Chris Dailey's comments - yikes!! | The Boneyard

Chris Dailey's comments - yikes!!

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Aug 24, 2011
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Defensive intensity not good in first half. we won because we have better players and we should as they are a Div II team, but that's not a good reason to win.

they went zone and we got away from getting Stef the ball. we're a good shooting team but we seem to be more enamored with the 3 and we shoot it becasue you don't know what else to do and that's not good. we were not in synch in the first half.

in the 2nd half we got our 3's off penetration and got it off good ball movement and better intensity. 2nd half was much better.

we need to be smarter. if we can't keep a Div II team in front of us, then we will not do well against the best teams in the country.

we are an immature team in a lot of ways - we're not good enough to "just be able to show up". when you have a maya or tina or renee, you can just show up and win. we can't hide all the things that we could before with those plaeyrs. it's easier to expose our weaknesses. if we're exposed against a Div II team, it will be worse when we play good teams.

our back up to Stef won't come from one person. Kiah, Heather, Michala - one or all 3 of them - a team effort. none are prepraed to step in and do anything really. they woudln't be in for Stef for any length of time. but it's not the middle of the year.

we haven't made the progress we need to make in the post. Kiah's made the most progress, but we don't know what we are going to get each day, and it's not just the post players. all we ask them to do is what they are good at and to do it as hard as they possibly can. we seem to watch a lot and that won't get it done. that's pretty glaring.

i don't know the last time we were this young or this inexperienced, but maybe i'm hunngry and that's why i'm grouchy and have this headache...


The Virginian
Aug 26, 2011
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Can't say there's much to disagree with after watching....


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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I agree. Chris was grouchy and needs to review the video.

I had as good a look at the game thanks to MikeBraddock's ticket and they were not as bad as she is stating. I don't see practices, so I'm sure she is talking about how they do there, but in THIS game? After a mediocre first half, I thought they were really good the 2nd half. Of course it was against a small Div II team. But I took a lot of good out of that half.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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Chris, tell us what you really think.

Other than maybe Stef, no one gets a pass.

Kaleena was missed. Same for Caroline.


Aug 24, 2011
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well it's clear the coaches are NOT happy. the announcers kept mentioning that in the first half, Geno called a time out and just walked away from the team. and at halftime, Kara said he probably just let the team do the talking since "he probably felt they didn't listen to him in practice anyway".... she said she'd heard that one before lol...

i dind't watch the game but 85-35 is about what you'd expect from a top 5 team over a Div II team. we know they have things to work on, but neither our likely starting PG nor our first player off the bench played.

i can see being grouchy and knowing there are things to work on, but there must have been at least 1 good thing they saw other than the play of Stef...
Aug 24, 2011
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And some folks berated the voters who dared to give UConn a pre-season rank of 6.


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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Let's send CD some advil.

Second half was much better. The perimeter shooting was bad which always makes things seem worse. Banks looked a lot more comfortable. Kiah showed improvement; Michala did not. Heather plays hard but just lacks confidence on offense. The defense needs work but it's early and that will improve.

I thought Tiff was very good again, even though her perimeter shooting was off. The best thing about tonight was the team showing its ability to explode up the court on the break, especially with Banks in the lineup. She's going to be a weapon once she gains confidence.


The Virginian
Aug 26, 2011
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If anyone is surprised that CD would make the comments she made, then that would be surprising.


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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And some folks berated the voters who dared to give UConn a pre-season rank of 6.

And thank goodness we have you to point out these inconsistencies and shortcomings! You never let us down!


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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Yes, the first half was bad. Offense was not in sync. Some good moments from Stefan and some good rebounding by Kia. Banks entrance in the first half seemed to improve things a bit.

Second half was much better with ball movement and defense. I do like Stokes at the 4 with Dolson in the post. Steph can come to the top of the key and pass it to a cutting Kia as happened a couple of times.

MJ was just okay but Heather is still the same.


RIP, Alex
Aug 26, 2011
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I didn't watch the game, but if Kiah made the most progress of any post not named Stef, I think that's a great sign. She hasn't been in Storrs for very long. If she's already been able to make progress, even if she's not where she needs to be yet, there's a good chance she could be by season's end. Not that Stef is the model of how all post players progress, but she looked lost at times early last year before really blossoming in late January.

Kiah being able to hang is one of the real keys to making a significant postseason run, IMO.
Aug 31, 2011
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i agree with what CD said ..
it would have been a different outcome had kaleena or Caroline play
Aug 31, 2011
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I didn't watch the game, but if Kiah made the most progress of any post not named Stef, I think that's a great sign. She hasn't been in Storrs for very long. If she's already been able to make progress, even if she's not where she needs to be yet, there's a good chance she could be by season's end. Not that Stef is the model of how all post players progress, but she looked lost at times early last year before really blossoming in late January.

Kiah being able to hang is one of the real keys to making a significant postseason run, IMO.
kiah had like 13 rebound and like 4 blocks


Cranky pants and wise acre
Aug 30, 2011
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Given Geno's earlier comments about the lack of fitness of both Kiah and Brianna ("need oxygen after 10 minutes"), I was impressed that Kiah was able to play the first 12-13 minutes of the second half after playing probably 10 in the first half, with no major evidence of fatigue. (Although I did see one moment where a sub went in for someone else, and she appeared disappointed that she was not the one coming out.)

What impressed me from watching the game in person was that Kiah seems to be a strong and reliable defensive rebounder, unlikely to lose the ball to pressure after initially taking the rebound. That can't be said about either Heather or Michala. I think she will get significant minutes against the Ogwumikes and against other teams that rely on big, strong rebounders. And she did look more "in the system" offensively than she did against Assumption, but she still seems to be more capable defensively than offensively at this point.

Did you notice that when CD was answering the question about who could sub for Stef and give significant minutes, she did say (as quoted previously) that no one of the three understudies would now be a complete replacement, but when comparing them, she referred to "Kiah, Heather, and possibly Michala"? The clear implication is that Michala is behind the other two as of now. In the game, she seemed to have the offensive end of the court mastered, and she runs the floor really well, but she just does not have the strength and grit to be an effective inside defender or defensive rebounder (as of now). And defensive rebounding is the priority for this UConn team -- probably the biggest question mark about their chances for success.


Voice of Reason
Aug 26, 2011
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And some folks berated the voters who dared to give UConn a pre-season rank of 6.
I am one of them. I am sure that 6 may have seemed too high in the first half, and CD certainly would have said that. I think the second half was better. The defense needs improvement, as does shot selection. Though not as extreme, I think playing without Kaleena was a little like playing without Maya last year.


Aug 15, 2011
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Did you notice that when CD was answering the question about who could sub for Stef and give significant minutes, she did say (as quoted previously) that no one of the three understudies would now be a complete replacement, but when comparing them, she referred to "Kiah, Heather, and possibly Michala"? The clear implication is that Michala is behind the other two as of now.
I think you mean behind them on the depth chart for that position, and not behind them in general progress.

She may be physically less suited than the other two to play the 5 on both sides of the ball, as your remaining comments seem to suggest.
Oct 29, 2011
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Very interesting posts, one and all. Was at the game. Two very different halves.
HAYES aggressive in both halves as was FARIS , and both did alot of things very well, although neither shot exceptionally well. BUCK was as aggressive as I've ever seen her......almost showed some 'tude. Couple very impressive rebounds, albeit among smaller players.....overall, kind of like her very solid game against Pacific early last year. BANKS accomplished alot more than she did in the first EX game.....on both defense and offense.....alot of what she did was very impressive. HARTLEY still holds and dribbles (and shoots) the ball much more than I'd like , as well as forcing drives that are not there, but clearly Geno is very comfortable with that Montgomery-style of play. Most of the Yarders are as well. The offense always seems so much more crisp to me when DOTY is running it. On the plus side for her, she did show alot of fire in the second half tonight, scrapping for some contested rebounds, etc. ENGELN did not seem to accomplish much tonight.
DOLSON got some buckets inside, right off the bat....and did score more later. Also missed a little hook shot in the lane as well as a layup. I noticed that most all of the shots she practices in warm up are from outside. Still think she could be made into an unstoppable force inside. Had a couple nice assists from up high, showed some leadership chatter, and showed some determination at times. Often defended the three in typical UCONN style: getting out too late. and having her arms too low to meaningfully interfere with the shooter. STOKES, though for the second straight game I really don't sense alot of fire/drive/determination from her, had some blocks and seemed to be getting more rebounds than any of the bigs, though I have not seen the stats. Did some scoring too....a good night, and this time out she was probably ahead of JOHNSON, who did a very decent job herself, including continuing to demonstrate her ability to have a nose for the basket without forcing things. Would have thought during her lameness, she would have improved her foul shooting.
TEAM SUMMARY: OFFENSE: too much standing around and perhaps too much reliance overall on long-range shots.....though I think there will be nights when team will blister the nets from outside (especially with LEWIS and Doty in the way, was shocked to see Lewis not even in sweats). DEFENSE: very, very impressive second half....think we limited Pace to about 13 points.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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I rarely would disagree with CD but sitting four rows behind the bench today I would. I thought our bigs played the best we have had in two years as a group. The disorganization I saw in the first half came from the guards not the posts? Our defensive issues were more about organization than effort.

Our posts were aggressive and that includes Heather. Heather played with more effort and passion last night than I have seen from her in a long time. Heather was very active vocally and was indicating places for screens and picks. There is a lot to work on between the guards and posts in timing. Any lack of aggression for Heather is limited to the offensive end and a willingness to go back up with it or to attack the hoop. Defensively she constantly pursued the ball to the second and third effort. Kiah has the knack of getting to the right place for the rebound and will clean up a lot of loose shots. Her instincts are the opposite of Heather and are to move directly toward the hoop with the O rebound. She is really long and lanky and despite Geno's comments runs the floor well and effortlessly and consistently. How active and nimble was Stef, well, how about that block all the way out at the top of the key in the second half.

As a whole the team does not understand help defense yet and relies on athleticism to bail them out. IT works against Pace but likely will not against Stanford.

The team Geno put on the floor to start the game was not a small team and at one point we had Kiah, Heather, and Stef on the floor together, 6'3, 6'4", 6''5". Yikes! If that is small I don't have a clue what Geno thinks is big.

Kelly showed some nice attack on offense three or four times. Most notable is her willingness to take the open jumper in rhythm and without over thinking. She played good aggressive D.

Despite 24 points in the game Tiff did not show a lot of leadership early nor did Bria. Brianna is awesomely quick and fast and willingly expends great effort to stay in front of a player. All three need to do better with recognizing the angles and timing for the entry pass. Notable is Tiff's willingness to stay on her feet. She was largely absent in the start of both halves with late surges in both. For a long time both Tiff and Bria were not squaring up to the rim for their shots.

Foul shooting is a mess and tons of flaws in form and function.

When this team gains a sense of self and identity it is capable of being a beast. Personally, I think we are getting a lot of coach speak aimed at pushing this team forward.

Pace was well coached team and was solid fundamentally. They were clearly overmatched in talent and conditioning but were not a bad choice for an exhibition game.


Aug 24, 2011
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The lack of organization was reiterated by Geno. He sees facillitating as what Doty does best and that adding her and KML will change the way the team looks and operates.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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Stu, I have said that this will be CD''s most valuable contribution to the team from the start. It is why she will start and play minutes up front to establish tone and order for the game.
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