Diaco talk at Syracuse | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Diaco talk at Syracuse

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Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Can someone explain to me in simple words why you would give Diaco a substantial raise/extension after a 6-6 season? CFB coaching history is littered with many coaches that create a financial disincentive for their employer to let them go when they fail to produce on a consistent basis when they get an increase and contact extension after 1 good year. Good for the coaches, bad for the school.

I believe Diaco is one of the top compensated coaches in the AAC (prior to the recent Houston coach's new contract). I believe that his contract probably had performance bonuses for things like a bowl game. Maybe add 1 year and give him a little bump, but wait for the big change in contract until after he has consistent success.

Anything you read in the press about Diaco today, 95% is being put out there by his agent. Hopefully he is not like Schiano and takes his name out of consideration for jobs he was never offered.

I wouldn't. But I'm just saying that to lure him to Syracuse or Rutgers, two rosters that need to be completely rebuilt like ours in 2014, they would have to offer him more than what we are paying him - $1.5M/yr. It doesn't make sense to give a coach with a 8-16 record $2.5-$3M/yr money. For that kind of money, you can find a much more proven candidate. It also doesn't make sense for Diaco to leave here for the same money he would get from UConn at Syracuse/Rutgers. He's on the verge of his year 3 season with a talented roster and higher expectations that either Cuse/RU. If he wins 8+ games, you can bet on Diaco being a hot commodity during next offseason's silly season.
Sep 23, 2011
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The sooner we get over this the better. There is no coach in America (there is no employee in America) who won't leave their current job for the right opportunity and the right money. None. The sooner that people realize this the sooner we avoid these silly discussions about loyalty and commitments. No employee owes his employer any more than his best effort while he is there and adequate notice.

Do I see any chance Diaco leaves us for Syracue? No. But be clear that if the right job with the right money comes along, he's gone. Just like you, me and everyone else.

Loyalty and Commitment are just silly to some people. Then again, to a lawyer I can understand why that would seem a little strange, LOL! Seriously there are still some virtuous people in the world and I believe Bob Diaco is one of them. I am all for opportunity and have left for greener pastures in my career but timing and positioning are huge factors, especially for a high profile coach. What you say may be true in theory but you have to remember the grass isn't always greener on the other side as we have seen with the recent coaching carousel!

If what you are espousing were 100% absolute, Kevin Ollie would not be coaching this year. According to my sources, he left 3 million per year on the table last year! As I recall he could have had the Oklahoma Thunder job last year. Billy Donovan got twice Ollie's salary signing a 30 Million contract over 5 years!

Bob Diaco's mentor, Hayden Fry coached 19 successful years at Iowa and was once offered the USC job which he turned down.

Diaco preaches, Loyalty and Commitment to his players. He also teaches that with hard work and determination you can
advance yourself and win. Of course down the road right job, right money, he may make a move but not now.


Aug 28, 2011
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When Calhoun talked to South Carolina, it was a worse job. From day one. And yet, he talked to them. The rational explanation is that there was a $ figure at which he would have bitten. Maybe it was a totally unrealistic dollar figure -- maybe it was $7M a year for ten years -- but you are nuts if you don't think there was some number for which he would leave. Jim Calhoun is arguably the best coach of his generation and extremely loyal to his long time employer (as many are) but that doesn't mean he couldn't have been bought out.

As for Gino, there aren't even comparable jobs coaching women's hoops. But again, if someone offers him irrational money to go to Duke or Notre Dame, why would you assume there isn't some number at which point he would decide he owed his family -- future generations -- taking the money.

With Calhoun, he loves golf and has (or had) a home in South Carolina. So that was the reason the offer made sense.
Aug 24, 2011
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Loyalty and Commitment are just silly to some people. Then again, to a lawyer I can understand why that would seem a little strange, LOL! Seriously there are still some virtuous people in the world and I believe Bob Diaco is one of them. I am all for opportunity and have left for greener pastures in my career but timing and positioning are huge factors, especially for a high profile coach. What you say may be true in theory but you have to remember the grass isn't always greener on the other side as we have seen with the recent coaching carousel!

If what you are espousing were 100% absolute, Kevin Ollie would not be coaching this year. According to my sources, he left 3 million per year on the table last year! As I recall he could have had the Oklahoma Thunder job last year. Billy Donovan got twice Ollie's salary signing a 30 Million contract over 5 years!

Bob Diaco's mentor, Hayden Fry coached 19 successful years at Iowa and was once offered the USC job which he turned down.

Diaco preaches, Loyalty and Commitment to his players. He also teaches that with hard work and determination you can
advance yourself and win. Of course down the road right job, right money, he may make a move but not now.



I've worked for my firm since 1987 thank you very much, so I don't need to be told about loyalty and commitment in the workplace. But one's first loyalty and commitment is to one's family, not one's company. That is not a moral failing -- it is a moral strength. And, as I said, there is always a job at a price that an employee would take because he owes it to his or her family.
Aug 26, 2011
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I've worked for my firm since 1987 thank you very much, so I don't need to be told about loyalty and commitment in the workplace. But one's first loyalty and commitment is to one's family, not one's company. That is not a moral failing -- it is a moral strength. And, as I said, there is always a job at a price that an employee would take because he owes it to his or her family.

I'll bet you there's a guy named Zuckerberg that would not take an offer of $46 Billion. :D When you can make say $25,000,000 over a lifetime at a place you love and another opportunity is worth $35,000,000 but you give up some of the comforts of the first job, the $25 Million might just work for them.
Sep 23, 2011
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I've worked for my firm since 1987 thank you very much, so I don't need to be told about loyalty and commitment in the workplace. But one's first loyalty and commitment is to one's family, not one's company. That is not a moral failing -- it is a moral strength. And, as I said, there is always a job at a price that an employee would take because he owes it to his or her family.

We are not that different in our opinions. Let's just leave it that some people would be quicker to leave for a bigger paycheck. Do I think Fuentes made the right move going to VA Tech, a resounding YES! Rumor is Matt Ruhl may go to Maryland. Would that be the right move? Sure! Risky because of the the Terps being in the B1G East division but he should go if offered. Bob Diaco's time is still here at UCONN. Let's all enjoy watching him taking us to the next level.
Aug 26, 2011
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Interview experience and obtaining competitive insight makes sense for many motivated people, but seriously considering the frozen tundra, urban blight, and ongoing train wreck which is Syracuse? Nyet, nein, non, nie, bu shi!
Aug 24, 2011
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I'll bet you there's a guy named Zuckerberg that would not take an offer of $46 Billion. :D When you can make say $25,000,000 over a lifetime at a place you love and another opportunity is worth $35,000,000 but you give up some of the comforts of the first job, the $25 Million might just work for them.

Goodness gracious. I'm not saying Diaco would leave for a 5% pay hike. I said nothing like that.

Just that these are jobs, and someone taking what he views as a better one -- whatever makes it a better one in his mind -- or makes it a much better one -- is not a moral issue so long as he works hard while he's getting paid and gives appropriate notice when he leaves.
Sep 20, 2011
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As long as we're in the AAC, the regular season will end in one of two ways. Either:

(1) Why does our team suck? or

(2) Aaacck! Our coach is being mentioned for P5 coaching vacancies.

I'll take (2) every time.
Aug 26, 2011
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Rumor is Matt Ruhl may go to Maryland. Would that be the right move? Sure! Risky because of the the Terps being in the B1G East division but he should go if offered.
Bad rumor - Maryland is hiring DJ Durkin. Not sure I ever saw Rhule connected to the Turtle.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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If Diaco does what we want him to (what I think he will do), this chatter will only increase. Comes with the territory. Not worried one bit that he leaves for Cuse at this time though.
or ever. As P5 jobs goes, 'cuse is pretty G5-ish their history notwithstanding.
Aug 26, 2011
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If you want to keep Diaco here long term there of course has to be a pay hike for him and the rest of the staff but also a commitment from the school and the state to either replace or upgrade the Rent in some spectacular manner that would all but guarantee UConn be pushed to the head of the list for the next P-5 purge of G-5 schools. The Rent as it is now along with other factors(AAU status, fan base, endowment) is not B1G caliber and the B1G is where UConn should be setting it's sites. If they'd accept Rutgers then an improved UConn should be their next acquisition. That would keep Diaco here long term.
Aug 26, 2011
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When Calhoun talked to South Carolina, it was a worse job. From day one. And yet, he talked to them. The rational explanation is that there was a $ figure at which he would have bitten. Maybe it was a totally unrealistic dollar figure -- maybe it was $7M a year for ten years -- but you are nuts if you don't think there was some number for which he would leave. Jim Calhoun is arguably the best coach of his generation and extremely loyal to his long time employer (as many are) but that doesn't mean he couldn't have been bought out.

As for Gino, there aren't even comparable jobs coaching women's hoops. But again, if someone offers him irrational money to go to Duke or Notre Dame, why would you assume there isn't some number at which point he would decide he owed his family -- future generations -- taking the money.

Calhoun talked south Carolina and Geno had a serious flirtation with Ohio State supposedly fora nice raise. Both stayed. There are examples of pro athletes taking less money to stay with a team. You just cannot speak in such absolutes that "everyone would leave for more money. Not everyone is willing to uproot their family or have other particular reasons for turning down a job that pays more.

I used Calhoun and Auriemma because well, you don't have to go far to find examples. Was Calhoun ever paid close to top money of al CBB coaches? I really don't know the answer.
Aug 26, 2011
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Goodness gracious. I'm not saying Diaco would leave for a 5% pay hike. I said nothing like that.

Just that these are jobs, and someone taking what he views as a better one -- whatever makes it a better one in his mind -- or makes it a much better one -- is not a moral issue so long as he works hard while he's getting paid and gives appropriate notice when he leaves.

I gather you don't do the books for your firm. My calculation makes it a 40% increase ;)...but anyways. My point was basically some people have different numbers, that when reached, is enough. Then again, for some people "greed is good". :cool:
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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I've worked for my firm since 1987 thank you very much, so I don't need to be told about loyalty and commitment in the workplace. But one's first loyalty and commitment is to one's family, not one's company. That is not a moral failing -- it is a moral strength. And, as I said, there is always a job at a price that an employee would take because he owes it to his or her family.

Hayden Fry is the exception that proves the rule.
Feb 10, 2012
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The sooner we get over this the better. There is no coach in America (there is no employee in America) who won't leave their current job for the right opportunity and the right money. None. The sooner that people realize this the sooner we avoid these silly discussions about loyalty and commitments. No employee owes his employer any more than his best effort while he is there and adequate notice.

Do I see any chance Diaco leaves us for Syracue? No. But be clear that if the right job with the right money comes along, he's gone. Just like you, me and everyone else.
Isn't that the discussion? Is Syracuse the right job?
I think you could also gauge how close uconn is to p5 status by watching Diaco. Him moving to a marginal program wouldn't speak well of uconns position.
Aug 24, 2011
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Syrapuke can sit on their high horse and pretend they are in a better position by being in the ACC but reality is one of their top choices to be the FB coach turned them down to take a job with a 0-12 team in the AAC.


The source is Syracuse themselves so I am just taking their word for it.

Wow! Coyle either doesn't know what he's doing or doesn't have the funds he needs.

Cuse is going to get pushed around in the big boy school yard..........a lot!


Apr 20, 2013
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Loyalty to a school seems unrealistic these days. However, let's give Coach D the benefit of the doubt. I believe he is the right coach for our program now. I also believe only someone who has New England or more specifically UCONN ties, or just loves the region or the school, then and only then maybe they stay on and attempt to build a solid respectable program. At this current moment, I believe Coach D wants to keep building what he's started. He is a NJ guy that seems dedicated to his work and family. Having said that, and being a dad of two young children myself, being dedicated to my family and business, a solid foundation and consistency is what it takes to build something successful. I feel Coach D is laying that foundation for UCONN, so let's take a moment and back him and the program as best as we can.

I believe Warde, Susan and UCONN in general are aware of what Coach wants and can do for the program, so the money will take care of itself for both Coach and UCONN. ALL we can do as loyal Husky fans is show our support and pride by attending games, donating when we can and help grow the UCONN brand and bring new fans into the UCONN family. We are UCONN, we will build something special here. GO HUSKIES!!!
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