Diaco talk at Syracuse | The Boneyard

Diaco talk at Syracuse

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Sep 23, 2011
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Aug 30, 2011
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Even Troy Nunes says gives this a small chance but the Orange are talking about him. Just the thought of Diaco going to Cuse has my stomach doing cartwheels! This is obviously not Diaco's time to go anywhere. He has made too many committments to his current players and recruits. He has a lot more he wants to accomplish at UCONN.

Not sure I would understand that move too much. Cuse would probably still be a stepping stone job for a coach like Diaco and I'm not sure it would make sense to have to go there and lay a foundation. I'd think he could bump his stock faster here because he'd avoid another painful rebuild.
Sep 23, 2011
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Not sure I would understand that move too much. Cuse would probably still be a stepping stone job for a coach like Diaco and I'm not sure it would make sense to have to go there and lay a foundation. I'd think he could bump his stock faster here because he'd avoid another painful rebuild.

Agree 100%. Cuse is a tough job. Kind of like going into a Black hole. I'm not worried about Diaco going anywhere in the near future.
Aug 30, 2011
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Agree 100%. Cuse is a tough job. Kind of like going into a Black hole. I'm not worried about Diaco going anywhere in the near future.
I do think there's a solid chance we see a bunch of this chatter as a leverage play for a raise. Wouldn't be opposed to that after this year's turnaround.
Aug 24, 2011
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The writer gives this a small chance but the Orange are talking about him. Just the thought of Diaco going to Cuse has my stomach doing cartwheels! This is obviously not Diaco's time to go anywhere. He has made too many committments to his current players and recruits. He has a lot more he wants to accomplish at UCONN.


The sooner we get over this the better. There is no coach in America (there is no employee in America) who won't leave their current job for the right opportunity and the right money. None. The sooner that people realize this the sooner we avoid these silly discussions about loyalty and commitments. No employee owes his employer any more than his best effort while he is there and adequate notice.

Do I see any chance Diaco leaves us for Syracue? No. But be clear that if the right job with the right money comes along, he's gone. Just like you, me and everyone else.


Aug 26, 2011
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If Diaco does what we want him to (what I think he will do), this chatter will only increase. Comes with the territory. Not worried one bit that he leaves for Cuse at this time though.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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The chances of Diaco leaving for Syracuse are about as likely as him leaving for Rutgers: not likely. Like Rutgers, Syracuse doesn't have the money to significantly trump what UConn pays him. Shafer made $1.3M/yr at Syracuse. Like Flood, that is less than what UConn pays Diaco. If Syracuse were to, say, offer $2M/yr raise, we would match that 100% of the time. Like Rutgers, Syracuse doesn't have the funding to double Diaco's contract.

Also like Rutgers, there is more talent on the UConn roster in 2016 than Syracuse. Like Rutgers, Syracuse's win O/U will be around 3 or 4. Ours will be in the 6-10 range. Just like I said in the other thread, when you combine the fact that Diaco wouldn't make much more than if he stayed here and that we could have a special year next season (and his options will be MUCH better than Rutgers or Syracuse), then it's highly unlikely he would leave for Syracuse/Rutgers.

This is all just a bunch of twitter and blogosphere chatter from two arrogant fanbases that think very little of UConn and presume he would leave UConn for the same pay at their crummy job.


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Would be a totally premature move. Look at Matt Rhule turning down an offer from Mizzou just one year removed from where Diaco is at this point. If he can wait it out, he'll have far greater programs knocking at his door than Syracuse or Rutgers.


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Jun 19, 2015
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The chances of Diaco leaving for Syracuse are about as likely as him leaving for Rutgers: not likely. Like Rutgers, Syracuse doesn't have the money to significantly trump what UConn pays him. Shafer made $1.3M/yr at Syracuse. Like Flood, that is less than what UConn pays Diaco. If Syracuse were to, say, offer $2M/yr raise, we would match that 100% of the time. Like Rutgers, Syracuse doesn't have the funding to double Diaco's contract.

Also like Rutgers, there is more talent on the UConn roster in 2016 than Syracuse. Like Rutgers, Syracuse's win O/U will be around 3 or 4. Ours will be in the 6-10 range. Just like I said in the other thread, when you combine the fact that Diaco wouldn't make much more than if he stayed here and that we could have a special year next season (and his options will be MUCH better than Rutgers or Syracuse), then it's highly unlikely he would leave for Syracuse/Rutgers.

This is all just a bunch of twitter and blogosphere chatter from two arrogant fanbases that think very little of UConn and presume he would leave UConn for the same pay at their crummy job.

Agreed. Although when all is said and done, Diaco will definitely be in the Big Ten. I can't see him anywhere else. It's fun to imagine where there will be openings in the next year or two that may be tantalizing for Diaco...maybe replacing James Franklin at PSU? I could see him getting the boot in the next couple of years, even though he hardly has had time to get his office furniture in place by now.
Sep 17, 2011
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Can someone explain to me in simple words why you would give Diaco a substantial raise/extension after a 6-6 season? CFB coaching history is littered with many coaches that create a financial disincentive for their employer to let them go when they fail to produce on a consistent basis when they get an increase and contact extension after 1 good year. Good for the coaches, bad for the school.

I believe Diaco is one of the top compensated coaches in the AAC (prior to the recent Houston coach's new contract). I believe that his contract probably had performance bonuses for things like a bowl game. Maybe add 1 year and give him a little bump, but wait for the big change in contract until after he has consistent success.

Anything you read in the press about Diaco today, 95% is being put out there by his agent. Hopefully he is not like Schiano and takes his name out of consideration for jobs he was never offered.
Aug 30, 2011
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Can someone explain to me in simple words why you would give Diaco a substantial raise/extension after a 6-6 season? CFB coaching history is littered with many coaches that create a financial disincentive for their employer to let them go when they fail to produce on a consistent basis when they get an increase and contact extension after 1 good year. Good for the coaches, bad for the school.

I believe Diaco is one of the top compensated coaches in the AAC (prior to the recent Houston coach's new contract). I believe that his contract probably had performance bonuses for things like a bowl game. Maybe add 1 year and give him a little bump, but wait for the big change in contract until after he has consistent success.

Anything you read in the press about Diaco today, 95% is being put out there by his agent. Hopefully he is not like Schiano and takes his name out of consideration for jobs he was never offered.
To keep him around.... I also think there's only one person who even mentioned a significant raise and that was only in the hypothetical situation that Cuse offers and we match.
Aug 31, 2011
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Would be a totally premature move. Look at Matt Rhule turning down an offer from Mizzou just one year removed from where Diaco is at this point. If he can wait it out, he'll have far greater programs knocking at his door than Syracuse or Rutgers.

Rhule did not get an offer. They met and moved on.
Aug 29, 2011
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Too many guys jump at impossible tasks. There are programs in all these conferences that have never been anything other than mediocre to bad no matter who the coach is. And while I get that everyone thinks he can succeed where no one else could the ones who do are the minority of the minority. Even top guys like Spurrier can't do it at some places. How many SEC titles did he win at South Carolina? Heck how many division titles did he win with the gamecocks? Herman was wise to turn that down just as it would be wise to turn down Syracuse.
Aug 24, 2011
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Syracuse is not going to pursue Diaco. He is not yet proven and their new AD can't take the risk. Frankly, as favorable as this season has turned out to be, it was based largely on some very, very, very modest expectations. Diaco has much left to prove.

The Orange will be challenged to fill that position. They don't have huge money to throw around and I think they let a pretty good coach go. So they set themselves up for yet more transition. It won't take too many more 2, 3, 4 win seasons before they are cemented into the ACC basement. Unlike BC, at least they play hoops at a high level.


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Jun 19, 2015
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Can someone explain to me in simple words why you would give Diaco a substantial raise/extension after a 6-6 season? CFB coaching history is littered with many coaches that create a financial disincentive for their employer to let them go when they fail to produce on a consistent basis when they get an increase and contact extension after 1 good year. Good for the coaches, bad for the school.

I believe Diaco is one of the top compensated coaches in the AAC (prior to the recent Houston coach's new contract). I believe that his contract probably had performance bonuses for things like a bowl game. Maybe add 1 year and give him a little bump, but wait for the big change in contract until after he has consistent success.

Anything you read in the press about Diaco today, 95% is being put out there by his agent. Hopefully he is not like Schiano and takes his name out of consideration for jobs he was never offered.

We have to think about the fact that UConn beat one top 25, unbeaten team this year and almost beat a second top 25 team on the road. Before the Houston win, we only had two top 25 wins in our school's history. I don't think people realize the magnitude of that win in the larger context of the program. With that being said, I don't think that a raise is necessary after this year, but we should begin conversation with Diaco as to his future with the program and should try to be proactive in keeping him around. With the Warde Manuel to Michigan rumors already swirling, I'd hate to see us lose both our athletic director and head football coach in the near future.
Nov 30, 2013
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Syracuse is not going to pursue Diaco. He is not yet proven and their new AD can't take the risk. Frankly, as favorable as this season has turned out to be, it was based largely on some very, very, very modest expectations. Diaco has much left to prove.

The Orange will be challenged to fill that position. They don't have huge money to throw around and I think they let a pretty good coach go. So they set themselves up for yet more transition. It won't take too many more 2, 3, 4 win seasons before they are cemented into the ACC basement. Unlike BC, at least they play hoops at a high level.

I agree. I see Cuse going one of two ways. Hiring a hot coordinator or MAC HC (Orgeron) or going after one of their own (Edsall). I hope it's Edsall because as much as I loved me as a HC here, he was a terrible recruiter so that falls into the hands of Diaco


Head Rat
Jun 19, 2015
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Rhule did not get an offer. They met and moved on.

Really? I saw reports that he turned them down, but with all of the contradictory stuff that comes out I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't get an offer. My bad if I was wrong on that.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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This is a strange universe. A few months ago people on the BY were dubious about Diaco. This week after losing to a better team, people were yapping that he hadn't devised a game plan for Temple that fit Boyle. So of course it's logical that two days later programs are salivating to hire him. Personally I think he's been as good as we can hope. But there is zero to go in that he is even as good as the very average Edsall. I'm not saying tte possibility of him being lured away are zero, but that it has any weight at all says somthing about available candidates for troubled programs. That it has UConn fans speculating about him leaving for somthing better before he's had any sustained success seems pretty funny.
Aug 26, 2011
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The value of Diaco is not solely based on wins and losses. AD's around the country are well aware of the sharthole he inherited and they know what was and is going on behind the scenes to rebuild the program.

What Houston and Memphis had for their new coaches over the past few years is far, far different than what Diaco walked into.
Nov 30, 2013
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Really? I saw reports that he turned them down, but with all of the contradictory stuff that comes out I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't get an offer. My bad if I was wrong on that.

I'd be more surprised if he did turn them down. More money and better recruits down there. That's not a slide on Temple, because he is killing it with what he can over there.
Aug 26, 2011
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The sooner we get over this the better. There is no coach in America (there is no employee in America) who won't leave their current job for the right opportunity and the right money. None. The sooner that people realize this the sooner we avoid these silly discussions about loyalty and commitments. No employee owes his employer any more than his best effort while he is there and adequate notice.

Do I see any chance Diaco leaves us for Syracue? No. But be clear that if the right job with the right money comes along, he's gone. Just like you, me and everyone else.
How do explain Calhoun and Auriemma?
Aug 28, 2011
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It's about the dollars. If they significantly raise Diaco's salary, it's tough to say no.

But personally, overpaying for Diaco is not the way a successful AD would manage his department.
Aug 27, 2011
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I honestly cannot believe that people are concerned about losing Diaco right now.

First and foremost, he's not ready. If any school hires him based on what he's done here they are fools.

Second, I don't believe any of these rumors for a second.

Lastly, I'm not going to lose any sleep over this. Would it suck to lose him now? Sure would. But he's set up a nice foundation going forward. The next coach won't be afforded the long leash we gave Diaco.

He's not going anywhere.
Aug 24, 2011
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How do explain Calhoun and Auriemma?

When Calhoun talked to South Carolina, it was a worse job. From day one. And yet, he talked to them. The rational explanation is that there was a $ figure at which he would have bitten. Maybe it was a totally unrealistic dollar figure -- maybe it was $7M a year for ten years -- but you are nuts if you don't think there was some number for which he would leave. Jim Calhoun is arguably the best coach of his generation and extremely loyal to his long time employer (as many are) but that doesn't mean he couldn't have been bought out.

As for Gino, there aren't even comparable jobs coaching women's hoops. But again, if someone offers him irrational money to go to Duke or Notre Dame, why would you assume there isn't some number at which point he would decide he owed his family -- future generations -- taking the money.
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