Edsall stepping down immediately | Page 15 | The Boneyard

Edsall stepping down immediately

Feb 20, 2021
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punching the air in a good way or because he was angry?

Edit: I am somewhat surprised that email thread was leaked.
Quite frankly Dave knew it would go public. Subject to FOI.

Chin Diesel

The timing could not possibly be worse
Aug 24, 2011
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Eleven weeks of paid work to basically be told when I ask for something, you better get it for me.
Don't call me but if I call you, you need to pick up.
Aug 21, 2011
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Benedict marking his territory and making it clear that he makes the decisions, not Edsall.

Now seems pretty sure that Edsall tried to preempt his firing with that unilateral retirement announcement, and DB was not having it.
I don’t agree. Since there’s no buyout there’s no upside to either retiring or being fired other than the allusion that it was on Edsall’s terms. But the first announcement was so clearly a respectful way not to fire Edsall but even in that Benedict withheld final judgement which he obviously rendered the following day. He probably needed just to get some alignment internally with Chair of board, president and chief of staff
Aug 27, 2011
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We are the only fanbase like this that I know of and it's pathetic. Even with the bball fans getting their wish of rejoining the NBE, they still want the FB to go away. I had a whole conversation with a good friend yesterday about how the FB program is essential to the AD. He said it was not true and the program is an embarrassment and should just be dropped. My friend is a huge FB guy too, yet he grew up with UConn bball and thinks we need to just "accept" that's what we are as a school. It's embarrassing that our own alumnus and fans can't cheer for ALL UConn teams, no matter the sport. It's even worse when your own fan base are actively stating that the football team should be scrapped.
Yup. The embarrassment is the BB only fans. No other alumni base treats it’s programs so disparately and with such malign intent. The truth is they know football would suck the air out of the room if successful, as it should.
Aug 28, 2011
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Crazy train.

Edsall didn’t even work with Benedict on this.

Locker room issues…. Not the first time with Randy. He had an issue in the locker room in 2006 too. Moorhead saved Randy’s ass.
Moorhead must have had a Flux Capacitor to have gotten to 2006 from 2009.
Sep 22, 2011
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UConn might have the most NIMBY fans in the country. That attitude has been a significant factor in what's holding back the football program in particular.
This is aggravating. The joke about 15 years ago was that the men’s team hated football, women’s team hates the men’s team and that football hated everyone.

I gotta blame a lot of the very old media for this many many moons ago. Calhoun was always miffed how much we spent on football (stadium, practice center) and the media kind of took up that passive aggressive spirit …basketball vs. football. I can’t tell you how many times, after a loss, the old “is it basketball season?” I heard.

Then, it was men’s hoops making fun of the older people liking women’s hoops, then women’s hoops doing the “men are men, and women are champions BS”

One of the great mysteries I have as a former writer covering the team, an alum of the school and a CT resident is the hate one of the fan bases has fir the other.

The only thing all 3 fan bases agree on is Jim Penders is awesome. I am not joking on that either.

Chin Diesel

The timing could not possibly be worse
Aug 24, 2011
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This is aggravating. The joke about 15 years ago was that the men’s team hated football, women’s team hates the men’s team and that football hated everyone.

I gotta blame a lot of the very old media for this many many moons ago. Calhoun was always miffed how much we spent on football (stadium, practice center) and the media kind of took up that passive aggressive spirit …basketball vs. football. I can’t tell you how many times, after a loss, the old “is it basketball season?” I heard.

Then, it was men’s hoops making fun of the older people liking women’s hoops, then women’s hoops doing the “men are men, and women are champions BS”

One of the great mysteries I have as a former writer covering the team, an alum of the school and a CT resident is the hate one of the fan bases has fir the other.

The only thing all 3 fan bases agree on is Jim Penders is awesome. I am not joking on that either.

Don't want to like this, but there's nothing wrong written in it.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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Yup. The embarrassment is the BB only fans.
Nope, it's guys like you. The ones that didn't care one whit about the damage FB was doing to the programs that made D-1 FB possible.
Aug 27, 2011
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Nobody is arguing the importance basketball played in getting us there. I remember Tony Hanson playing in the field house, so I probably appreciate what hoops has done as much as anybody. ESPN used the Big East build its empire. They also had no use for it 30 years later as the revenue landscape morphed. No FBS football means small time and you’re on the sidelines. I can love both basketball and football because it’s about the school first, and the school is flagship university, not some regional mid-their university.
Aug 26, 2011
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Nope, it's guys like you. The ones that didn't care one whit about the damage FB was doing to the programs that made D-1 FB possible.
I'd argue football made athletic departments possible and helped create them. Football is the sport UConn had success in first. Then soccer, then field hockey, then basketball.

Just as clubs like Barcelona and Real Madrid do in Europe, starting with soccer.
Aug 27, 2011
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I agree - never made sense.
As for football, to me, this is whistling while Storrs burns. There isn't one program in New England worth anything and yes, that surely includes BCU.

The entire collegiate athletic landscape is blowing up. For better or worse, we shall see how it shakes out. I had 10 years of full on support for UConn football. Chairbacks, donations, fees etc. I cannot see a scenario that works and that bumms me out big time. We can keep all the BEast D1 Olympic sports teams and compete with anyone on the hardwood, ice, the pitch and the diamond. (OK. Field Hockey too.)

State is broke. I have no idea what to do with the Rent. I loved everything about the thought of real D1 football.

Almost had it. Did anyone in the country associate UConn with football?

Pile on my thoughts. I don't like it one bit.

Time to say goodbye.
Aug 27, 2011
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Yup. The embarrassment is the BB only fans. No other alumni base treats it’s programs so disparately and with such malign intent. The truth is they know football would suck the air out of the room if successful, as it should.
That is just too big of an "if" and that saddens me greatly. We are a very good, flagship state U that doesn't reside close to the football belt. It's pro territory and has been forever.

I will have to agree that, for whatever reason, a sizeable contingent of the BY basketball board is indifferent to FB. Not me.

IDK if FCS is a good future; but after so many years of going to the Rent, I would gladly go to a 15K on campus stadium.

We all see realignment, again.
If anyone sees a FB future, please tell me. Running as an independent makes the Huskies a side show. Even ND substantially capitulated.

I think I am right on this one and I do not like it at all.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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This is aggravating. The joke about 15 years ago was that the men’s team hated football, women’s team hates the men’s team and that football hated everyone.

I gotta blame a lot of the very old media for this many many moons ago. Calhoun was always miffed how much we spent on football (stadium, practice center) and the media kind of took up that passive aggressive spirit …basketball vs. football. I can’t tell you how many times, after a loss, the old “is it basketball season?” I heard.

Then, it was men’s hoops making fun of the older people liking women’s hoops, then women’s hoops doing the “men are men, and women are champions BS”

One of the great mysteries I have as a former writer covering the team, an alum of the school and a CT resident is the hate one of the fan bases has fir the other.

The only thing all 3 fan bases agree on is Jim Penders is awesome. I am not joking on that either.
Excellent post but there are a couple points I'd like to make.

The jabs about the age of the women's team's fan base started in the mid 1990's when we were still lobbying for support to move up a level in football.

It wasn't that JC was angry that football was getting donations for their practice facility/training center. His issue was that no effort was being expended to raise funds for a much needed basketball facility. Additionally, during JH's time as athletic director, increasing payroll pretty much anywhere within the athletic department was like pulling teeth (and JH happened to continually bring his management of staffing costs as a reason for bonus payments).

That said, the overarching point (which I still am baffled by) is why so many people who should be at a minimum passively supportive of the football program are so opposed to idea of trying to compete at this level. We've had a horrible decade and people have been coming out of the woodwork for a few years now stumping to have football drop down to FCS. Even when we were at our best 11-14 years ago, they were publicly belittling what was being accomplished. I can't think of any other school that has to deal with anything close to this.

Around the time that Kansas State had completed 100 years of football (Snyder was in his first run as HC) they had more winless seasons than they had winning seasons (each was around 15). Memphis (as Memphis St early on) had a thirty year run, beginning in the mid 1970's where they had four winning seasons. Over the last 25 years of that same time frame Temple and Rutgers performances weren't much better than Memphis. This past decade of UConn football doesn't scratch the surface of what other programs have endured but we have people everywhere arguing that we need to give up football at this level. I would love to know why this stance is so important to them.
Feb 20, 2021
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It wasn't that JC was angry that football was getting donations for their practice facility/training center. His issue was that no effort was being expended to raise funds for a much needed basketball facility.
I agree, Calhoun was a football fan and a supporter of the football program. Sure, he advocated for his sport first, as any good coach would. Everyone liked Hathaway when he was Lew’s errand boy and they all supported Hathaway becoming AD because they thought they could do as they pleased. Little did anyone know, Jeff would go on a power trip once given some power. He alienated just about everyone, including Jim and Randy.
Of course, J Silver’s observation about MBB and WBB “hating” each other was true in regards to head coaches for practical purposes, although I never chose to considered it personal “hate” or they interacted enough to have any real personal animosity. However, Chief thought of it more as a two very competitive guys, with very different backgrounds and styles, in a room too small for the two egos. Chief knew both coaches well from the early days and liked and respected them both as people. The players and assistant coaches largely did not share any ill feelings. For example, I know George Blaney had a great deal of respect for Sue Bird as a player and person, in those days.
Until Werth, we had limited facilities so there were always battles where Jim would tell the assistant to get people the $F$ off the court, since it was his practice time - LOL.
Once they became successful, when one got a new vehicle, the other would have to top them. While Jim would use luxury cars for recruiting, I don’t think he had a great interest in them beyond that competition. LOL
Last edited:
Sep 22, 2011
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Excellent post but there are a couple points I'd like to make.

The jabs about the age of the women's team's fan base started in the mid 1990's when we were still lobbying for support to move up a level in football.

It wasn't that JC was angry that football was getting donations for their practice facility/training center. His issue was that no effort was being expended to raise funds for a much needed basketball facility. Additionally, during JH's time as athletic director, increasing payroll pretty much anywhere within the athletic department was like pulling teeth (and JH happened to continually bring his management of staffing costs as a reason for bonus payments).

That said, the overarching point (which I still am baffled by) is why so many people who should be at a minimum passively supportive of the football program are so opposed to idea of trying to compete at this level. We've had a horrible decade and people have been coming out of the woodwork for a few years now stumping to have football drop down to FCS. Even when we were at our best 11-14 years ago, they were publicly belittling what was being accomplished. I can't think of any other school that has to deal with anything close to this.

Around the time that Kansas State had completed 100 years of football (Snyder was in his first run as HC) they had more winless seasons than they had winning seasons (each was around 15). Memphis (as Memphis St early on) had a thirty year run, beginning in the mid 1970's where they had four winning seasons. Over the last 25 years of that same time frame Temple and Rutgers performances weren't much better than Memphis. This past decade of UConn football doesn't scratch the surface of what other programs have endured but we have people everywhere arguing that we need to give up football at this level. I would love to know why this stance is so important to them.

JC was passive-aggressive. How you may ask? The Burton Family Football Complex was built in 2006. The first time JC ever stepped foot in that building was Warde Manuel's press conference introducing him as the new AD. That's about as passive-aggressive as you can get. He called it the Taj Mahal for 6-7 years and never stepped inside?

Anyhow, JC is a football fan too, so it isn't like he had no interest in the sport. He watched all the games even just random football games.

BTW, funny story about JC and football now that I can speak out of school...

Remember the Zach Frazier, Tyler Lorenzen, Cody Endres debates (oh my god wouldn't we give to have any of the 3)....

Randy had a big presser back in the day I think comparing Tyler or Zach, not sure, to Taliek Brown how Jim stood by him and he was such a winner and won games ugly and the media didn't know what we were talking about (Endres was best pure QB) etc.

5 minutes before the presser Jim was in the elevator and said..."That guy Cody is by far the best QB."

I almost died. LOL.

JC is the GOAT.
Apr 1, 2017
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I have been going to games since we played on campus. I remember fondly some very cold and windy days spent on bleachers which seemed even colder ! I have been to basketball games way back as well, predating Gampel. The field house has some equally great memories. I even been to baseball with my first game probably in mid 70's. I could mention soccer, hockey visits as well but you get the idea. obviously I represent an older demographic of Uconn fan. A group which seemingly was more committed to the University than a single team. The fact we have splintered into groups less tolerant of each other seem to reflect our society need to argue at every turn. People now seem to feel their preference must be the correct one . But worse , yours must be wrong and I must convince you of it.
Sports is a privilege in my opinion that we share because our university exists in a state in which it can provide it. A collective effort to keep a healthy vibrant sports environment requires an appreciation at least rather than a denigration of the entire sports landscape. By All means have a favorite and support them. But be a Uconn fan and do no harm to the others !


Exiled in Pittsburgh
Mar 23, 2012
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Randy had a big presser back in the day I think comparing Tyler or Zach, not sure, to Taliek Brown how Jim stood by him and he was such a winner and won games ugly and the media didn't know what we were talking about (Endres was best pure QB) etc.

5 minutes before the presser Jim was in the elevator and said..."That guy Cody is by far the best QB."
A part of me wants to believe that if Endres was a hoops player, JC would've found a way to overlook the toking up. I'm probably wrong on that, but I just have this feeling.

Anyway, JC was right. Cody had the goods.
Aug 24, 2011
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I strongly feel this is a mostly a small biased sample size thing. If you get beyond a small % of BY MBB hardos, I think that the vast majority of UConn MBB fans want football to succeed and also understand that the team needs to for us to be a viable overall athletic department.

Every single one of my friends are strong UConn ATHLETICS fans. Every single one. Talking dozens. Maybe I've just found the right subgroup to hang with, but I think it's more like a reasonable representative sample of the average UConn athletics fan.

It's a fun narrative to peddle, but I really don't think it's that true.
I can only tell you that I know plenty of UConn alum and basketball fans who don't understand why we're still playing football. Those folks are definitely out there.

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