If I try hard enough, I can remember being young. Jalen is a young man, so he did what he did, and the coach is dealing with it appropriately. For me, not a big deal, and the end of the story. A more intriguing issue is what we learned from yesterday's game.
First - there's no way we beat Temple without him. At the same time, although the competition was terrible, we were better yesterday without him on the court, than on. The challenge for the coaching staff and team is to somehow analyze why that was the case, and then create a game plan to keep those things that made them better without him going, and incorporate his strengths without losing them. (add in Alterique and seems like we could be markedly better than we've been) Yesterday's game illustrated, that so far, we seem to have been less than the sum of our parts rather than more. I'm a decidedly casual fan with limited understanding of the X's and O's, so I leave that to you guys and the coaching staff.
That's, as they say, why you get the big bucks.