Dominance shift | The Boneyard

Dominance shift

May 8, 2021
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The question most often asked in wbb (post Tenn era) was can anyone beat UConn, next it was can anyone beat Baylor? (especially in Griner years with undefeated season). I fear now, for both our sakes, that SC and Dawn have stolen the spotlight. Her product is superior right now. That has not yet translated in to multiple nattys (3 for Baylor, countless for UConn), but it is still hard to deny SC dominance.

They seem to be a tier above the rest of us, sitting on an untouchable perch. I’m most happy, of course, when BU sits in that position, but could tolerate Uconn’s position on the throne as most likely. most of the time, but now the once predictable plates have shifted. I don’t see Tenn ever returning to more than a partial season of flashes like this year.

Baylor has a new coach with moments of brilliance and other moments lack luster motivation. UConn seems to have gotten itself into single player dependence and, thus, a very vulnerable position. And while Geno still has a quarter tank of gas left, he and his bball schemes aren’t getting any younger.

As a Baylor fan, I used to avoid even thinking of shifting plates and a post Mulkey era, reality however has made BU fans look to a new coach with new schemes and time to rebuild. That reality will soon be at your door Step. It’s not as awful as you imagine, but you do have to shift your expectations and be willing to take a rebuilding journey. I don’t think it matters much when Tara V leaves Stanford, but it did matter much when Kim left Baylor, and it will matter much when Geno steps away. BU spends more money on WBB than any school in the country and has a new river front arena in its future, but will it be enough without Kim? Until stability returns to BU and UConn, we can only sit and watch SC mop the floor, with us! Change is both difficult and inevitabLe.
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Apr 1, 2013
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The question most often asked in wbb (post Tenn era) was can anyone beat UConn, next it was can anyone beat Baylor? (especially in Griner years with undefeated season). I fear now, for both our sakes, that SC and Dawn have stolen the spotlight. Her product is superior right now. That has not yet translated in to multiple nattys (3 for Baylor, countless for UConn), but it is still hard to deny SC dominance. They seem to be a tier above the rest of us, sitting on an untouchable perch. I’m most happy, of course, when BU sits in that position, but could tolerate Uconn’s position on the throne as most likely. most of the time, but now the once predictable plates have shifted. I don’t see Tenn ever returning to more than a partial season of flashes like this year. Baylor has a new coach with moments of brilliance and other moments lack luster motivation. UConn seems to have gotten itself into single player dependence and, thus, a very vulnerable position. And while Geno still has a quarter tank of gas left, he and his bball schemes aren’t getting any younger. As a Baylor fan, I used to avoid even thinking of shifting plates and a post Mulkey era, reality however has made BU fans look to a new coach with new schemes and time to rebuild. That reality will soon be at your door Step. It’s not as awful as you imagine, but you do have to shift your expectations and be willing to take a rebuilding journey. I don’t think it matters much when Tara V leaves Stanford, but it did matter much when Kim left Baylor, and it will matter much when Geno steps away. BU spends more money on WBB than any school in the country and has a new river front arena in its future, but will it be enough without Kim? Until stability returns to BU and UConn, we can only sit and watch SC mop the floor, with us! Change is both difficult and inevitabLe.
If UCONN had Walker last year you think they lose to Arizona?

If UCONN was healthy this year, you think we'd have all these losses?

You know Paige Bueckers was the best player in wcbb last year, right? And you know Fudd was hurt during the SC game, right? You know Ducharme played very little in that game, right? You know players have been out also with our losses between Fudd, Aubrey, Ducharme, Liv and CWill, in addition to the bets player in wcbb, right?

Who dominates when you lose this much?


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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I think the poster was just musing out loud, not attacking UConn in any way. If you don’t like his post, you don’t have to respond, but if you do please keep it civil.

@Baylorfan , I appreciate your cerebral approach here but your timing is iffy
Feb 8, 2016
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Paragraphs are your reader’s friends.

But, I do not consider us dominant over Stanford at the present time. I do not consider us above UConn during a normal year - like next year.

Considering that we are dominant - Boston only has one year after this one.
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Aug 24, 2011
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South Carolina has won one ring. They are having a great [regular] season. Stanford/SC on a neutral court come April?
SC favored? OK Dominant favorite? No. Too soon for SC 'dominance'

Despite last night: healthy UConn/SC...would be fun.
Dec 6, 2021
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If UCONN had Walker last year you think they lose to Arizona?

If UCONN was healthy this year, you think we'd have all these losses?

You know Paige Bueckers was the best player in wcbb last year, right? And you know Fudd was hurt during the SC game, right? You know Ducharme played very little in that game, right? You know players have been out also with our losses between Fudd, Aubrey, Ducharme, Liv and CWill, in addition to the bets player in wcbb, right?

Who dominates when you lose this much?
That’s a whole lot of ‘if’s’ there friend. That hypothetical game only works for so long.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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I understand your comments and have to admit the day is coming when what you say is true.
However, to paraphrase Aragorn, "But it is not this day."
I like the scene right before it with the Keeper of the Black Gate.

Gimli: I guess that concludes negotiations

Feb 8, 2016
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Parity, yes. Dominance shift? Too soon.
Well, one can argue that there has been a "dominance shift" in that there are no Programs that dominate wbb anymore. At one time, Tennessee dominated. Then, UConn dominated with Tennessee. UConn then dominated in a manner I do not believe we will ever see again.

Baylor has been very good through the years. So was Notre Dame and so is Stanford.

UConn's dominance ended in 2016. Since then, no team has dominated. UConn has been VERY good, but not dominant. No team has won more than one championship since then. SCar only won one championship and a hung a banner for an excellent year. Give us the win for the sake of argument and we at best 2 outta' 5. That ain't dominant. Let's say we win this year. That would be, at best, three outta' six years. That would be great, but not dominant because it's not over half.

The age of dominance has ended. Call it parity if you want.

And I do not intend to disparage the current state of UConn's program in any manner. It is great! It's just not dominant at this time.
Apr 1, 2013
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That’s a whole lot of ‘if’s’ there friend. That hypothetical game only works for so long.
SO we should expect injuries like we have had this year for every year?
Yet in the last 15+ we haven't had 1 ever like it?
Apr 1, 2013
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Thanks for responses. I was musing, and wbb needs UConn to be strong! Here’s to a strong finish for both of us and a rematch (UConn vs BU) in the tourney. Hope we meet in championship.
Please don't take this as a slam. Not intended to be. It's a discussion.

You are proclaiming SC as the dominant program yet last year one of UCONN's weakest teams in about the last 15 years beat SC, and they didn't a win a title. And as nan said- your timing for a team missing three of its starters came across during a game they are decimated still with injuries. Yet you seemed to be using this game as an an example.;-- this season as as an example.

This season for UCONN hasn't complete close to ever happening in the last 20. Frankly,- ever for UCONN.


Final Four Bound!
Jun 23, 2016
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UConn is a dominate team and will be dominate as long as Geno is around. Between injuries and covid, no one team stands out this year, however, we know that if UConn was healthy, they'd be a top team. Seems most teams have a story this year (Baylor doesn't lose two of their games if covid wasn't around). Let's just all hope all teams get past this by playoff time and we as fans get to see some good competition!!
Feb 8, 2016
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UConn is a dominate team and will be dominate as long as Geno is around. Between injuries and covid, no one team stands out this year, however, we know that if UConn was healthy, they'd be a top team. Seems most teams have a story this year (Baylor doesn't lose two of their games if covid wasn't around). Let's just all hope all teams get past this by playoff time and we as fans get to see some good competition!!
"dominant" should be preceded by "the" - not "a."

There is no dominant team this year. There are a number of very good ones.

Plus, the OP's opinion implies that her is discussing programs more than individual, one year teams.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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"dominant" should be preceded by "the" - not "a."

There is no dominant team this year. There are a number of very good ones.

Plus, the OP's opinion implies that her is discussing programs more than individual, one year teams.
Um, you may not be aware we don’t need the Grammar and Spelling Police. Many of us are on phones or tablets and are victims of autocorrect. A simple transposition of letters in a word can change the meaning of a sentence completely, like yours.
Feb 8, 2016
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Um, you may not be aware we don’t need the Grammar and Spelling Police. Many of us are on phones or tablets and are victims of autocorrect. A simple transposition of letters in a word can change the meaning of your sentence completely, like yours.
Sorry. It was not my intent to call out the spelling error. My point was that many are referring to dominate/dominant as good, or very good, or the best. The word means much more. One loss South Carolina is not dominant this year. Too many close games and the upset by Mizzou. Stanford was last years's champ. . They were no dominant. Nobody is dominating wbb these days.

This is an example of dominance - even without winning the last game every year:

2013–14Geno Auriemma40–018–01stNCAA Champions
2014–15Geno Auriemma38–118–01stNCAA Champions
2015–16Geno Auriemma38–018–01stNCAA Champions
2016–17Geno Auriemma36–116–01stNCAA Final Four
2017–18Geno Auriemma36–116–01stNCAA Final Four


Dec 3, 2021
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College teams are composed of 4 year recruits just like the military.
The amount of turnover of personnel limits a program's ability to dominate.
Just as soon as the new recruits are trained, others are getting ready to leave.
The extra year of covid eligibility can affect the landscape for some years in the future, and this impact may affect recruiting patterns too.
But I don't think that future dominance can be predicted, we can only observe past dominance.
New monopolies may emerge, but it's too early to say.
A new BB star is born every day, and so are new & gifted coaches.
UConn has an umatched history and identity which I wouldn't want to bet against.
Which team that future recruits want to chose isn't a science, there's a bunch of luck & human emotions involved.
Even though the whole world is changing rapidly, people are still largely the same and look to certain fixtures to give their lives hope, meaning & to meet their expectations.
UConn is one of those fixtures just as any other storied program is an inspiration in their corner of the world whether it's Stanford, SC, TN, Baylor, NC, ND or ?.
Even if UConn only continues as one of the dominate programs in the northeast, it will most likely still remain a national powerhouse program for quite some time into the future if not forever.
Location, location, location has a lot to do with it.
Billionaires don't simply lose their billions overnight if ever.
They invest their money and it keeps growing & growing, just like BB talent.
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You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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College teams are composed of 4 year recruits just like the military.
The amount of turnover of personnel limits a program's ability to dominate.
Just as soon as the new recruits are trained, others are getting ready to leave.
The extra year of covid eligibility can affect the landscape for some years in the future, and this impact may affect recruiting patterns too.
But I don't think that future dominance can be predicted, we can only observe past dominance.
New monopolies may emerge, but it's too early to say.
A new BB star is born every day, and so are new & gifted coaches.
UConn has an umatched history and identity which I wouldn't want to bet against.
Which team that future recruits want to chose isn't a science, there's a bunch of luck & human emotions involved.
Even though the whole world is changing rapidly, people are still largely the same and look to certain fixtures to give their lives hope, meaning & to meet their expectations.
UConn is one of those fixtures just as any other storied program is an inspiration in their corner of the world whether it's Stanford, SC, TN, Baylor, NC, ND or ?.
Even if UConn only continues as one of the dominate programs in the northeast, it will most likely still remain a national powerhouse program for quite some time into the future if not forever.
Location, location, location has a lot to do with it.
Billionaires don't lose their billions overnight if ever.
Your premise is flawed. Scholarships are for one year and renewed, or in some sad, fortunately rare cases not renewed, annually. Likewise, a player can leave at any time such as two Clemson players, one that transferred and one that retired mid-season.
Feb 10, 2021
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This debate could be a never ending babble of frustration. There is more than one definition of “dominance” being put fourth. So, what is it? Can there be more than one “dominant” team in the same year? If team A wins the NC one year But team B gets to the FF for Multiple years, are the both dominant? Are UCONN SC Stanford all dominant at the same time

If there can be multiple dominant programs at the same time, we know who they are and this debate is rendered moot.

If only one team at a time can be the dominant in the sport, then it is clear by the fact that there have been different NCs for the past 5 years, that dominance by a single team is a thing of the past. And that’s a good thing.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Um, you may not be aware we don’t need the Grammar and Spelling Police. Many of us are on phones or tablets and are victims of autocorrect. A simple transposition of letters in a word can change the meaning of a sentence completely, like yours.
I don't think the Gamecock fan is trying to be a grammar police. I believe they are trying to say if a team is dominate, then it stands alone. "the" dominate team.

"a" dominate team implies one of a few that are dominate. Which the cock is saying wouldn't really be "dominate", just one of a few really good teams.


Dec 3, 2021
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Your premise is flawed. Scholarships are for one year and renewed, or in some sad, fortunately rare cases not renewed, annually. Likewise, a player can leave at any time such as two Clemson players, one that transferred and one that retired mid-season.
The premise isn't based on scholarships, it's based on temporary players that need to be constantly renewed on a 4-5 year basis for NCAA eligibility.
This is about amateur college sports, and who are not pro career athletes quite yet.
Look at who joins the military, people who are under a certain age, meet physical requirements, and then some use their service benefits to attend college and then can also play sports.
You make a good point about transfers affecting program stability though.
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Looking forward to next season
Mar 6, 2017
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Um, you may not be aware we don’t need the Grammar and Spelling Police. Many of us are on phones or tablets and are victims of autocorrect. A simple transposition of letters in a word can change the meaning of a sentence completely, like yours.
I plead guilty. I know I have posted many a reply doing just that. Then after they are posted, I read it and just shake my head. Sometimes I still have the link to delete it and others I don't.
I am going to do better in not replying in this manner in the future.

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