Crowd and Students | The Boneyard

Crowd and Students

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Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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The crowd was bigger than the game deserved.

The students were late but the sections filled up.

Anyone who tries to claim the crowd and the students didn't do a good job today is lying.

The crowds and students >>>>>>>> the game.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I befriended a scalper in the lots today and advised him to take the rest of the year off from doing UCONN football games. Told him next year didn't look much better. If we get 100 people in the stands for the rest of our games, I'll be happy. I'll worry about attendance and student support again once we have a pulse.
Feb 4, 2012
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I befriended a scalper in the lots today and advised him to take the rest of the year off from doing UCONN football games. Told him next year didn't look much better. If we get 100 people in the stands for the rest of our games, I'll be happy. I'll worry about attendance and student support again once we have a pulse.

Guy parked next to our tailgate was trying to unload some extras and was bartering with a scalper making the rounds through the parking lot - guy saying he wouldn't take less than face value for his tickets, that they on Row Blah-Blah of the One Hundred section at the 30 yard line, what GREAT seats they are, blah-blah. The scalper says no way to him and just walked away shaking his head. This nitwit probably ate his tickets I'd guess - I don't think he's quite grasping how soft the secondary market is. Sheet, I bet there were freebie or very cheap seats to be had that were of similar quality.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Guy parked next to our tailgate was trying to unload some extras and was bartering with a scalper making the rounds through the parking lot - guy saying he wouldn't take less than face value for his tickets, that they on Row Blah-Blah of the One Hundred section at the 30 yard line, what GREAT seats they are, blah-blah. The scalper says no way to him and just walked away shaking his head. This nitwit probably ate his tickets I'd guess - I don't think he's quite grasping how soft the secondary market is. Sheet, I bet there were freebie or very cheap seats to be had that were of similar quality.

You can go to games for free these days. We gave our scalper friend $15 initially but then gave him a CL Smooth and some leftover steak and he gave us $10 back. Was a cool guy and for the sake of his well-being, I really hope he heeds my advice about staying away from scalping UCONN football for at least 2 years.
Feb 4, 2012
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You can go to games for free these days. We gave our scalper friend $15 initially but then gave him a CL Smooth and some leftover steak and he gave us $10 back. Was a cool guy and for the sake of his well-being, I really hope he heeds my advice about staying away from scalping UCONN football for at least 2 years.

yes. it's a complete waste of effort and time for any scalper to set foot in that complex. Nice that you did that for the guy, you've always been a class act here Dooley and I see you take that show on the road too.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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yes. it's a complete waste of effort and time for any scalper to set foot in that complex. Nice that you did that for the guy, you've always been a class act here Dooley and I see you take that show on the road too.

Wasn't giving him feed for any money...that was his own way of thanking us. He said he drove with a buddy from Providence to do the game and he made around $300 already but wanted to experience some tailgating.
Aug 27, 2011
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The crowd was bigger than the game deserved.

The students were late but the sections filled up.

Anyone who tries to claim the crowd and the students didn't do a good job today is lying.

The crowds and students >>>>>>>> the game.
totally agree... crowd is still showing up..even into 3rd quarter, a good crowd remained . good job to all
Aug 26, 2011
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He says the right things. Now he needs to make some moves and adjustments to make this look like a competent team. We look like anything but that right now. Breaks my heart. It really does.


Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Aug 26, 2011
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He says the right things. Now he needs to make some moves and adjustments to make this look like a competent team. We look like anything but that right now. Breaks my heart. It really does.

I think the whole point is that it isn't a quick fix. He has said as much from the beginning.

My biggest gripe from this point forward is that since we obviously aren't playing for a post season right now, we give Boyle more reps and chances to learn. After all, he'll be behind mostly the same line next year anyways.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think the whole point is that it isn't a quick fix. He has said as much from the beginning.

My biggest gripe from this point forward is that since we obviously aren't playing for a post season right now, we give Boyle more reps and chances to learn. After all, he'll be behind mostly the same line next year anyways.
To me its not just Boyle. I saw some Dhameer Bradley today, but lets get Lemelle in there. Kamal Abrams is dropping balls weekly and won't be back next year. Try something different with the pass game. Try quick, horizontal passing game. Show us something. This team today looked P against Buffalo bad in the second half today. Mistake after mistake after mistake.
Sep 14, 2013
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Connecticut wasn't even the main draw in town today.... Yale Bulldogs were... :eek:
Jan 29, 2012
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The crowd was bigger than the game deserved.

The students were late but the sections filled up.

Anyone who tries to claim the crowd and the students didn't do a good job today is lying.

The crowds and students >>>>>>>> the game.
That's what it's all about. Supporting your local team. The kids on the field really appreciate it and will play their hearts out for the crowd. I know everyone wants to see a dominant winner but it all starts with love from the fans


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Guy parked next to our tailgate was trying to unload some extras and was bartering with a scalper making the rounds through the parking lot - guy saying he wouldn't take less than face value for his tickets, that they on Row Blah-Blah of the One Hundred section at the 30 yard line, what GREAT seats they are, blah-blah. The scalper says no way to him and just walked away shaking his head. This nitwit probably ate his tickets I'd guess - I don't think he's quite grasping how soft the secondary market is. Sheet, I bet there were freebie or very cheap seats to be had that were of similar quality.

I had an extra I was dumping on the way in. Guy offered me $5 - sure no problem. He only had a ten and I didn't have a five so the deal was terminated.


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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I am not blaming the crowd or students for anything at all - however it is a shame that many cannot find their seats prior to the team entrance and National Anthem.
It's not the end of the world but just piss poor.
I have both on video and the stadium looks like an abandon concrete factory.
Now - 2 plays before Temple scored in 3rd, student section was half full - after the score a third - that would not happen at a BB game - reason being there is nothing else to do - the tailgate area is why most of the students come to the game - let's not fool ourselves.
Dec 9, 2013
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The crowd was bigger than the game deserved.

The students were late but the sections filled up.

Anyone who tries to claim the crowd and the students didn't do a good job today is lying.

The crowds and students >>>>>>>> the game.

So if 28,000 to the conference home opener against a team that should have been beatable is "bigger than the game deserved", what do you think would have been a "deserving" attendence figure?
Feb 4, 2012
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So if 28,000 to the conference home opener against a team that should have been beatable is "bigger than the game deserved", what do you think would have been a "deserving" attendence figure?



Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I spent a good portion of the ride home last night thinking about this.

Go back a bit more than two decades (those of us who are old enough) and think about when Skippy was announced, the crowds that we had prior to that point for (on campus) football games at Memorial. From there, if someone were to say that Skip would bring us to the 1-AA playoffs (and beat the eventual champion twice in the year they won), leave, we would upgrade, after a rough start finish .500, followed by a bowl worthy season, a minor bowl, a couple of rebuilding years and then three more bowl games, with the Fiesta as the last of the three. After that, a very questionable hire drives the program into the ground with two underperforming, sub .500 seasons followed by a couple of years where more often than not we look like one of the bottom five 1-A (now FBS) teams in the country (both occurring after our conference was destroyed).

After hearing that story, if someone asked what attendance would be for home games against mediocre opponents I would wager heavily that most guesses would have four digits and none would exceed Memorial's then capacity. There are many things that warrant criticism, including some of the tendencies of the fan base but the reality is the foundation of a great fan base is here.

There was an earlier thread about the Carolina Panther's attendance issues and a comment about them having been an expansion team. The reality is that we were also an expansion team, there really is no other way to classify it. What infuriates me is that an expansion team normally needs to cultivate a fan base yet we did nothing of this. I still firmly believe that we could (with time, although a bit more than a decade has been wasted, promotion and a quality product) build a fan base capable of regularly filling an 80,000 seat stadium. This is the best asset that the football program and the entirety of the athletic department has.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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So if 28,000 to the conference home opener against a team that should have been beatable is "bigger than the game deserved", what do you think would have been a "deserving" attendence figure?

Dec 9, 2013
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Go to hell.

So you think no one should have gone to the game, but I'm the bad guy. Maybe neither the team nor the coaching is the problem. Maybe it's the fans.
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