Doom & Gloom thread | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Doom & Gloom thread

Mar 2, 2018
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The offense just looks out of wack. Sure there were times when it looked normal, but for the most part there was a lot of non movement. I saw CD trying to take over the game in the 3rd/4th quarter and it just didn't work.
Out worked by the opponent and missed FT's from a UConn team is not normal. Still enjoy watching them though and they will be heard from in the NCAA tournament.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Pretty simple. Our point guard shot 20 shots, made 7, had 3 assists. Our best player & I don’t think it’s really up for debate anymore had 20 points on 9-16 shooting. That was our mismatch & Geno got her the ball after every timeout but the 3 guards remained clueless in the fact she would get a great shot everytime she touched out. At some point Collier has to start just calling them out in the huddles. Very alarming, will be a tough road for us to get back to the FF. Still have a better shot that not.
There is no need for that kind of finger pointing. They can ALL player better and that includes Napheesa.
Feb 28, 2012
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It is all about the DEFENSE. When opposing teams score 70+ , we are in trouble, no matter what our offense is doing. We do not play well on defense; no lock down defenders, no steals, no forcing turnovers, no post defense.
Dec 21, 2015
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Louisville played better, but i think maybe, the team in striped uniforms won thegame.
Nov 29, 2018
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For some reason Lou looks a little less mobile than usual. Good defense but not the same energy and tenacity compare to her better games. The offense was passing as much to create and out guys look tentative for stretches. Obviously defense isn’t as good as before but we need all 5 to score double digit and have one of our big 3 have a really good night mike 25-30 points.


Meglepetés Előadó
Feb 14, 2017
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I think there are seriously 6 contenders for the title this year


Possible Final 4 Spoilers
Oregon State

You have 5 correctly ID.


Meglepetés Előadó
Feb 14, 2017
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For some reason Lou looks a little less mobile than usual. Good defense but not the same energy and tenacity compare to her better games. The offense was passing as much to create and out guys look tentative for stretches. Obviously defense isn’t as good as before but we need all 5 to score double digit and have one of our big 3 have a really good night mike 25-30 points.

This team just stands around. You don't see players without the ball moving and cutting. What do they practice? Throwing ball around the perimeter?


Who put the Bop in the Bop Shoo Bop?
Oct 5, 2015
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Evans was ranked top 10 by ESPN. ESPN was low on Fuehring (60) but she was a McDonald's AA, which implies top-24. Jazmine Jones was #43 by ESPN but #20 by ProspectsNation. Dunham and Carter were lower down the packing order, but Durr's not the only high level talent they have.

What if I told you...they probably do go through hard practices? You don't get to the intensity Louisville manages on gameday by lollygagging through practices. I have no inside knowledge but I'll bet Jeff works his players pretty hard.
I was not implying that other teams don't have hard, intense practices. However, none have the reputation UConn has. You named one top ten player other than Durr. UConn was playing with five top 10 players. Numbers 20, 43, and 60 don't come close to the level of UConn's starters. Coombs was ranked higher than those players.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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I think there are seriously 6 contenders for the title this year


Possible Final 4 Spoilers
Oregon State
I'm going to go the opposite way of SVC and put Stanford in the first list, so there are 7 serious contenders, in my opinion.

I want to see more of NC State. I think they have too many injuries to contend, but it seemed as if ND had too many last year, and we all know how that worked out. The next 3 weeks will reveal more about the Wolfpack.

I think Maryland and Oregon State could sneak into the Final Four, but I'd be surprised.


A potential star is born from the dust over time
Aug 25, 2013
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Thanks for the thread. After reading through it all, I can finally get my head out of the bucket and rinse out my mouth. I wish we would spend more time getting behind this team rather than finding every crack in its' foundation. Good thing we do not have a board for the Ruth led Yankees or the Russell led Celtics. It is still early to grave dig.
Apr 2, 2018
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Couple of things Why does Geno let ONO come off bench first during big games against top teams, but will barley play her against teams in our weak conference? Geno messed up with the constant criticism of our current sophomore class last season, which I believe messed up their confidence and played a huge factor in this year recruiting. Geno has to start benching Lou and Crystal instead of allowing them shoot ourselves out of games. I only think we should have one AA this season and that is Pheesa. Lastly, why is it only our team that doesn’t mention wanting to win a National Championship? When Stevie was here she wasn’t scared to bring it up, but now players have to apologize to coach via text message when they say it publicly? Hopefully Geno is takes the Coach K approach and realize times and players are changing because if they want to have a big announcement about there college choice instead of signing a letter of intent on a hood of a car they should. They worked hard for that moment, so let them enjoy it. Hopefully everyone stays warm today.
Jan 30, 2017
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Couple of things Why does Geno let ONO come off bench first during big games against top teams, but will barley play her against teams in our weak conference? Geno messed up with the constant criticism of our current sophomore class last season, which I believe messed up their confidence and played a huge factor in this year recruiting. Geno has to start benching Lou and Crystal instead of allowing them shoot ourselves out of games. I only think we should have one AA this season and that is Pheesa. Lastly, why is it only our team that doesn’t mention wanting to win a National Championship? When Stevie was here she wasn’t scared to bring it up, but now players have to apologize to coach via text message when they say it publicly? Hopefully Geno is takes the Coach K approach and realize times and players are changing because if they want to have a big announcement about there college choice instead of signing a letter of intent on a hood of a car they should. They worked hard for that moment, so let them enjoy it. Hopefully everyone stays warm today.

If that's only "couple things", I would hate to see your "few things" list. Who would you suggest Geno brings in when benching Lou and Crystal, where are the points coming from? I'm assuming you're ok if UConn loses as long as everyone plays? They did lose last night but I get the sense you're not ok with it.
Aug 28, 2011
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What y'all said. All of it. Better team won? Yup. On another day, could UConn have won? Well sure, but a lot of things would have to go differently. Shot selection sucked. I even saw Dangerfield jack up a quick shot, and she;'s not known for doing that. Collier made some big plays but missed a lot of 7-foot-or-less shots. This team just doesn't -- or can't -- give her the few inches of space she needs to make shots. Walker is developing slowly, but is coming along, and on another UConn team at another time, she would be just fine. On this team, because of its needs, she is trying to do more than she is ready to do. But man, do I like the way she gets up there for rebounds. Williams is in much the same situation, but she's a freshman.

It appears that with the configuration of this team, opponents can devote more time and effort to guarding Katie Lou, and it shows in her shooting.

As an aside.I have no idea how negative people got in the chat room. I don't go there because I want to watch the game, but I think the tone of the posts here has been about what it should be: We're disappointed. We see things that another UConn team would have done differently and we're trying to figure out why this one can't.

All those things apply to me. I was very disappointed with the team's performance. Louisville was better, but it really did not have to be that way. Whoever said this UConn team is playing without emotion is spot on I never thought I'd reach this conclusion, but if this is the level of play against good competition, this team, depending on match-ups, could not get beyond the Elite Eight.
Apr 25, 2013
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After watching the replay it seems to me that the game was played even until the 2nd half when Durr made a bunch of 3s. Samuel did not make a basket in the 4th until things were over. Clearly, LV played better as a team. At this juncture, the loss isn't that important- regardless of seeding, the team will have to beat some good teams (early and late) to reach their goal. So we are seeing with them problems to over come.We are not the only team in this situation-- see ND. I don't know how much better LV can be, nor Baylor, etc. Having said this, there are issues I have:

1) the flow-- too many are either not accustom to move and cut, or they are uncertain about what is to be done so there are delays and a lack of quick decision-making;
2) Rebounding. One gets the impression that rebounding is Pheesa's job, so the others sometimes stand-around. Or, so much energy is use in rebounding that there is little for offense;
3) MW must use her full set of skills the entire game. She seems to play for 10mins then disappear then appear, etc. I'm of 2 minds: Is she really cognizant of the schema, or is she just not a quick person. When she is mixing it up inside and outside its like night and day;
4) CW-- is feeling the pressure and we need her, but she cannot be willed out of her hole right now. ONO needs time and muscles-- good, but young. They will help before late.
5) I know what have been said about Coomb's shooting, etc., but I like her and her potential. I think she will be able to come in and free Crystal from pg duties-- moving her to sg for a spell.
6) Lastly, the seniors. I'm not sure what more we can ask of Pheesa-- she has enough on her shoulders. Her minutes and responsibilities are almost too much. KLS is an issue for me. Is it the senior blues? Is she burnt-out? is she hurt? Is her draft status playing tricks on her? Clearly her overall shooting is off and she is not as dependable compare to the past. Going almost an entire quarter without taking a shot would be critical for any team. Obviously she is doing a lot of other things to keep us in the game, but I have worriesome questions.

All these questions and I am still optimistic about our playing and chances for further improvements. Afterall, most sensible people (some on this board- no less) predicted a few losses- we are having them, without being blown-out.


Aug 27, 2011
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Pretty simple. Our point guard shot 20 shots, made 7, had 3 assists. Our best player & I don’t think it’s really up for debate anymore had 20 points on 9-16 shooting. That was our mismatch & Geno got her the ball after every timeout but the 3 guards remained clueless in the fact she would get a great shot everytime she touched out. At some point Collier has to start just calling them out in the huddles. Very alarming, will be a tough road for us to get back to the FF. Still have a better shot that not.
Point guard took 20 shots, many while teammates were open, sorry she is not Mo, not a great defender on team. Rare for a good pass into the post.
Aug 19, 2017
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Lou was really bad. She is looking tired. The lack of conditioning and practice in the summer is now showing up. The defense of the starters was abysmal again. Pheesa shot well but otherwise seemed in a fog. They have both seemed to be unable to carry the team in the big games. As pointed out in the past the past failures in recruiting will haunt us.
Jan 26, 2016
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Geno said it all in his post game press conference:

"this is not your typical UConn team...................we kinda suck this year...................we need to get better"....................

the fact is that this team can beat anybody if they are playing at the top of their game but when they're not, they could loose to any of 10-15 teams in the big tournament................time will tell
Jan 14, 2019
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Geno probably has a laundry list of things he needs to fix.

With the top teams bunched up as they are, all of them beatable, he doesn't have to fix all of them, just some of them --- this is not the end of the season.

When Pat came to Gampel on MLK Day it was for the good of the game. Geno schedules as a tough a non-conference as he can get for his team , but there is a "for the good of the game" element to it.

Now when we a get a truly competitive top echelon of teams, and even conferences, ----we complain.

In the long run, its all good.

Personally, this loss is just an opportunity to get better - I don't believe in good losses -- but if that happens, Louisville could be as close as you can get to it.

This game was winnable. I'd like to see a rematch down the road.


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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National Championship in 2004. UConn final record of 31 - 4.
National Championship in 2013. UConn final record of 35 - 4.
And let's not forget Tennessee in 1997. National Championship with a 29 - 10 record.

We have 2 loses. We are not out of it by a long shot.
Dec 7, 2016
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Here's where I see things:

1) clearly something is wrong with Lou. Is it the lack of strong pre-season conditioning (coming off the surgery) catching up with her? She looks spent, with nothing left in the gas tank
2) Pheesa is trying to do too much to make up for some of the other deficiencies that others on the team are not doing and things that are simply outside of "her game", that are resulting in silly fouls called against her.
3) Megan, although much improved since the Baylor game, needs to play like she has recently shown, consistently for a solid 4 quarters. This team needs her to do this to succeed
4) CW, right now, has ZERO confidence in her game. Passing up shots that she SHOULD be taking (and making), and not being more agressive out on the court, is evident. She has hit the Freshman Wall hesd on, and the crash may not be repairable this season. CW's personality (refer to her pre-season predictions) are such that her expectations of her own game and how it would impact this team, are much different than what Geno and this team needed of her. Maybe next season she will come in with a different mind set and attitude
5) Dangerfield has clearly been the most consistent player on this team. But she has recently looked perplexed over what the others aren't doing. She can't do it all.
6) As it has been said, adnausieum, on the Boneyard, the Bench clearly is a big problem against the elite teams in the country. Ono needs to bulk up and pack on "Dangerfield Type Muscles". She came into this season, thinking that she would be a big contributor, simply based on her size and what she did in High School. A "Tierra McCowan" she's not (yet). Coombs cannot be counted on to produce points, although a decent defender, but that's not what this team needs now. Kyla is what she is. A nice kid who has a inconsistent outside shot who gets out muscled on the boards. Molly, as I have said before, is the type of player and role that the 2 walk on's had a few years ago. And Camara is just being buried on the bench, be it due to physical injuries or Geno feeling that she just no longer serves a need on this team, is questioned. Don't look for her to return next season.
7) Bottom Line - This team is simply not as good as many here on the Boneyard believe and I don't seeing them getting past the Elite 8 this season. And things are only going to get worse next season, with only 1 solid and very promising recruit (Griffin) coming in [praying that she leaves the injury bug behind her at Ossining HS]. Losing Pheesa, Lou, and most likely Camara and not being able to replace them, added to a schedule that will be much tougher than this seasons, will make the road that much more harder. Thus the expectations of "The Boneyarders" need to tempered.

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