you foment a particular group, the more involved that group gets in protest and proving you wrong. Sports media especially so. Boston talk radio is a perfect example. Shows get popular by being controversial and looking for 'scandal' where there is none. Even closer to home, look at Jacobs, Goodman, DiMauro, and Parrish and all the play they get on here. Controversy = clicks = money.
Aug 27, 2011
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They could, but it makes zero business sense. You don't alienate your customers if you can avoid it. It's the reason pharmacies and department stores use "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" -- the more people you can have feel included, the more happy customers you have.

Can you imagine a Disney board member saying, "Hey, guys, we can't help but notice you're really pissing off 3 million paying ESPN customers in Connecticut, many of whom vote for our tax subsidies, but hey, GO CUSE." Cause I can't.

It actually makes perfect business sense. UConn fans are going to watch the games on ESPN regardless of their hatred for it. ESPN can either sign a contract with the AAC or not. If they do, ESPN has an interest in driving down the monetary value of the negotiated contract. If they didn't sign the contract, and ESPN more or less aligned themselves with the P5 schools, then it makes business sense to devalue the brand name of UConn (being outside of the P5).

Mind you, I'm not saying this is necessarily happening. Just disagreeing with the notion that it doesn't make business sense to tick off 3 million of their paying customers. Do these paying customers actually vote for the tax subsibies? Or just vote the politicians in who grant them? I don't care if this is a blue or red state, ESPN is going to get those tax subsidies regardless if the UConn fanbase feels alienated.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Never mind the Cuse alumni who work there, there are a ton of out of staters who probably hate living here who get sick of hearing about UConn in the local press. It comes through. It doesn't necessarily mean they are behind the royal screwing that we've received in the world of CR, but the image they've shaped certainly hasn't helped.

I've never been worried about that with regards to CR (yes, it doesn't help), as I feel that was much more of a big business/TV/money/administrator/football/AAU/etc deal. But more towards your second point, the way in which UCONN is portrayed definitely sucks. eg The difference between the portrayal of the UNC academic scandal and the UCONN APR situation is disgusting.
Sep 20, 2011
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They could, but it makes zero business sense. You don't alienate your customers if you can avoid it. It's the reason pharmacies and department stores use "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" -- the more people you can have feel included, the more happy customers you have.

Can you imagine a Disney board member saying, "Hey, guys, we can't help but notice you're really pissing off 3 million paying ESPN customers in Connecticut, many of whom vote for our tax subsidies, but hey, GO CUSE." Cause I can't.

You also don't alienate your business partners. And no one has been a better partner than the State of Connecticut and UConn in particular. There are profits to be made but there are other intangibles which make business sense like a happy, satisfied group of employees who have something to do in their downtime rather than quit and move to a competitor in NY or LA as well as attracting new talent to the area. Bristol doesn't sell itself. If ESPN leadership wanted us to be in a conference they could have made a couple calls and let their other partners know who they favored. Obviously they chose not to do that.
Aug 27, 2011
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I've never been worried about that with regards to CR (yes, it doesn't help), as I feel that was much more of a big business/TV/money/administrator/football/AAU/etc deal. But more towards your second point, the way in which UCONN is portrayed definitely sucks. eg The difference between the portrayal of the UNC academic scandal and the UCONN APR situation is disgusting.

Look at what happened when we went to the Fiesta Bowl and the tickets debacle. Do you know how many other schools sold less tickets to BCS Bowl games than UConn? A lot. Including VA Tech.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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it's not ESPN, it's not about some corporate personality

it's about ESPN talking heads, ESPN on air personalities, and ESPN web stories

it's what certain individuals choose to say that I have a problem with
Oct 6, 2013
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they treat UNC, Duke & ND like they are the gold standard.
they act suprised/dumbfounded when we win. they say.. how is that possible? this is a slap in the face. this kind of attitude burns me.

over the past 15 years, we have won more national titles than these 3 schools combined! beaten Duke & ND head-to-head in national title games!
WAKE-UP espn!!

never mind. you never will.

the worst of it: they're a CT-based company.
Last edited:
Aug 25, 2011
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Come on, a fan since 1988 and need insight into the ESPiN dislike. Playin' stupid really looks stupid when you really ain't playin'.

Maybe he's got better things to do than come up with reasons why a sports network "hates" the basketball team he roots for. Just a thought.
Aug 25, 2011
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I generally don't buy into the hysteria and conspiracy theories, but when you see the coach of the 4 time (and reigning) National Champions on the front page of their College Basketball site with the coaches at Wichita St. and VCU asking "Why are you still here?", it is no coincidence.

That article has been pretty overblown. Not quite as much as calling Doug Gottlieb's comments on Roscoe "vile" like Willie99 - and yes, you hear countless comments like that about countless other programs all the time - but pretty overblown. They just lumped Ollie in with a group of guys that have other opportunities. That's it. All the other stuff is Boneyard fantasy. Believe it or not, most people don't share the opinion of this board that coaching UConn in the AAC trumps just about any NBA job.
Oct 4, 2013
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There's absolutely no reason they can't (and don't) do both. Syracuse media folks love to rip on UCONN. Same with BC and UMASS. It's not a bid deal, but it is annoying.

I don't think UMass can be lumped in with those two. BC and Cuse have some sort of warped sense of superiority despite their failure to prove they belong on the same court or field as you guys. Any animosity from UMass is rooted in a sense of jealousy in that we've watched what foresight and good decisions has done to what was once a very comparable state university. You guys made the right moves and UMass balked.


Stairway to Seven
Jan 5, 2012
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That article has been pretty overblown. Not quite as much as calling Doug Gottlieb's comments on Roscoe "vile" like Willie99 - and yes, you hear countless comments like that about countless other programs all the time - but pretty overblown.
You've heard people say on air that a specific recruit should decommit from a school? By name? I've never heard that. I'm not an ESPN hater, or even a Gottlieb hater, but that was grounds for anyone who wants to be.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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I don't think UMass can be lumped in with those two. BC and Cuse have some sort of warped sense of superiority despite their failure to prove they belong on the same court or field as you guys. Any animosity from UMass is rooted in a sense of jealousy in that we've watched what foresight and good decisions has done to what was once a very comparable state university. You guys made the right moves and UMass balked.

Yeah, they can. UMass coaches and AD's have badmouthed UConn plenty in public over the years.
Aug 26, 2011
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You've heard people say on air that a specific recruit should decommit from a school? By name? I've never heard that. I'm not an ESPN hater, or even a Gottlieb hater, but that was grounds for anyone who wants to be.

Never ever heard them say that about any other player before.
Aug 27, 2011
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That article has been pretty overblown. Not quite as much as calling Doug Gottlieb's comments on Roscoe "vile" like Willie99 - and yes, you hear countless comments like that about countless other programs all the time - but pretty overblown. They just lumped Ollie in with a group of guys that have other opportunities. That's it. All the other stuff is Boneyard fantasy. Believe it or not, most people don't share the opinion of this board that coaching UConn in the AAC trumps just about any NBA job.

That's simply your opinion and nothing else. My buddy who is from Kentucky and a big UK fan texted me breaking my balls about UConn being lumped with WSU and VCU even though the article itself really didn't mention Ollie at all. Luckily I was able to reply with "April 7" but none-the-less the damage was done. And nobody on this board thinks that coaching UConn trumps ANY NBA job. You can disagree without the strawman.
Aug 26, 2011
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LOL, I check out a lot of boards. Most professional and college teams think ESPN has a bias against them.
Aug 25, 2011
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You've heard people say on air that a specific recruit should decommit from a school? By name? I've never heard that. I'm not an ESPN hater, or even a Gottlieb hater, but that was grounds for anyone who wants to be.

I believe he said Roscoe might want to reconsider his commitment. And yeah, my impression is that the talking heads at ESPN talk about other programs, and players, in much the same manner all the time.

I will say that the disproportionate coverage of Kentucky at the Final Four drove me crazy, but give credit to Cal, he's created a media darling down there. I just think that people go out of their way to cook up slights where they don't always exist.
Apr 25, 2014
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I believe he said Roscoe might want to reconsider his commitment. And yeah, my impression is that the talking heads at ESPN talk about other programs, and players, in much the same manner all the time.

I will say that the disproportionate coverage of Kentucky at the Final Four drove me crazy, but give credit to Cal, he's created a media darling down there. I just think that people go out of their way to cook up slights where they don't always exist.

Also, a lot of media members were talking about Kentucky because, at the beginning of the season, they'd all picked them to win the title. This was a moment of vindication. Of course most of them picked UK to win.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Look at what happened when we went to the Fiesta Bowl and the tickets debacle. Do you know how many other schools sold less tickets to BCS Bowl games than UConn? A lot. Including VA Tech.

What are you referring to with regards to my post? (not being a wiseass).
Aug 31, 2011
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The two worst developments in the last 25 years for the home viewer of sports have been the proliferation of Bob Costas to all sports ever created and the ascendancy of ESPN.

With Bob Costas, the real story of any sporting event is a back story about the athlete: his setbacks, his triumphs, his relationship with his mom, his grandmother's illnesses, his immense drive to please his beloved father/grandfather/agent, his subsequent deportation to Canada and that country's refusale to accept him. Whatever it is, as long as it's not the actual sporting event that you are tuning in to see, that is what Bob Costas wants to talk about and that's because he is a jock-sniffer and thinks you should be a jock-sniffer, too, and you should cry at Mickey Mantle's funeral even though Mickey Mantle is a stranger who you don't know just because you like to watch him play baseball and you're probably better off not knowing him or any other professional athlete for that matter. There should be a law that Bob Costas is only allowed to cover sports that I don't follow, like harness-racing.

But ESPN is just a complete nightmare. I've heard that it was created by people involved with the New York Review of Books who don't follow sports and don't know anyone so unsophisticated as to follow sports who decided over cocktails to create a TV network that would appeal to "those kinds of people, you know, the meathead types". It treats sports as something absolutely and completely serious while desperately trying to make everything that happens into some sort of joke at the same time, all while an annoying ticker runs across the bottom of the screen telling you over and over and over the updated condition of Tiger Woods' shoulder. I cannot imagine watching any ESPN channel with the sound on. I assume the NYRB folks just told the on-air talent, "Old chap, you really must shout as loudly and as often as you possibly can, because that is what the rabble does." I assume in all seriousness that Khalid Sheikh Muhammed was made to watch hours and hours of ESPN programming as a baby step below water-boarding him. I think after they water-boarded him and pulled the bag off his head, he probably said something in arabic along the lines of "This is nothing, I watched two straight hours of Pardon the Interruption followed by a Mike and Mike in the Morning marathon. Drowning doesn't scare me anymore!"

Maybe ESPN personalities also hate UConn or the network conspired against UConn, but criticizing them for that is like complaining to a waiter that just served you a bowl of soup with a steaming turd in the middle that your soup spoon wasn't placed OUTSIDE the knife when you sat down.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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I don't think UMass can be lumped in with those two. BC and Cuse have some sort of warped sense of superiority despite their failure to prove they belong on the same court or field as you guys. Any animosity from UMass is rooted in a sense of jealousy in that we've watched what foresight and good decisions has done to what was once a very comparable state university. You guys made the right moves and UMass balked.

The main reason I lumped UMASS into that group is Dan Wetzel. A UMASS grad, he had a pronounced bug up his butt about Jim Calhoun, and used every opp he could to scratch it.
Aug 27, 2011
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What are you referring to with regards to my post? (not being a wiseass).

You were lamenting how the media portrayed our bogus APR issue to what when on down in Chapel Hill with outright fake classes.

It's similar to how the football program was portrayed by "selling" only 5k tickets to the Fiesta Bowl when most of them were bought on the secondary market. VaTech sold about half that amount officially to the Orange Bowl a year later, but nobody knows that. All they hear is how UConn is single handedly responsible for the death of the BCS bowl system because of our performance and ticket sales. It's BS.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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I believe he said Roscoe might want to reconsider his commitment. And yeah, my impression is that the talking heads at ESPN talk about other programs, and players, in much the same manner all the time.

I will say that the disproportionate coverage of Kentucky at the Final Four drove me crazy, but give credit to Cal, he's created a media darling down there. I just think that people go out of their way to cook up slights where they don't always exist.

How do you feel about the coverage of UNC's academic scandal vs the amount of coverage that UCONN's APR situation garnered over the years?

Not a wise ass question, just curious.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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You were lamenting how the media portrayed our bogus APR issue to what when on down in Chapel Hill with outright fake classes.

It's similar to how the football program was portrayed by "selling" only 5k tickets to the Fiesta Bowl when most of them were bought on the secondary market. VaTech sold about half that amount officially to the Orange Bowl a year later, but nobody knows that. All they hear is how UConn is single handedly responsible for the death of the BCS bowl system because of our performance and ticket sales. It's BS.

Aha, got it. Totally didn't make the connection. My bad.
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