Diaco channelling Belicheck | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Diaco channelling Belicheck

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Dec 14, 2012
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Am I the only one who thinks he finally got a talking to by the upper and is lashing out a little bit?
Sep 17, 2011
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Something that concerns me is with coaches up in the box and plenty on the sideline and no communication problem, no one could get our edge/contain players on defense to stop shadowing the QB. Take a timeout if you have to but get the problem corrected. What exactly were they focused on? The mess was the staff this week.
Jan 29, 2012
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I will break my self-imposed silence (which lasted all of 2 days) for this thread. I was waiting to see how Diaco would handle the press conferences following the Army game. The game already showed me the level of coach he is at this point in time (that is to say that he needs some obvious work from his first year, and maybe that was to be expected). But the post-game press conferences were going to show me what type of leader he was.

Well, if the quotes that Des has is all that he was willing to say, then I have my answer. The fact that he wasn't even able to own a single iota of the mess on Saturday is almost criminal. It really is. And look, I don't expect a first year coach to be perfect. But damn it, I expect him to be man enough to at least say, "I could have made some better pre-game preps and in-game adjustments." My goodness. Chandler was a leader. He owned a loss that wasn't his to own. It's time for Bob Diaco to step up and show the type of leader that HE is...

(I'll go back into my hole now)
Dan I think he is not owning up to the mess Saturday is he does not want to show any type of weakness to his players. they need to know he is strong and confident and setting them up for success. We dont know if his game plan was not executed correctly or not. Lets not forget he has beaten triple option teams before. He does give props to Chandler as well by stating it wasnt his fault and that he wishes he didnt say more. I know he could have said more but I think the loss came as a shock to him and the whole team. So now he is giving the attitude that we are going to shock Cincinnati which is excactly what he should be doing.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Dan I think he is not owning up to the mess Saturday is he does not want to show any type of weakness to his players. they need to know he is strong and confident and setting them up for success. We dont know if his game plan was not executed correctly or not. Lets not forget he has beaten triple option teams before. He does give props to Chandler as well by stating it wasnt his fault and that he wishes he didnt say more. I know he could have said more but I think the loss came as a shock to him and the whole team. So now he is giving the attitude that we are going to shock Cincinnati which is excactly what he should be doing.

Well if you can turn yourself into a pretzel for Pasqualoni, this seems easy.

It seems amazing that anyone would think showing weakness to players would be worse than what he said.
Last edited:
Jan 29, 2012
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Well if you can turn yourself into a pretzel for Pasqualoni, this seems easy.

It seems amazing that anyone would thing showing weakness to players would be worse than what he said.
You focus too much on the negative for me to explain it to you. His statements can also be taken as the team is improving and needs to continue to improve.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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You focus too much on the negative for me to explain it to you. His statements can also be taken as the team is improving and needs to continue to improve.

His statements are ridiculous. They are actually more ridiculous than yours.

He has no problems cashing the checks and no problem blaming everyone else for 2-7.

That's the biggest red flag in the world. That anyone gives him a pass is a joke.
Jan 29, 2012
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His statements are ridiculous. They are actually more ridiculous than yours.

He has no problems cashing the checks and no problem blaming everyone else for 2-7.

That's the biggest red flag in the world. That anyone gives him a pass is a joke.
Don't worry about his check cashing unless your the one writing them. There is no doubt he was shocked to lose to Army. Not sure if he said "wow did I screw up" is going to help his team. Also he has a defensive coordinator who is also new at his job so it is more than just Bob, and like I said he has beaten triple option teams before so I think he knows what needs to be done. I see him as angry and determined to fix the team. We will see if he can end the season on a winning streak. Sometimes you have to focus on the message and not just the mess.
Jan 26, 2014
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this dude better be able to recroot majorly because hes proven he cant coach

doze recroots will have to post w's next yr despite schematics systemics

ever in history recroots do just opposite of game lack thereof plans and post wins?


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Don't worry about his check cashing unless your the one writing them. There is no doubt he was shocked to lose to Army. Not sure if he said "wow did I screw up" is going to help his team. Also he has a defensive coordinator who is also new at his job so it is more than just Bob, and like I said he has beaten triple option teams before so I think he knows what needs to be done. I see him as angry and determined to fix the team. We will see if he can end the season on a winning streak. Sometimes you have to focus on the message and not just the mess.

Yeah I've only been to every home game but one since 1999 and attended dozens of road and bowl games in that time. I guess I'm not the type of person they monetize to pay the coach.

You can excuse away losses to Army if you like based on Notre Dame beating Navy and Air Force. Personally I don't give a about that.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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whaler11 said:
His statements are ridiculous. They are actually more ridiculous than yours.

He has no problems cashing the checks and no problem blaming everyone else for 2-7.

That's the biggest red flag in the world. That anyone gives him a pass is a joke.

A few things: I hope he isn't waiting around for ND level recruits/talent.

I do think the D is playing above it's talent/experience level, last week aside. So, he gets some credit for that.

There are way too many coaching issues for my liking, those need to be fixed asap.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Dan I think he is not owning up to the mess Saturday is he does not want to show any type of weakness to his players. they need to know he is strong and confident and setting them up for success.

I respect you, brotha, but this is ridiculous.

A highly respected defensive mind, and a recent Broyles Award winner, could not figure out how to stop Army from having 10 more minutes of possession than we had in a 60 minute game. I want you to let that sink in for a second. 10 more minutes of possession. Yale had 3 minutes more possession than Army, but we have 10 minutes less.

Then, and this is the egregious part of it all, he goes on to say that this is just a bad football team. But hey, don't worry, because we were "colossally bad prior to his arrival, and now we are just bad", so we are supposed to say "Kudos to you, kind sir! Thank you so much for making us a bad team!" Horse crap! Straight up horse crap! Take some damned ownership of what happened on Saturday, for crying out loud! Man up and show your kids what leadership is about. You have former NFL pros as coaches on the defensive side of the ball along with you. You have an "option-ready" backup QB on the roster (Foxx) to help you prepare all week prior to the game. You have better size, speed, and talent on your squad (remember, "The most athletic safety he has ever coached"). And with all of those advantages, you let that -show happen on Saturday. And then you let the QB take the blame for it. Man #$k up!
Jan 29, 2012
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If you guys listened to what he said, and there may be some coaching issues yes I agree his practices are based on getting fundamentals down before game planning. That is why he looks like he got caught with his pants down


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Srqhusky said:
If you guys listened to what he said, and there may be some coaching issues yes I agree his practices are based on getting fundamentals down before game planning. That is why he looks like he got caught with his pants down

I can understand that, but the results should be telling him to spend a little more time on game planning. Gaining bad experience can be worse than none.
Aug 29, 2011
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You focus too much on the negative for me to explain it to you. His statements can also be taken as the team is improving and needs to continue to improve.

I agree - to the fan that follows the program like we all do here, and by that I mean the type of people that are interesting in info about the program in say.....May or June in a calendar year....aren't going to take his statements well, but the casual fan? If they're even paying attention at all, he's just speaking the truth. I don't have an issue with it. I did actually listen to the audio, and I honestly go with my first thought I wrote earlier - first time head coach, and he's hit the rookie wall when it comes to the endless weekly coachspeak to the press.

He'll get through it, and like anything else, got to keep on an even keel. Belichick does it his way, his former boss Parcells - was a lightning rod in the press room. College coaches all build their own relationships with their press people. I'm sure he'll bust through that rookie wall.
Dec 9, 2013
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Too many micromanagers on this site ( and all the other sites for that matter). What Bob says or doesn't say at each and every press conference isn't of great importance. Most of think he made a big mistake not calling a time out at the end of the game ( and should admit to it) but we have no idea whether or not it would have change the outcome of the game. If Whitmer throws to Meyers ( on the other side of the field) on that play ( he was open) instead of trying to squeeze it in to Thomas we tie up the game. Jim Calhoun got a pass on his press conferences because he was a very successful coach. He threw his players under the bus many times ( when he felt there was a lack of effort) and rarely blamed himself. We have to cut Bob some slack here. He is very frustrated with his team. I'm not sure he got a great effort from his defense. The jury is out on how good of a game coach he is or how good of a recruiter he is. Nevertheless, we need to give him at least two years to find out. I see many positive things in Diaco which will hopefully begin to translate into wins. Our defense is better than last years defense, our offensive which started off worse than last years offense has improve to the point that its as good as last years offense ( we run the better although we threw the ball better at the end of last year) , and our special teams are better ( we couldn't get our kickoff returns pass the 20 yard line last year). These are only baby steps and we need significant improvements in all areas of the game but we are slowly moving in the right direction. The Central Florida win was bigger than any win we had last year. The Army loss is was bad loss but was any worse than a blow out loss to Buffalo. Four years of not being in a bowl game is tough on the fans but Diaco has been year less than a year. New coaches rarely turn things around in one year. Remember, we only won 3 games last year.


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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When you're on a road trip with your kids and they ask every hour, "are we there yet?", you can tell them "quit asking, we'll get there when we get there." BD doesn't have that luxury -- he could probably use some help with talking points...


formerly SeoulHuskyFan
Aug 27, 2011
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Jim Calhoun got a pass on his press conferences because he was a very successful coach. He threw his players under the bus many times ( when he felt there was a lack of effort) and rarely blamed himself.
Except on Ryan Gomes....:confused:


Please cancel the program all hope is lost
Apr 19, 2012
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I will break my self-imposed silence (which lasted all of 2 days) for this thread. I was waiting to see how Diaco would handle the press conferences following the Army game. The game already showed me the level of coach he is at this point in time (that is to say that he needs some obvious work from his first year, and maybe that was to be expected). But the post-game press conferences were going to show me what type of leader he was.

Well, if the quotes that Des has is all that he was willing to say, then I have my answer. The fact that he wasn't even able to own a single iota of the mess on Saturday is almost criminal. It really is. And look, I don't expect a first year coach to be perfect. But damn it, I expect him to be man enough to at least say, "I could have made some better pre-game preps and in-game adjustments." My goodness. Chandler was a leader. He owned a loss that wasn't his to own. It's time for Bob Diaco to step up and show the type of leader that HE is...

(I'll go back into my hole now)
The most important game film was 35 minutes south at Yale,did he not know they were gonna run and run and run? How many pass attempts? Less than 10? But his team is a mess!!?? Really?? I shook my head as I left the stadium.
Aug 26, 2011
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He didn't game plan correctly for the triple option. Simple as that. Big mistake. Arguing about it is ridiculous. The coaching staff blew the game. The fact that they almost came back is a testament to the effort the kids were putting in. The players know football, they've been playing it most of their lives. Even they know that their defense was wasting men and energy guarding deep passes that were never coming etc. Despite terrible defense, they didn't give up and they almost won anyway.

What we have here is a great coach at strengthening his players mentally and physically and a so so/poor coach in terms of game planning and game management. He will improve his Xs and Os in time. Managing a football game is chaos and it needs to be controlled chaos. I think he will get there, but he needs experience. You have to admire the fight he has put in the dog though. These kids don't give up.
Aug 26, 2011
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The HC has a lot of growing to do. I see some good things, I see some concerning things. Some of the things that concern me, like clock management down the stretch, can improve with experience. Things, like never accepting ownership over a loss, some guys NEVER do that, and are quick to pat themselves on the back publicly through the press when things go right. UConn fans should be familiar with that as the last two coaches did the same thing. Coaches that do that and win more than they lose, can survive. Coaches that do and lose more than they win, get tuned out by the team. So if this is going to be Coach Bob's MO, he better start winning.
Sep 2, 2011
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He didn't game plan correctly for the triple option. Simple as that. Big mistake. Arguing about it is ridiculous. The coaching staff blew the game. The fact that they almost came back is a testament to the effort the kids were putting in. The players know football, they've been playing it most of their lives. Even they know that their defense was wasting men and energy guarding deep passes that were never coming etc. Despite terrible defense, they didn't give up and they almost won anyway.

What we have here is a great coach at strengthening his players mentally and physically and a so so/poor coach in terms of game planning and game management. He will improve his Xs and Os in time. Managing a football game is chaos and it needs to be controlled chaos. I think he will get there, but he needs experience. You have to admire the fight he has put in the dog though. These kids don't give up.
from Sunday's Courant, for better or worse...
"You're not equipped on your team to show [the triple option] to them," said UConn coach Bob Diaco. "You do the best that you can. It's a major altering thing. It's just the style of blocking is an issue. The whole thing is an issue."
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