Don't Care What Y'All Say | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Don't Care What Y'All Say

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Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Pal - I don't normally pick fights on here but ARE YOU SERIOUS?
He does, with inflammatory posts intended to solicit these types of reactions. There was almost confidence in either of former "Coach" Pasqualoni's 5-7 seasons that the team was close to eligibility, even though they were only one win away.
Sep 3, 2011
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Keep hearing about the value of 20 extra days of practice . . . still looked like the same impotent offense. Just cannot be so difficult because so many other programs put up lots of points. Something needs to change at uConn.
Aug 26, 2011
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Good point. They are poorly led. Barely better than Pasqualoni.

That's not close to true. Diaco is a huge bump on the ineptness of PP. Not happy with his direction on offense but this team did some really good things and the improvement was obvious. Long way to go but the future is brighter than it's been in a while just need to throw some fireworks on the offense. Better players too yes, but still need to make the strategy the same as KO would think. You want a brand which kids want to be part of and HCBD and his passion can only be so much of that. What you do on the field needs to attract too and what they did offensively in a game some recruits were able to watch yesterday - just painful. That has to change.
Mar 2, 2015
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If I were a good 3 or 4 star offensive recruit I'd look at this program and see it's an up and coming program with many new quality recruits coming. Many returning players to support continued growth of the team. A history of fan, university and state support. And know that I could definitely not only play on this team but become a recognized star, with the strong development program that exists. This program has it's bugs but it is on the rise and has a bright, bright future.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm now flying home and feeling a bit more reflective about yesterday. I've come to a different conclusion, although I admit it's a rationalization. If I had to choose between winning vs Marshall in a Bowl Game the witness protection program would have endorsed, and lose next year in a better bowl---or--lose yesterday and fuel a passionate desire in the team to return next year with a vengeance to play in a major Bowl against a big name program and win---I'll accept the loss yesterday and move on.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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I still maintain they were better not bowling this year - the offense was worse than awful. Number 4 is not a QB and unlike some poster's observations he did not check off numerous receivers - most plays he barely does more than a 2 Mississippi count and then runs. Just terrible offense plan and exciting. No sugar coating it.

Extra practices were needed and being able to have the seniors play in a bowl game is awesome. Your opinion is wrong as this team needed this experience.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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The game for better or worse showed a very accurate picture of where the program is at. We could have beaten a decent team yesterday, but it would have meant connecting on the few chunk plays we attempted, minimizing turnovers, creating more turnovers on D, getting nothing from the return game, and holding an opponent to less than 20 by playing near perfect defense. We were 3 out of 5, so it was a loss. The climb still has quite the ways to go, but I enjoyed the positive moments yesterday and all season. Previously we've been so bad that any good developments were soon swamped by the onslaught of terrible ones. That wasn't the case this season, it felt more like 2006 than 2011, if that makes any sense.
Aug 21, 2011
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Quite frankly, this is one of the dumber opinions I have ever seen expressed on the boneyard.

Are the players now worse-off having:

- experienced a bowl game/atmosphere?
- practiced for an extra 3 weeks?

Do you think our showing was bad enough that it will negatively effect the perception of our program? The game was on at 11AM the day after Christmas. This wasn't the fiesta bowl.

What would have been better about not bowling? Would love to hear even one valid reason. I don't think a coach of any 6-6 or better team in the country would agree with you.
Not one of the dumbest, THE DUMBEST. And that's saying something for the Yard


If you go to a bowl game; go to win!
The missed tackles were not consistent with the descriptions mentioned in various posts - true the players got a nice vacation - did they learn how to focus before a big game? - only in a sense of rip up what they did this year and do something different - because it clearly did not work.

UConn's play or style wasn't a product that will help recruiting. If you were a receiver would you sign up to be the next great wide receiver we either don't throw to or underthrow to.

I am sorry I did not take away any positives from yesterday's game other than we have a very long ways to go and we don't just need a talent upgrade but an attitude upgrade. When you read the quotes of our QB, he actually felt he came close to playing well with a tweak here or there. I am all for the glass is half full but Calhoun would have taken the glass and smashed it against the wall. I will give Diaco credit for getting the players to believe in themselves but at some point we need something better than terrible offense. Yes, the offensive line is poor but we have been told by Diaco for 2 years we have a great strength program - best in the country - yet we can't knock anyone off the line of scrimmage.
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Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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All I'll say further is that I am very glad you are not involved in any official capacity with the football program. Have a good night.
Aug 26, 2011
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Don't know what is worse or better, seeing things as they actually are or seeing things as you want them to be. Somebody is going to be pissed at you.


All I'll say further is that I am very glad you are not involved in any official capacity with the football program. Have a good night.

I am not trying to pile on after a loss - but quite frankly it's not productive to live in denial either.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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I am not trying to pile on after a loss - but quite frankly it's not productive to live in denial either.

Your pessimistic vision of the team is not grounded in reality. One would read your post and think that we had gone 0-12 and been shut out in every single game. Just because you say things with an authoritative tone and try to promote your self-importance with mentions of your connection to UConn athletics does not make what you say accurate or correct.

The coaches, many (if not all) of the players and their families, the AD's office, the administration, the student body, and the vast majority of the fan base are pleased with the progress that was made this year and recognize the upward trajectory this program is on. I would actually wager that you are pretty much all by yourself with your assessment that the program is currently at rock bottom. But if you're lonely, why not call Andre and get him to keep you company?
Aug 27, 2011
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Chief00 said:
If you go to a bowl game; go to win! The missed tackles were not consistent with the descriptions mentioned in various posts - true the players got a nice vacation - did they learn how to focus before a big game? - only in a sense of rip up what they did this year and do something different - because it clearly did not work. UConn's play or style wasn't a product that will help recruiting. If you were a receiver would you sign up to be the next great wide receiver we either don't throw to or underthrow to. I am sorry I did not take away any positives from yesterday's game other than we have a very long ways to go and we don't just need a talent upgrade but an attitude upgrade. When you read the quotes of our QB, he actually felt he came close to playing well with a tweak here or there. I am all for the glass is half full but Calhoun would have taken the glass and smashed it against the wall. I will give Diaco credit for getting the players to believe in themselves but at some point we need something better than terrible offense. Yes, the offensive line is poor but we have been told by Diaco for 2 years we have a great strength program - best in the country - yet we can't knock anyone off the line of scrimmage.

Like the times we lost in the NIT to teams like Jackson State, Detroit and UAB. Sometimes you don't have the horses. I don't recall Jim turning down bids.
Aug 29, 2011
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I still maintain they were better not bowling this year - the offense was worse than awful. Number 4 is not a QB and unlike some poster's observations he did not check off numerous receivers - most plays he barely does more than a 2 Mississippi count and then runs. Just terrible offense plan and exciting. No sugar coating it.
Not going to a bowl is better? Chief, 9/10 you are a waste of a read. This team improved. What sane fan wouldn't have accepted 6-6 and a bowl after last year? Find me a QB who throws 300 yds without a competent O Line. Get ourselves some big uglies and all will start to balance out - including attracting better QBs.


I heard a beep, who just joined?
Nov 14, 2014
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Congrats on a great season however...BD's quick success is worrisome. If UConn does even better next year why would he stay at UConn...


Aug 26, 2011
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Congrats on a great season however...BD's quick success is worrisome. If UConn does even better next year why would he stay at UConn...
It would be a nice problem to have.
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