You can be a good coach and a phony they are not mutually exclusive traits look at Pitino although he may be more of a liar than a phony but along the same lines. I don’t like McDermott, I grew up in CT lived in the Midwest for 20 years and hated it. They have this trait in the Midwest of appearing to be your friend to your face and then doing exactly the opposite behind your back. McDermott for me embodies many of the traits I experienced first hand living in the Midwest. I will never like him and his players actions at the end of the game showed their true colors.
If they are so pure he should have lost his job after the “off the reservation” comment. As much as I dislike StJohns and Pitino I will be rooting for them tonight. Don’t think I dislike a coach more than fake “McDermott.
Of course you can be a phony and a good coach. I think McDermott is a great guy and an excellent coach.
I like people everywhere but I've lived in the Midwest for just over 20 years now and I prefer the people out here to people on the east coast overall but I would never judge anyone based on where they're from or where they live.
My experience is the exact opposite of yours. I completely disagree with your stereotype and I don't undertand your takeaway at all with McDermott. Neal did the dunk with 1 second left as the coaches were shaking hands. Hurley and McDermott were cool with each other, they like each other. Luke had something to say, I don't know what it was and McDermott said something about how they didn't appreciate the 2 ring thing in Omaha. That was pretty clear because Neal did the same thing after the dunk. McDermott admonished Neal for the dunk and Neal apologized and gave respect to the UConn program. It's all a bunch of nothing and some of our fans sound like babies.
Hurley talks tons of crap, threatened to beat up a Creighton fan and was telling their fans he has two rings, told a ref not to turn his back on him because he's the best coach in the sport. I wouldn't stereotype eastcoasters as arrogant and fake tough guys because of Hurley's actions.