The ongoing lifespan of this post made me kick start my increasingly temperamental memory, and I realized that I left a whole slew of folks off my earlier response.
Calvin Murphy. He was either just about to start HS or go into his sophomore year, and I was either going into senior year or it was the summer after I graduated. He just showed up with his cousin from Bridgeport one Sunday at the Washington Park court where we used to shoot hoops. The cousin played for either UB or Fairfield, if my memory isn't completely failing me. Murphy didn't play in any of our games, but did put on a dribbling exhibition on the sideline that made us stop playing and watch. His cousin brought him along to challenge the local half-court set shot legend, who didn't actually show up that day. But Murphy made like 8 out of 10 straight up jumpers from half court before they split. One of the local hotshots knew his rep. and I still remember him saing that if only he could grow to 6 feet, he would be a shoe-in for the NBA some day, but at his height (I seem to recall that he might only have been about 5-5 then) he was more likely to play for the Globetrotters.
Met Clinton while he was still Gov of Ark. (Hillary was there, but I didn't actually meet her). I watched them get out of their limo to appear at the weigh-in at a bass tournament in Ark. They were both dressed in business suits and speaking normal English with no noticeable accent. Twenty minutes later on stage, they were both wearing flannel shirts and jeans, and he had a truckers cap on and was yallin' and drawlin' like a good ol' boy. My wife was in the front row, and took an instant dislike to him. She said he reminded her of a vacuum cleaner salesman.
Didn't actually meet him, but William F Buckley Jr. and I exchanged nasty looks when he stepped out in front of me on Route 41 in Sharon. I was towing a boat and it was raining. Had all I could do to keep from jack knifing after I swerved to avoid hitting him.
Took Eric Montross fishing on Candlewood just before he started with the Celts. He was supposed to be an avid and very experienced angler. Seemed kind of clumsy handling his tackle though, and was a borderline d*head.
Speaking of ACC big men, I've met and talked with Mike Gminski once. I played in a rec league with his father a couple seasons, Mike's last year of college and first year with the Nets. Mike stopped by the gym to watch him when he was visiting home. For what it's worth, the old man wished he could have convinced Mike to concentrate on baseball instead of basketball. He was a hell of a pitcher in HS. Both were nice guys you wouldn't mind spending an afternoon shooting the bull with, even without the BBall connection.
And finally, not that he was really famous, but I met Durwood Kirby a couple times. For what could only be called a low level celebrity, he seemed to expect everyone to be wowed by his presence. Except his wife. She called him Homer or Hector, I can't recall which, but evidently it was his real name, and he hated it. His on screen persona was very sociable. At least with me, in real life he seemed anything but. Back in the 70s and 80s when I serviced business equipment for a living, I used to have to go to his summer house and fix her typewriter every now and then. She always seemed to have a drink in her hand and he always seemed to have a stick up his butt.