Diaco's Open Practices | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Diaco's Open Practices

Do you think this new open practice policy is beneficial to the team?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Another Diaco media ploy

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Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Anyone else notice the poll results = 107%? Is Xenforo a subsidiary of Xponent?
Do you think this new open practice policy is beneficial to the team?
  1. *
    32 vote(s)

  2. No
    8 vote(s)

  3. Another Diaco media ploy
    6 vote(s)


Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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Anyone else notice the poll results = 107%? Is Xenforo a subsidiary of Xponent?
Do you think this new open practice policy is beneficial to the team?
  1. *
    32 vote(s)

  2. No
    8 vote(s)

  3. Another Diaco media ploy
    6 vote(s)
43 voters placed 46 votes. The percentages are number of votes relative to total voters.


Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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LOL. Aren't you the guy that Edsall freaked out about looking at practices from the dorm window? If not - I apologize for singling you out.
You know what happened after that practice? They didn't lose another game until the Fiesta Bowl. So.... I guess open access is good?

Aug 26, 2011
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Wait, you can vote more than once?

Connecticut Democrats, figures.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Aug 29, 2011
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What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Consider it an un-birthday present, unless it's your birthday today, in which case the glory is yours.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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43 voters placed 46 votes. The percentages are number of votes relative to total voters.
So what you are say is that numerator is in no way related to the denominator? :rolleyes:
:smh: :facepalm:
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction Score
You are definitely sipping mercury. I posted the "answer" to your riddle.

It's almost like I fell down a rabbit hole, or stepped through a looking glass or something today. Who knew it would be a Jabberwocky kind of day? Diaco in his hat, is kind of a mad hatter himself too.
Aug 26, 2011
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Somebody has to bring this thread back to reality from the opium induced fog Spackler, Loop and Whaler have sank it down to so here goes...

Down South they live and breathe football 12 months a year, that's why they are so freakin good at it. Kids up here in New England need as much exposure as they can get so why the hell not let the media use UConn football as their tool to educate not only the kids but everyone up here as to what real time Division 1 football is all about. What's the count now? 12, maybe 13 years this state has seen a D-1 team as compared to generation after generation for practically the rest of the USA? They actually might take to it just like their cousins below the Mason/Dixon.
Aug 29, 2011
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Somebody has to bring this thread back to reality from the opium induced fog Spackler, Loop and Whaler have sank it down to so here goes...

Down South they live and breathe football 12 months a year, that's why they are so freakin good at it. Kids up here in New England need as much exposure as they can get so why the hell not let the media use UConn football as their tool to educate not only the kids but everyone up here as to what real time Division 1 football is all about. What's the count now? 12, maybe 13 years this state has seen a D-1 team as compared to generation after generation for practically the rest of the USA? They actually might take to it just like their cousins below the Mason/Dixon.

You can learn a lot from Humpty Dumpty you know. He really believed the king and all his men could put him back together again.

I hope Diaco can put the program back together again, because he didn't let it just fall off the wall last year, he walked it right off the edge. And to be fair, it's his job to declare, he felt it needed it, so be it.
Last edited:
Aug 28, 2011
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I pick Yes... What's the sense in giving access to the team if they weren't very good?
Aug 26, 2011
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You can learn a lot from Humpty Dumpty you know. He really believed the king and all his men could put him back together again.

I hope Diaco can put the program back together again, because he didn't let it just fall off the wall last year, he walked it right off the edge. And to be fair, it's his job to declare, he felt it needed it, so be it.
I don't believe he walked it off the edge for a second and have a suspicion you don't either. It was already over the edge. True, Diaco is new to holding all the reins as opposed to just tending to one of the horses but he is sharp. In his first off season he moved the two most unproductive coaches on the team. One got moved so far he is no longer with the team. He realized size does matter and has recruited likewise and..... has brought in a highly acclaimed strength & conditioning coach to build what is already here. There is now better depth at QB, RB and TE. I have a feeling this team will be vying for a bowl invite in November and if they do get blown out in any game this year it will be extremely rare.

Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Open practice is a good thing for now. They need the press....any press.
Aug 29, 2011
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I don't believe he walked it off the edge for a second and have a suspicion you don't either. It was already over the edge. True, Diaco is new to holding all the reins as opposed to just tending to one of the horses but he is sharp. In his first off season he moved the two most unproductive coaches on the team. One got moved so far he is no longer with the team. He realized size does matter and has recruited likewise and..... has brought in a highly acclaimed strength & conditioning coach to build what is already here. There is now better depth at QB, RB and TE. I have a feeling this team will be vying for a bowl invite in November and if they do get blown out in any game this year it will be extremely rare.

Nope. Pretty clear that it became a complete blow up/tear down whatever term you want to use, for Coach Booby. He said so publicly at one point or another.

If you go back in this quite eccentric and entertaining discussion, you'll find that my first comment was that I vote no, because I do not YET have confidence in either the coaching staff OR the media to handle this properly when it comes game week preparation and scouting. Everyone is correct, that this kind of exposure can be good for the fanbase. I think that winning games is more important, and you don't want to give any advantage you may have away in doing that.

There is a reason, that to my knowledge, there is no other program in the country doing this, and its not that every other program has missed some kind of wonderful way to connect with fans, its because game plans, personnel groupings, playbooks, and practices are classified info, and the classified part maintenance is very important to having a chance to succeed.

That's not to say it can't be done,but I don't trust both, the coaching staff and players as well as the media following to do it. I think its a bad idea for a first time head coach.

Now, if we approach this season as we did last, with game plans that don't appear to be opponent specific for both our perssonnel and the opponents, then none of it matters anyway.
Sep 12, 2011
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Anyone thinking the open practices will give away secrets never had sex with the lights on. That and the spring game is a real game. Voted yes and BD media ploy, it is what it is and well done! Program needs every minute in the lime light it can get and with double sessions of course we let the media into the one that shows nothing more than what everybody already knows but is starving to see. A RB took a hand off! A QB threw a pass! My god, Mizz, Cincy, or Navy may see this, a receiver caught it! :eek: :rolleyes:
I hope none of our opponents saw Boyle on channel 3 tonight, he was tossing the ball at a net and hit it like four times in a row. ;)
Aug 26, 2011
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Just a guess but if you are scouting UConn you might wait to see what we do well in game situations. Until then time is best spent working on your own stuff. We're probably not a huge target except for Villanova and that comes down to execution on offense and recognition on defense. Our skill personnel on offense will give teams something to prepare for if we can block for them.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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It's funny that anyone thinks the writers could understand what they see well enough to publish anything that would help someone.
Aug 29, 2011
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Let's get something clear - It's my understanding that Diaco intends to have open media access for practices during game weeks - for the duration of the season. If I'm wrong about that, somebody correct me. If that is the case, then I've made my opinion quite clear. There is a reason that nobody does that anywhere in any level of big time money football.

Now - the reality is that Diaco appears to be quite intelligent, and really, if it's done right, and everybody is on board, including the media, it's got the potential to be a counter-intelligence nightmare for anyone that actually might be trying to gain an edge with information. But that's making a leap of faith in a lot of people that I just can't do.

I don't expect anyone really to believe anything I'm writing anyway or led any credence to it, but I simply don't trust this coaching staff and the media following we have to be able to pull this off and not be giving meaningful info out during game weeks that shouldn't be available to our opponents. Who is actually banged up and hurt and practicing is just one of the many, many little bits and pieces of info that doesn't need to be made known to opponents but leaks out like sieve when the media is allowed open access to a football team.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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Just a guess but if you are scouting UConn you might wait to see what we do well in game situations. Until then time is best spent working on your own stuff. We're probably not a huge target except for Villanova and that comes down to execution on offense and recognition on defense. Our skill personnel on offense will give teams something to prepare for if we can block for them.

Practices open to the media probably means attendees need to be credentialed. Anyone associated with UConn's opponents will probably not be granted that privileged.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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I like it and think it won't hurt with the media being there each and everyday. Last season was brutal in coverage or lack there of for the preseason. This is a good step imho.

My brother is an Ole Miss fan and all their practices are closed and so he gets very little info. I prefer the info to nothing

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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So, have I missed all the great reports about practice this week?
Aug 26, 2011
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There are two things I've been involved with nearly my entire adult life, and they break down into intelligence and operations. That's all football is really anyway, and that's why I can't get enough of it. It's intelligence and operations in large scale athletic competition. Awesome.

I thought it was blocking and tackling?

Moral of the story... we had zero access last year and our season really couldn't have gone much worse. Our attendance and interest has been slowly dwindling for years. I'm all for the notion that we give the program as much advertising as possible.
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