Diaco Weekly Press Conference (Cincy) Tidbits | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Diaco Weekly Press Conference (Cincy) Tidbits

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Aug 29, 2011
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Wasn't you I was thinking about chin, some other posts I've read around here. Have you ever seen a CO admit he was very wrong about something to anyone below?

I watched and listened to Diaco today. That's about as close to an admission as anybody outside the administration offices is going to get. That's what I got out of it. It doesn't come across in the tweets. Communication is so much more than words.

The guy is committed to his mission, and he's going to see it through to the end of the season. He is an effective leader. He just needs to learn to be a better head football coach. I'm hopeful that having the bye week to reflect on that Army game was good for that, because IMNSHO pretty much everything he needs to learn was exposed and highlighted in that single game.
Aug 14, 2013
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No new coach comes in and says " the previous staff was great and they left me with a world of talent on the roster but I suck as a coach and couldn't get more out of the players".

They all blame the previous regime for leaving a mess that need to be cleaned up.

The fact that he is STILL placing blame 11 months later is very concerning IMO. He had an entire winter, spring practice, summer and now 3/4 of a season to assume the leadership role that a head coach must have. This has been his program for nearly a year now.

I'm tired of hearing about what was. I don't need him to tell me, I witnessed it. He can talk all the he wants but he will be judged on 1 thing only. How many games he wins. It's time to stop the blame game & start winning.
Aug 26, 2011
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>>The question that sent Diaco into a long, partly infuriating, ultimately fascinating answer, however, came from Pat Eaton-Robb of the Associated Press. "It wasn't that long ago that UConn was in a BCS Bowl game, and it is a little surprising to hear you talk about there was nothing here when you came here."<<

View from Jeff Jacobs - http://www.courant.com/sports/uconn...tball-column-1119-20141118-column.html#page=1
Aug 29, 2011
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If you actually listen and watch the guy instead of forming your opinions on whatever, it's pretty clear he brought all that sh - t up to demonstrate t he positive of the progress that has been made, and indicates they will continue to improve as individuals and a team. Not an excuse for being 2-7 now and he comes as close to admitting that he has made mistakes and needs to get better as any head coach can get without signing his own pink slip.

I'm looking forward to Saturday night. The winter chill is really in the air for first time tonight. Good hitting weather.
Aug 29, 2011
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I think it's simply a matter of Diaco being brutally honest, to a fault. I don't think there's anything to factually disagree with. But there are other approaches.

In real life, I can both sympathize and emphasize with this. On point, in so many fewer words than I can possibly imagine to do it in. But my thoughts exactly about the entire press conference. I wonder if I was Earnest Hemingway in a past life. I've always enjoyed the Florida Keys and Key West? Maybe it wasn't that air force bum Jimmy Buffet that was my interest. I think I'll consult the spirit world. Jim Beam.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Wasn't you I was thinking about chin, some other posts I've read around here. Have you ever seen a CO admit he was very wrong about something to anyone below?

I watched and listened to Diaco today. That's about as close to an admission as anybody outside the administration offices is going to get. That's what I got out of it. It doesn't come across in the tweets. Communication is so much more than words.

The guy is committed to his mission, and he's going to see it through to the end of the season. He is an effective leader. He just needs to learn to be a better head football coach. I'm hopeful that having the bye week to reflect on that Army game was good for that, because IMNSHO pretty much everything he needs to learn was exposed and highlighted in that single game.

Only the best one's I ever served under. But they did it in private with their department heads and senior enlisted and came out with a game plan to change direction. Those were the people I would have served with any where, any time and under any condition. Because they had the humility to know they needed help on righting the ship (figuratively, of course).

If I could say any one thing to Bob Diaco it would be this. Any time you want to talk about the past, don't. Instead talk about how the present is leading to your future goals. The past is toothpaste out of the tube and there isn't any need to bring it up (positively or negatively). Regardless of the path that got you to today, you are here. And talking about yesterday won't get you from today to tomorrow's goals.
Aug 29, 2011
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Only the best one's I ever served under. But they did it in private with their department heads and senior enlisted and came out with a game plan to change direction. Those were the people I would have served with any where, any time and under any condition. Because they had the humility to know they needed help on righting the ship (figuratively, of course).

If I could say any one thing to Bob Diaco it would be this. Any time you want to talk about the past, don't. Instead talk about how the present is leading to your future goals. The past is toothpaste out of the tube and there isn't any need to bring it up (positively or negatively). Regardless of the path that got you to today, you are here. And talking about yesterday won't get you from today to tomorrow's goals.



1972,73 & 98 Boneyard Poster of the Year
Aug 24, 2011
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Only the best one's I ever served under. But they did it in private with their department heads and senior enlisted and came out with a game plan to change direction. Those were the people I would have served with any where, any time and under any condition. Because they had the humility to know they needed help on righting the ship (figuratively, of course).

If I could say any one thing to Bob Diaco it would be this. Any time you want to talk about the past, don't. Instead talk about how the present is leading to your future goals. The past is toothpaste out of the tube and there isn't any need to bring it up (positively or negatively). Regardless of the path that got you to today, you are here. And talking about yesterday won't get you from today to tomorrow's goals.

Just curious - how many of your best you served under gave weekly press conferences?


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Only the best one's I ever served under. But they did it in private with their department heads and senior enlisted and came out with a game plan to change direction. Those were the people I would have served with any where, any time and under any condition. Because they had the humility to know they needed help on righting the ship (figuratively, of course).

If I could say any one thing to Bob Diaco it would be this. Any time you want to talk about the past, don't. Instead talk about how the present is leading to your future goals. The past is toothpaste out of the tube and there isn't any need to bring it up (positively or negatively). Regardless of the path that got you to today, you are here. And talking about yesterday won't get you from today to tomorrow's goals.
He kind of did that for a while in the first half of the season, taking about improvement and positivity, and half the people here got sick of it. Then he went back to remind everybody where the program was when he took over and people didn't like that either. Maybe too reminiscent of "we were in trailers". I would advise him to stop having press conferences altogether at this point, if that were a possibility (obviously it isn't).
Nov 8, 2011
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I agree with the earlier post that Diaco is bringing up the past not as an excuse but to show where we have come from because that is all to easy to forget. That being said, the baby and coffee table thing just throws me off a bit but I THINK/hope I know what he was trying to say, it just came out a little off. The one thing I have always wondered from this and previous press conferences, is whether or not Diaco has the command presence to back up all off this positive speak/energy he conveys in previous appearances. If he is going to field the "speak softly but carry a big stick platform" thats fine but I need to see the back side from time to time. Yesterday he showed me that he was willing to go to that level when he discussed that he will throw anyone off the team that quits, and that he will personally clean out their locker! THATS what I want to hear at this point, I'm all set with hearing about "the process......."
Aug 29, 2011
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I agree with the earlier post that Diaco is bringing up the past not as an excuse but to show where we have come from because that is all to easy to forget. That being said, the baby and coffee table thing just throws me off a bit but I THINK/hope I know what he was trying to say, it just came out a little off. The one thing I have always wondered from this and previous press conferences, is whether or not Diaco has the command presence to back up all off this positive speak/energy he conveys in previous appearances. If he is going to field the "speak softly but carry a big stick platform" thats fine but I need to see the back side from time to time. Yesterday he showed me that he was willing to go to that level when he discussed that he will throw anyone off the team that quits, and that he will personally clean out their locker! THATS what I want to hear at this point, I'm all set with hearing about "the process.."

I agree. I wrote that about him bringing all that stuff. People around here, mostly choose to see it as a negative thing he was doing bringing it all up, I don't.

His use of imagery in his press statements to convey a point, (i.e. the baby and the coffee table most recently, among, many, many others over the course of time) is really eccentric for a football coach. It indicates either that he is pretty intelligent, educated and well read and/or experienced in a wide variety of subjects, or he's faking that level of intellect damn well. I go with the former. It's also been a concern of mine, if there is substance behind all of that, and I wrote about it after the BYU game - and lots of people got angry with me. I think he's proved over time, that there is plenty of substance behind all the talk and energy and salesmanship.

The simple fact is that our approach we have taken under his direction for the 2014 season, specifically for the offense, concerning the division of reps and a offensive concepts and play calling within games, has produced a level of offensive production that is completely inconsistent in performance on the field through 9 games, and is the major contributing factor to why we have lost pretty much every game so far, and is by FAR the major reason we lost to Army, and ended our chances for reaching some major short term seasonal goals. This is entirely self inflicted, and has nothing to do with our talent level, fundamental ability to perform football tasks. I would love to hear the argument, that refutes me, and makes me change my mind, that states that our offense will develop consistency with the division of reps and game planning we've been doing. I don't think one exists. I would hope that he's had meetings with his staff, in private, exactly like Chin described.

Diaco strikes me as an effective leader, and to the point that Chin and I were discussing, an effective commanding officer is never openly going public outside the inner circle, and especially never going DOWN the chain with admission of mistakes and failures in major tasks. Not happening. What an effective leader will do, is exactly what Chin said, and it will make his organization stronger. Football coaches aren't in the habit of getting up in front a bunch of reporters and admitting mistakes. Stupid to do that. He came about as close to admitting mistakes as a head coach can get in his last press conference. Too close if you ask me.

A football team is not a company of fighting men, or a ship's crew, but it's probably the closest thing you can have in civilian life to it. I talked about this elsewhere, where.....hmmm....oh yeah - the idiot comments that supposedly were made by a receiver about a QB....not sure where that was......but you need a chain of command authority in a football team, you need leadership at various levels of jobs and responsibility, and that includes players and coaches. We had none of that kind of leadership and responsibility and level of accountability to your behavior as an individual and for the team, in the past few years, and it's an essential part of building a winning team. Diaco is clearly working to re-establish that, but when you have so few upperclassmen and are working mostly with first, second, third year players - there is nothing you can do, but guide the process, let time pass, and help them mature into roles and let the communication chains develop and the players develop. It' a long term process we have to get through to get back to sustained winning. We should be a hell of a lot closer by this time next season. There is no reason to suspect that those long term plans are not working. It's the short term, 2014 season that's gone south - because of our offensive approach to the game for this season. That needs to get corrected. There is no reason to change things now. Stay the course, and make the corrections in the offseason.

The other way to get around this and build a winning team, is to go completely off the deep end into the dirty world of college football, and simply slush fund recruit like SMU of old, fake grades like UNC of new, and recruit athletes like UMiami of the 1980s. Then you just line them up let them kick the crap out of anybody and everybody, not much thought needed to any game planning, or anything regarding player development and education, win your titles and deal with problems later after the trophy's have been put in the cases.

I'd rather not do that, I prefer doing things the right way.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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huskymedic said:
Diaco: "If you love something more than football we're not going to get along. You need to collect players who love football"

Now, this is what I want to hear from the HC. We want football players, hard men, who will let you know from the first whistle that today is going to be a fight.

It was the secret to Edsall's winning teams. Take your recruiting stars and shove 'em. Today, I'm gonna kick your butt.

That's the winning attitude at UConn.

And anyone who's spent time here during the last three years lamenting how terrible the team was the really can't be mad at Bob for saying what we all said.

All those NFL picks that PP had in his bare cupboard are gone and he never replaced them in terms of developing the recruits he brought in. Of course to date, Bob hasn't either, but there is still next year to show something.
Last edited:
Apr 24, 2012
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In real life, I can both sympathize and emphasize with this. On point, in so many fewer words than I can possibly imagine to do it in. But my thoughts exactly about the entire press conference. I wonder if I was Earnest Hemingway in a past life. I've always enjoyed the Florida Keys and Key West? Maybe it wasn't that air force bum Jimmy Buffet that was my interest. I think I'll consult the spirit world. Jim Beam.

IMNSHO the word is empathize, not emphasize.
Aug 29, 2011
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Only the best one's I ever served under. But they did it in private with their department heads and senior enlisted and came out with a game plan to change direction. Those were the people I would have served with any where, any time and under any condition. Because they had the humility to know they needed help on righting the ship (figuratively, of course).

If I could say any one thing to Bob Diaco it would be this. Any time you want to talk about the past, don't. Instead talk about how the present is leading to your future goals. The past is toothpaste out of the tube and there isn't any need to bring it up (positively or negatively). Regardless of the path that got you to today, you are here. And talking about yesterday won't get you from today to tomorrow's goals.

Learn from the past.
Live in the present.
Prepare for the future.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present.

I agree with microfich Learn, Live Prepare - but enough already about the past and players out of shape and what a mess comments - you, Coach Diaco, have been here almost a year now - the mess should be cleaned up.

Stop using it - stop talking about it - move off of it. This is YOUR team now - stay positive and no more excuses.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift. That's why we call it the present.

I agree with microfich Learn, Live Prepare - but enough already about the past and players out of shape and what a mess comments - you, Coach Diaco, have been here almost a year now - the mess should be cleaned up.

Stop using it - stop talking about it - move off of it. This is YOUR team now - stay positive and no more excuses.

I'll take a bit more of a nuanced approach. I won't say that the mess should already be cleaned up. I will say that the mess should be identified, a plan in place to fix it and that the plan should be in the executing phase with tangible results. Enough results where he can speak to the progress and not bring up where the program was.
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