For me it was the same as always, two people mangling the English language, referring to teams as "they" instead of "it," saying "turn the ball over" instead of "turn over the ball," et al. At least everyone is referring to them as "announcers." Protective of my profession as I am, this old print scribe cringes at the notion that these folks are broadcast journalists.
Yes, I know, you don't care.
Maybe not so much as to whether I care or not (which I actually do), but I certainly can relate!
When I was a graduate teaching assistant, one of my assignments was to run and grade communications classes. That including watching dozens upon dozens of slide shows, back in the day when a slide show was really a slide show and not a computer assisted PowerPoint.
I wish this wasn't the case but decades later, when I'm at a conference and am a consumer of someone else's presentation, there is still a small part of me grading the dang thing.
I also wanted to share my thoughts about the sideline reporter these past few games - Christy Thomaskutty. I enjoyed her presence more than I usually do - not sure what it is but I felt she approached this with some intelligence and wasn't just there as window dressing. Someone else's post earlier got me a bit interested in finding out more about her.
This was perhaps shared on some of the links in this thread - she was head coach at Emory for 14 years before stepping down due to health issues. What I was really impressed with, though, was her academic background. The quote below is from Emory's announcement of her resignation - she's obviously got a lot more going for her than basketball acumen!
Thomaskutty graduated magna cum laude (Bachelor of Science in Management) from Tulane's A. B. Freeman School of Business in 1996. She later earned her master's degree (Masters of Business Administration) from Illinois State in 2002.