I can tell you this. I have people come into my office all the time. They cant speak the language like we do, but they have a work ethic. They come here and make somthing out of themselves and send alot of their monies back to their country where they earn anywhere from 7% to 12% on their monies. So when your comparing UConn and Stanford and any other good academic colleges remember this. It all come down to you and what you want out of life. When I graduated college I was at the front of the line and that wasnt because I had the best GPA it was because I was class President. LOL However when I went back to my reunion I saw alot of classmates and it amazed me how they just kinda gave up. Those who I thought would be successful werent and those who I thought wouldnt were and there were some exceptions. The point being. Academically Stanford may be ahead of UConn, but if you look at the girls who have graduated under Geno and CDs tootilage and you will see alot of successful women who have graduated UConn and are making alot of money. So to those who choose someplace to play BB other then UConn I say good luck because at UConn our girls make it pretty big when they graduate.