No argument this forum is nothing but opinions occasionally a fact or two

. As for the AAC being nothing more than it is now, I remember reading this several times the last couple of years. With three teams in the top 25 eight games into the season, I think progress is being made.
Nos, you have to take what they used to call a chill pill. Not sure of what the modern meds are. Maybe a therapy Husky Dog...

No coach gets fired after seven games nor do they get a raise. These numbers were available at the start of the season just as they are now and nobody cared especially the only one that counts....Randy.
If you have missed it Randy is a totally opposite of his first tour here. All his points of contention with the previous go round are the opposite now. He is a happy camper and it shows in just how different he speaks on every topic addressed.
Money = Randy was happy with his wage the first time around but wanted more to keep assistants. He is happy why should you not be?
AD = He loves Dave.....I'll leave it at that....
Assistants = Randy now has more assistants than a state run day care.
How much is enough? Randy brought coach Richardson back who had taken a year off, must have been comfortable. Brings in the likes of Rett at a discount price, should we be embarrassed? I say not, reality is for those living in the moment as they actually exist. Perception is simply the opinion of others, this giving them a story or another thing to worry about.