COHEN (and others): I think more than 4 in 7 get divorced these days. You do have options. Just food for thought.
There's an old joke about the couple, both in their 90s, and married for 70 years, who appeared before the judge to seek a divorce. The judge didn't know quite what to make of them and said "I don't know, after 70 years, you'd better have a good reason. What's yours?" he asked the old woman.
"He's a philandering drunk, disappears for weeks at a time, and watches UCONN SPORTS CONSTANTLY" ed. note - that's not in the original story.
"Hmm, seems serious, especially the UConn thing," the judge said before turning to the man for his tale of woe.
"Well, your honor, she's a shrew of the worst sort. Always critical, mean and nasty, been that way since the awful honeymoon, NOT TO MENTION SHE ALWAYS TRIES TO WATCH THAT DAMN BACHELOR SHOW WHEN I HAVE THE HUSKIES ON" Ed. note - that's only in the BY version of the story.
"I see" said the judge, shaking his head at such UConn perfidy, "well, it seems like you two should have divorced long ago. Please, tell me why you it took so long"
In unison they replied. "We wanted to wait until the kids were dead."
Please, don't shoot the messenger and remember, this is a thread about Courtney showing her stuff.