Say what ?
I was wrong. I just counted them and the AAC had a total of 16 men's and women's NCAA championships, as did the ACC. So at the moment it is actually even. However, next year UConn will have 9 women's and possibly 4 men's NCAA championships, Cincinnati will have 2. So next year we take a slight dip losing Louisville, but that will be temporary. I personally think UConn will win every National Championship on the women's side so long as we have Stewart, then if we get Wilson and Durr, we will immediately add another four or five. Our men's team was severely hampered last year because of the tournament ban, but Ollie is going to take off this year. He's got enough for an national championship.
As for football, I am pretty sure I know what should be done, but I won't say here. However, if we beat Maryland and Michigan, and get to a bowl game, I will consider myself proven wrong.