I also hope the best for Jamal Coombs-McDaniel, never said a bad word about the kid throughout the whole situation. Just my opinion, I don't think it's a huge deal that they smoked a little marijuana. If Jamal Coombs-McDaniel did it a month later, I believe he would have just got a ticket (Wasn't it decriminalized soon after?). I feel some people think that just becasue these kids play at such a high level they don't smoke or drink, most of them do, in the end they're normal college students. Like I said earlier, just my opinion..
I realized I was being cryptic and some posters would not understand my snide remark. I have the same opinion as you regarding the actions of Jerome, Doug and Jamal Coombs-McDaniel regarding their use of marijuana. My remark should have been directed at Chief who is extremely judgmental with Jerome and has lauded Jamal Coombs-McDaniel in the past. I have nothing against Jamal Coombs-McDaniel. I was challenging Chief00 who can't let a thread about Jerome go without some attempt to put Jerome in a bad light.
The moment this thread was started, I was certain Chief would make a post that would offer something negative about Dyson. Jerome is Chief's Moby Dick. No matter what positive accomplishments Jerome may do he will always be one step away from not "Turning the Corner". If anyone has seen Clockwork Orange, the movie was tailored for someone like Chief.
Of course I was also wondering if I would be able to ignore Chief regarding this issue over Jerome. I can say one thing. I responded, but whereby Chief would have made me cringe in the past with his attitude towards Jerome, I actually find his antics humorous if not sad.
Everyone of us has positive and negative attributes and Jerome, Chief and myself are no different in this regard. I read Chiefs posts and there are topics he creates or responds in which he is quite reasonable imo. So I don't dismiss Chief as a person. I do think his need to seek out the negative regarding Dyson is something that is unhealthy for him. That is different than saying Chief is unhealthy. But Chief is as unlikely to move past his obsession with Jerome as Jerome is unlikely to change his so called "bad" habits. I recognize this and it reduces any positive spin I can say about myself regarding my snide remark. Trying to marginalize or change Chief is futile if he doesn't recognize he has a problem. Certainly I can be wrong regarding my defense of Jerome. But even if I'm correct that Jerome has many positive attributes, I'm wasting my time with trying to convince Chief otherwise.