Diaco Weekly Press Conference (Cincy) Tidbits | The Boneyard

Diaco Weekly Press Conference (Cincy) Tidbits

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Aug 26, 2011
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desmondconner 12:01pm via TweetDeck
No changes to #UConnFootball depth chart for #Cincinnati (Sat 8 p.m. CBS Sports Network)

peatonrobb 12:04pm via TweetDeck
Diaco says he's talking to the team about family and legacy as they play the string out. #UConn

desmondconner 12:05pm via TweetDeck
Diaco says team "has a much deeper understanding" of the systems in place...#UConn "Still have far to go"

jacobscourant 12:06pm via Twitter for iPhone
Geremy Davis is cleared to play.

UConnFootball 12:08pm via TweetDeck
HCBD notes we know about @GoBEARCATS defense...in reference to former UConn DC Hank Hughes now at Cincy #bleedblue #RiseUp

EdDaigneault 12:09pm via TweetDeck
More time for Boyle? "We'll see," Diaco said. "We'll see." That's it.

peatonrobb 12:10pm via TweetDeck
Diaco says this year was "tear down, rebuild" and it still needs it. It's like "a baby trying to lift a coffee table." #UConn

UConnFootball 12:12pm via TweetDeck
HCBD "It experience, it's culture, it's a lifestyle." On what is takes to get better and be a champion. #RiseUp #BleedBlue

peatonrobb 12:12pm via TweetDeck
Diaco says if seniors lack motivation these last few games..."I'll throw them off the team." #UConn

MattSchonvisky 12:13pm via Twitter Web Client
On if the seniors don't show up ready to go and motivated for rest of season "I'll clean out their lockers myself"
Aug 26, 2011
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UConnFootball 12:13pm via TweetDeck
HCBD on how he has grown as a coach "It's been a very rewarding 11 months. It's been incredibly educational." #riseup #BleedBlue

UConnFootball 12:15pm via TweetDeck
HCBD "You have new issues each day that you have to deal with. I am trying to be present in each moment." #bleedblue #RiseUp

MattSchonvisky 12:17pm via Twitter Web Client
"Warde has session set up with all head coaches at UConn, good place for me to lean on for advice and guidance" Diaco

MattSchonvisky 12:17pm via Twitter Web Client
Also relies on all coaches on staff that have been in business and Hayden Fry, Brian Kelly

desmondconner 12:20pm via TweetDeck
Diaco: "I've never said there was nothing here. Fact of the matter is, it was a giant mess." #UConnFootball

MattSchonvisky 12:20pm via Twitter Web Client
Diaco clarifying his term for the state of where the program was, the giant mess from when he got here
"physical nature of the kids...

MattSchonvisky 12:21pm via Twitter Web Client
"...culture of losing. Never said there was nothing here, just that things surprised us. Players were out of shape."

EdDaigneault 12:21pm via TweetDeck
Diaco says he was a bit surprised when he took over at how "physically weak and fat" the players were. Called the program a "giant mess."

peatonrobb 12:22pm via TweetDeck
Diaco says he was shocked at the mess he inherited. Physically out of shape, no culture of winning...attitudes.. #UConn

desmondconner 12:22pm via TweetDeck
Diaco: "There's talented enough players here to have a good team. We're just not a good team." #UConnFootball
Aug 26, 2011
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MattSchonvisky 12:22pm via Twitter Web Client
"We are interested in collecting players that are excited to be at UConn, are achievement oriented, interested in going to class, doing..."

MattSchonvisky 12:23pm via Twitter Web Client
"...well in thing they are a part of. We want people that love football. Not interested in the kids that use it just to get along to school"

MattSchonvisky 12:23pm via Twitter Web Client
"Don't want to have player that loves football, shows level of achievement, want to and excited about coming to UConn, Then have tangible.."

MattSchonvisky 12:24pm via Twitter Web Client
"..traits that if put big, athletic team on the field that will be very good. We'll be good if they have intangible traits and are.."

MattSchonvisky 12:24pm via Twitter Web Client
"Big/athletic. We expect to be at the top of this conference. Enough interest nationwide in UConn brand/spectacular university to collect.."

MattSchonvisky 12:25pm via Twitter Web Client
"..25 or less players each year that fit our model. Inside model, with this infrastructure that UConn can be a champion, period."

desmondconner 12:23pm via TweetDeck
Diaco: "If you love something more than football we're not going to get along. You need to collect players who love football" #UConn
Aug 26, 2011
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UConnFootball 12:25pm via TweetDeck
HCBD "There is enough interest nation-wide in this spectacular Univereisty that you can gather 25 players each year that fit that model."

peatonrobb 12:25pm via TweetDeck
There is enought interest in the #UConn brand that Diaco says he can "collect" 25 players a year to build a champion.

EdDaigneault 12:25pm via TweetDeck
Casey Cochran has been working with tight ends.

EdDaigneault 12:27pm via TweetDeck
Diaco says he felt terrible for Whitmer after the INT at Army. "He's been a great teammate and will continue to be a great teammate."

UConnFootball 12:28pm via TweetDeck
HCBD "Chandler is as resolute as when we first met. The concept of giving without the intention of receiving. Call that his legacy here."

UConnFootball 12:29pm via TweetDeck
HCBD "He will continue in his role for the next three weeks." #BleedBlue #RiseUp

MattSchonvisky 12:29pm via Twitter Web Client
"Chandler will continue in his role over the final 3 weeks and will continue to grow and he will leave here without regrets." Diaco

EdDaigneault 12:31pm via TweetDeck
Decision between Whitmer and Boyle comes down to nothing more than who can produce points against each opponent.
Aug 29, 2011
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"Like a baby trying to lift a coffee table."

Yeah maybe for the players, somehow that makes sense......leverage.......

But more to the point, more like for the coaching staff after reviewing their plan and execution for the Army game...

"Like a baby learning to walk and splitting his or her nose open smacking into the corner coffee table."

Lesson learned - don't do that again. Go around the table, not through it.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I am somewhat pleased that Diaco is starting to provide a little more clarity on the "mess" he inherited. Hopefully he is even more clear with the players. Out of shape and culture of losing, that I think we knew. Glad he is saying that the kids don't lack the talent to win.

Obama may have blamed George Bush for 6-7 years, but I am just giving Diaco this one year. Anybody out of shape after this is on his staff. I don't want to hear "mess" even a single time in 2015. No more excuses.
Aug 26, 2011
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JohnFSilver 3:05pm via Twitter Web Client
working on Tuesday notes for UConn FB. Sobering news conference today. Not a lot to look forward too with Cincy coming in.

JohnFSilver 3:05pm via Twitter Web Client
But, did have several excellent interviews. Boyle's working on his game and has turned into a sponge. He thinks he will be better for it.

JohnFSilver 3:06pm via Twitter Web Client
Ron Johnson, the frosh RB, is much bigger than he looks on the field. He's found his way recently and him and Newsome are a good team.

JohnFSilver 3:06pm via Twitter Web Client
Also talked with Deshon Foxx about his career and legacy. He doesn't have any regrets. UConn's treated him well as far as he's concerned.

JohnFSilver 3:07pm via Twitter Web Client
Foxx is an unusual player because he is a 4 year in 4 years. Unlike the 5th yr seniors, he never went to Fiesta Bowl. He never exp. a bowl.

JohnFSilver 3:09pm via Twitter Web Client
Only 4 year guy since program went FBS that hasn't at least made a trip to a bowl game. Think about that for a second. The 5th yrs went.

JohnFSilver 3:10pm via Twitter Web Client
So, Foxx has a unique perspective here. He is on schedule to graduate in May, and he of course is going to take an NFL shot as a WR/KR/PR,
Aug 29, 2011
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Been saying all along that Dec. 7 is Deshon Foxx day. The kid made it into my book with an effort play in a meaningless game against ironically Cincinatti - I think 2 seasons ago now. If we had 15 players like him as seniors this season, instead of 1, chances are Diaco has turned this thing around much faster. We have a few graduating players, but Foxx stands above the others.

I just listened to the entire presser. Coach Bobby, I believe has done some serious reflection, and that's good. Admitting failure is simply not in the DNA of a head coach, to use his own phraseology, but I think he realizes that he's failed in some aspects, in doing the best he could with this program to reach it's goals this season with the way he's approached certain things when it comes to actually playing the game on the field. I get that impression, just from listening to the guy.

A lot of good has been done, both off field and on through his 11 months, and a lot has been fixed, none of us can know really how f---ked up everything was, but in the end, so far this season - we've failed to reach major goals. We achieved and reached a lot of goals, but also failed in the larger scope. It's ok, it's not war - there is no reward for failure in real war, but in football, in life, you get to put it behind you and move on. Learn from it and improve.

that's all I expect. The guy cares about his coaching profession, he cares about the calling he's got to help develop quality young men through the game of football, and he wants to win, and knows he can get there.

What Coach Bobby needs, IMNSHO is to get his emotions under control. He's riding the waves like a player and an assistant coach. Listen to his press conference after the UCF win, as compared to today. Makes you think he should be going to CVS for his lithium prescription. LOL.

Captain is never rattled, and never goes through bipolar ups and downs, and is always in control and knows what to do, even if the captain inside, is rattled and going through ups and downs, and all hell is breaking loose and doesn't know what to do.

The education of a coach.

3 games to go, to complete the rookie season. I have no doubt that we finish strong.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Dear Bob-

You can't start winning until you stop losing. And one thing loser's do is continuously bring up the past and what a bad hand they got dealt when discussing the present and the future. We fans were all alarmed and ticked off when we found out how badly the players were allowed to get out of condition from the previous staff. That's fair game. It was even okay to remind the fans of that in August. We are now 11 weeks in to the season and there isn't any need to keep going public with the reminder of how bad it was when you took over.

A cynic or skeptic could infer that you are making excuses for performances so far this year. It's your program, you own the process and the results.
Aug 28, 2011
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Chin Diesel said:
Dear Bob-

You can't start winning until you stop losing. And one thing loser's do is continuously bring up the past and what a bad hand they got dealt when discussing the present and the future. We fans were all alarmed and ticked off when we found out how badly the players were allowed to get out of condition from the previous staff. That's fair game. It was even okay to remind the fans of that in August. We are now 11 weeks in to the season and there isn't any need to keep going public with the reminder of how bad it was when you took over.

A cynic or skeptic could infer that you are making excuses for performances so far this year. It's your program, you own the process and the results.

Very dissapointing quotes from Coach Diaco, no question.
Aug 26, 2011
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Play Boyle, let's see if he is better. Face it Diaco, Whitmer is gone!
Sep 16, 2011
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Very dissapointing quotes from Coach Diaco, no question.

I don't normally post on the football board, but had to come over after I heard the "weak and fat" commentary and the coffee table metaphor on the radio coming home. If he had said this kind of stuff during training, I would have winced a little but gotten over it. Saying them now, after most of the season gone and he has one legitimate win under his belt (I don't count the 3-point "drubbing" of Stony Brook -- a loss as far as I'm concerned), Diaco sounds small minded and immature.

Sometimes you just have to suck it up and take one for the team. Throwing PP and staff under the bus at this point is a desperation heave.


1972,73 & 98 Boneyard Poster of the Year
Aug 24, 2011
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Dear Bob-

You can't start winning until you stop losing. And one thing loser's do is continuously bring up the past and what a bad hand they got dealt when discussing the present and the future. We fans were all alarmed and ticked off when we found out how badly the players were allowed to get out of condition from the previous staff. That's fair game. It was even okay to remind the fans of that in August. We are now 11 weeks in to the season and there isn't any need to keep going public with the reminder of how bad it was when you took over.

A cynic or skeptic could infer that you are making excuses for performances so far this year. It's your program, you own the process and the results.

What was the question that was asked?

You know how you start winning and stop losing? Score more points than the other guy.
Aug 28, 2011
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Carl Spackler said:
Here's a hint:

If a football coach verbally labeling his football players weak and fat, when they are actually weak and fat, bothers you, then football is not the sport for you.

Edit: were weak and fat that is, not anymore.

I don't care what he calls the team in practice. I care what he calls the team to the media.

Own it Coach Diaco, the season is almost over.
Aug 29, 2011
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I wonder how many people actually watched and listened to Coach speak today vs. Commenting on these tunnel vision out of context twits and t w ats. It's not hard to find. Uconnhuskies.com

I know I've written this before, but will reiterate. I make every effort when writing commentary about another human being, to write what I would be comfortable saying directly to that person. There is nothing I've written that I wouldn't be comfortable saying to coach. In fact, the most scathing critiques I've written, I'd love to actually sit down and argue out. Would love to have an explanation that makes me admit I'm wrong.

I think a lot of people writing things about this press conference didn't even watch it and would be sh---ting their pants speechless if they were face to face with Diaco defending their words.

Diaco is a good coach, that has a lot to learn. He's a good man for the job. A guy that keeps the principles of what college football should be clean and up front in a world that often makes it a very dirty business, where educational foundation concepts are forgotten.

You got to win though, to survive, and his first season is almost over. He's trying but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

All I want is to continue to learn, grow and improve - from everybody. I guarantee after watching and listening, that there was some hard self-evaluation done in the bye week, and that's good. Learn from mistakes and improve.
Jan 29, 2012
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EdDaigneault 2:35pm via TweetDeck
After an hour-plus to digest it, that was surely one of the strangest Diaco pressers I can recall.
Ever since he first got the job and was quoting Dante all of his pressers have been unique and long winded. Agree that next year he will need to stop some of these topics such as the lack of conditioning and attitude and move on to winning games
Aug 27, 2011
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He may be a whack job, but he's our whack job. Stay the course. Next year will be incredibly telling about where we are headed.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I wonder how many people actually watched and listened to Coach speak today vs. Commenting on these tunnel vision out of context twits and t w ats. It's not hard to find. Uconnhuskies.com

I know I've written this before, but will reiterate. I make every effort when writing commentary about another human being, to write what I would be comfortable saying directly to that person. There is nothing I've written that I wouldn't be comfortable saying to coach. In fact, the most scathing critiques I've written, I'd love to actually sit down and argue out. Would love to have an explanation that makes me admit I'm wrong.

I think a lot of people writing things about this press conference didn't even watch it and would be sh---ting their pants speechless if they were face to face with Diaco defending their words.

Diaco is a good coach, that has a lot to learn. He's a good man for the job. A guy that keeps the principles of what college football should be clean and up front in a world that often makes it a very dirty business, where educational foundation concepts are forgotten.

You got to win though, to survive, and his first season is almost over. He's trying but close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

All I want is to continue to learn, grow and improve - from everybody. I guarantee after watching and listening, that there was some hard self-evaluation done in the bye week, and that's good. Learn from mistakes and improve.

I'd be more than willing to sit down and say face to face with him what I wrote in the post. One of the many hats a head coach wears is setting program direction. Bring up the past at your opening presser, bring it up after spring practice, bring it up during fall practice. But NutmegDog has it right. There isn't anything to be gained by bringing it up 3/4 the way through the season. It reeks of acting small and petty and gives him a "whoa is me" look. By this point in time anyone who follows the program is well aware that the team was out of condition as a group and that no one was monitoring them.

I'd say it to his face and I'd back it up with specific examples from organizations that I've been a part of that had major overhauls of organizational culture.
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