DHam not so dumb..... | The Boneyard

DHam not so dumb.....

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Previously pnete
Oct 15, 2014
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This kid gets to play 30 minutes a game under a guy who could have any NBA job he wants.
Ask any scout what he should do about his career and they would tell him to stay right where he is and learn.
He couldn't have picked a better basketball situation for himself.


LOL. The naivety and optimism is admirable. Two and done is most likely scenario for Daniel Hamilton, but wouldn't surprise me if he was a one and done. If he stays along with Brimah for next year with Adams and Enoch coming in, I like our chances to win it all next year.


The files are in the computer
Jul 26, 2014
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He's staying for 2, at least!
Your mouth to God's ears. You're probably right though. He's likely a 2nd round pick this year, a 1st next year (and if not, most likely due to lack of development, which wouldn't neccessarily be a good thing for us). Here's to hoping ends better than Caron's and Rudy's 2nd years...


Storrs, CT The Mecca
Aug 26, 2011
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i love his game, great scorer, great rebounder, hustles on every play, attacks the rim on his missed shots, and and most of all he passes as much as he shoots which i love and hate because sometimes he does have an open shot


Absolute Savage
Apr 9, 2014
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He doesn't really attack the rim in the half court. I don't see him slash that often either. In the half court, he floats around the three point line or drives to the elbow and shoots. I think if he was a bit more active in getting to the rim, it would open up shots for our guards more often. He is active on the glass though, and has been our best player IMO.
Aug 26, 2011
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He doesn't really attack the rim in the half court. I don't see him slash that often either. In the half court, he floats around the three point line or drives to the elbow and shoots. I think if he was a bit more active in getting to the rim, it would open up shots for our guards more often. He is active on the glass though, and has been our best player IMO.
JC said the same thing about Ray. He has been our best player and will only get better.
Aug 26, 2011
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LOL. The naivety and optimism is admirable. Two and done is most likely scenario for Daniel Hamilton, but wouldn't surprise me if he was a one and done. If he stays along with Brimah for next year with Adams and Enoch coming in, I like our chances to win it all next year.
lol You quote this "The naivety and optimism is admirable". and then you say this "If he stays along with Brimah for next year with Adams and Enoch coming in, I like our chances to win it all next year" Hamilton can play himself into a first round pick this year. Since we will need him to be a scorer and rebounder he has a great opportunity to excel. His freshman numbers are going to be really good.
Aug 26, 2011
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He doesn't really attack the rim in the half court. I don't see him slash that often either. In the half court, he floats around the three point line or drives to the elbow and shoots. I think if he was a bit more active in getting to the rim, it would open up shots for our guards more often. He is active on the glass though, and has been our best player IMO.

I think it's unfair to critique how far he goes to the hole. I mean think about Brimah and where he is all the time and Facey isn't on the perimeter all that often either. Fro what I see his mid range pull up needs to be his shot because there won't be any room around the rim to finish anyway as their defenders are right there to help. We occasionally criticize Boat and Tsam for trying to get to the hole when there is nothing it's no differerent for Daniel. I think he could and will eventually finish closer to the rim when it's more accessible. For now it's not.

And I agree he is our best player. He is always fighting for rebounds and I love that. If he was in there more often he would be our best rebounder actually and maybe get some offensive rebounds for us. With a healthy Rodney he could be a factor on the o boards actually but who knows.
Aug 28, 2011
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Right now UConn does not have a lock for the first round on the roster. Because NBA drafts are based more on potential than performance, it will be hard to for DHam or AB to improve that much this year. Another year of maturity and gaining "man strength" would benefit both their draft status.
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't like anyone's chances to win it all ever. Never my expectations. This is college freakin basketball with 400 teams. The unworldly fact that UConn has won it 4 times in 16 years has given us great satisfaction. Meanwhile Arizona and Kansas and Maryland and Syracuse and UCLA and Michigan St. and Louisville, etc., have only won it once since the 1980s. Michigan and Wisconsin and Texas and Georgetown and Ohio State haven't even accomplished that.

If UConn wins it one more time in the next 15 years, that will be fantastic. 5 times in 30 years? FANTASTIC. But if they don't manage it, I'll still be here rooting them on.
Nov 25, 2012
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He doesn't really attack the rim in the half court. I don't see him slash that often either. In the half court, he floats around the three point line or drives to the elbow and shoots. I think if he was a bit more active in getting to the rim, it would open up shots for our guards more often. He is active on the glass though, and has been our best player IMO.
When you can hit a 8 ft floater seemingly at will sometimes why bother getting to the rim?


lol You quote this "The naivety and optimism is admirable". and then you say this "If he stays along with Brimah for next year with Adams and Enoch coming in, I like our chances to win it all next year" Hamilton can play himself into a first round pick this year. Since we will need him to be a scorer and rebounder he has a great opportunity to excel. His freshman numbers are going to be really good.

Where did I question Hamilton's option to be a one and done? I didn't that's why I said if you read carefully that if Brimah and Hamilton stay for another year, with their progress and incoming of Adams and Enoch along with Facey, Nolan, Purvis, T-Sam, Cassell, etc I believe we have a good chance of winning the title next year.

I am fully aware that Brimah and Hamilton can both declare after this year and both will be first round picks if they leave. If that happens then I don't like the prospects in the near future of the team.
Aug 25, 2011
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The main reason (among others) DHam stays beyond one year is he is not the focal point of the offense this season. When that happens he will be showcased, and the nation will see all of his talents. So I need to stop complaining about us not running more offense to him, because he could 'easily' average over 18 ppg. He's that good.

With Adams next year and a more experienced squad, particularly our bigs this team will look significantly different. We will only be losing Boat, big loss for sure but we will not be so inexperienced.
Nov 18, 2014
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Ollie needs to find out how the squid and K get their one and done players to stay 2 or 3 years. I don't care if it is like making sausage. Just don't tell me how you did it and make sure no one can finger you as the sausage maker.
Aug 26, 2011
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Ollie needs to find out how the squid and K get their one and done players to stay 2 or 3 years. I don't care if it is like making sausage. Just don't tell me how you did it and make sure no one can finger you as the sausage maker.

It's easy. Calipari tells them to suck and to lose. The good ones and the winners leave.
Jan 26, 2014
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It will take alot more firepower than the two signees to bring the 2016 sledteam to the cusp to rival the run of Balto's team, immortalized in Central Park.
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