"Without looking why don't you tell me why you can't even consider what happened in the Southern Miss game?"
Can you be more explicit? What?
I don't think Ville was much better. Plain and simple. Better, yes. Head and shoulders, no? And rankings mean squat really in this respect because all hell breaks loose around the 20s, and teams with wildly different schedules are bunched up. That being said, I don't dispute your Ville ranking, I was generally very surprised they beat Florida, based on what I'd seem of Ville over the year. I'd put them at 25. And I'd say UConn was a little better than 75-85 but not much (i.e. one of the worst BCS teams but better than most nons). I just don't think there is a great deal separating the 25th from the 60th best. Granted, the 25th is definitely better than the 60th, but put them in a game, and I think you'd be hard pressed to spot the 60th team more than a touchdown.