Crazy UConn Season | The Boneyard

Crazy UConn Season


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Has this been the most unexpected season ever. We started the season with high hops. Its been a nitemare that wont go away. It keeps getting worse before it gets better. We had what I would call one of the best freshman classes coming in and a terrific roster. Then the the bottom fell out with injuries to key players, 2 transfers and Covid which lead to cancellation of games. All of a sudden UConn was dismantled. Alot of questions and alot of doubt. Players and coaches under the microscope.

Well the postponement of games could be a blessing. It gives us a chance to regroup. The games that are postponed will be rescheduled when we're healthy. The injures give us a chance to learn to play without Paige who we had become dependent on. That was exposed and it was wrong and it will make us better of it. We depended on Paige instead of depending on us as a team. There is no "I" in team. Because of Paiges injury we have had to learn to play without her. We have learned that its up to us now and when Paige comes back we will defer to her but not be dependent on her which would be no right as a team. That will turn out to be the learning curve we needed to be great again. We had a couple of players step up in Caroline and Dorka. Both look like All Americans. Fans continue to nit pik ever single play and frankly some things I didnt see until I read this board and rewatched videos of the games. Thats ok. Everybody see's things differently and that can be enlightening. Everybody has an opinion and thats fine. Accept it. Some of you argue with each other. Dont Everybody has an opinion and sees things differently and thats ok. Try to understand where theyre coming from. You may not agree with them and thats ok because we all want UConn to win another NC. We are all fans and we are all on the same page.

Geno is in charge and though some of you question him Ive learned that when somebody earns alot more money then you, and somebody has alot more trophy's then you maybe you should watch what he does and listen to what he says because he is where you wanted to be. If you wanna get to where Geno and Chris are listen to them, watch what they do try to understand why theyre doing it and maybe you can be just like them. Geno is a copy worth duplicating.

I learned along time ago when somebody is having a tuff time try to encourage them, give them hope, and show them the right road. They will work it out. Some on this board seem to kick them when theyre down and that includes players and coachs. I would think the coaches based on their records earn alot more money then most fans. With that said maybe we should be asking ourselves why are they doing or saying this or that instead of crucifying them. That may be a little bit strong but Im trying to get the point across. Understand theyve made it big and you havent. Sorry to be so direct. The point is they are winners and you can learn alot more from winners by duplicating them then trying to reinvent what you think is the right way to get things done. Theyve already been down that road just follow their footsteps. If youve traveled a tuff road and made it and then you have your fans telling you what you have to do to get better....well my advice is to say nothing. One thing I learned along time ago was to know when to keep your mouth shut. I didnt finish in the top of my class but I have alot of people working for me who did ??????????????????? Thinka about that.

There have been a few posts talking about the Big 3. Well think about this. Paige Azzi and Caroline for 4 more years. They are the next Big 3 and we still have two great recruiting classes coming in which could make it better, maybe they will be the next Big 4 or Big 5. As tuff as things are now, it may be a blessing of things to come. When we get healthy we have 3 players who will want the ball in crunch time and the future may bring more.

There are threads that say we lack a leader and Paige is our leader. Paige is out til the 2nd or 3rd week of February. We have players playing out of position. We have players who havent learned to execute plays because they are freshman or transfers. We have players coming back from sickness and injuries. Give them a break. Give them time to get back, give them time to get healthy, give them time to get up to speed.

Now is the time to be encouraging, and supportive because when we are healthy We Will Win the NC.


Aug 24, 2011
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Love ya Tony, but the 2nd half of the season just started. In fact, games started in November and go until late March (or early April hopefully), so one could argue that our season is not even half over yet, never mind "coming to an end". ;)


Dec 3, 2021
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I hadn't seen this UConn WBB commercial before from Dec. 2010.


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