Chief's Briefs | The Boneyard

Chief's Briefs



During tbe trip back from NYC yesterday - I repeatedly asked myself why am I doing this? The answer was - because this is what we do in March. We ball.

Vital and Jackson played really poised yesterday. They have not been Freshmen for awhile. Both are becoming efficient players. You won't see the nonsense we have seen,at times, from our seniors this year. They will play smart and do not repeat mistakes. It's also clear that the feedback I have heard is true. These two guys put their own time in the gym shooting for hours. It's amazing how guys who do this improve and guys who don't - show little improvement.

Adams is showing he is an old school UConn player in terms of toughness. He could make excuses but instead is channeling his thoughts on how to get it done.

Rodney, quite frankly, I have been critical of at times. As his senior year closes - he has really stepped up and played like I expect him to. Glad he is going out strong.

To me the turning point in this game was when Rodney had his collision and they did not instantly go into the knee jerk ridiculous concussion protocol that had characterized our season up to this point. It was all about Rodney pulling himself together and continuing "game on". I was really proud of him and the coaching staff. These things happen in basketball games and dust yourself off and resume the game. That vibe carried on for the rest of the game!

Brimah, Facey and Enoch - I just looked at the boxscore and while Brimah did make a couple plays late in the game - their production is no where what it needs to be. The bottomline is they have not developed like former UConn Bigs. I am stating the obvious - Coach Miller thank you for your service - we need to go in a different direction.

The Briefs is brief today - Got to bed around 3:30am - so need to get some sleep before Cincy.
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Yeah you're right... Clearly the turning point was when the staff decided to ignore whether RP had a concussion or not... This brief is chiefly idiotic.

LOL - you miss the point - the focus was on resuming play - not getting hysterical and needlessly wasting another week of someone's season. The reality is that we had no players this year with concussions - if they truly had concussions they would have been out for more than a week. Sometimes it's prudent to monitor someone and keep them out of play - but we had set the bar too low to begin that process. Today, we watched and observed without officially going into the protocol of no return and things got back to normal in a few minutes not several days. It may be difficult for a casual fan to appreciate this distinction but it's significant. Chief has been heard by the powers to be!
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from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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LOL - you miss the point - the focus was on resuming play - not getting hysterical and needlessly wasting another week of someone's season. The reality is that we had no players this year with concussions - if they truly had concussions they would have been out for more than a week. Sometimes it's prudent to monitor someone and keep them out of play - but we had set the bar too low to begin that process. Today, we watched and observed - and things got back to normal in a few minutes not several days. Chief has been heard by the powers to be!

Even if some or all of the concussion protocol has been overkill, isn't it better to err on the side of caution when the best interests of the players should be paramount? There are too many heartbreaking stories about athletes being rushed back into action before they should have been, thus jeopardizing their long term health with disasterous results. I don't want to see one player permanently harmed because it was deemed too important for them to miss any games. These are kids with the rest of their lives at stake. Basketball or any other sport is just a game. It should be a secondary consideration compared to the rest of an athlete's life.


Let's just be thankful we took the rationale approach yesterday. No sense rearguing something when a common sense adjustment has been made already by UConn. No one wants someone with a concussion playing but there were too many false positives experienced not to re-evaluate the approach.


Aug 26, 2011
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This brief is chiefly idiotic

But Chief is almost always fun to read, and then the responses here are even more fun! As long as Chief is posting, I don't need to post any of my crazy ideas.
Aug 25, 2011
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To me the turning point in this game was when Rodney had his collision and they did not instantly go into the knee jerk ridiculous concussion protocol that had characterized our season up to this point. It was all about Rodney pulling himself together and continuing "game on". I was really proud of him and the coaching staff. These things happen in basketball games and dust yourself off and resume the game. That vibe carried on for the rest of the game!

This is some PFT Commenter sh i t. I think he's basically written this before.

If the boneyard hired a comedy writer to impersonate chief people would say he was going too far with this.

"Young fellow, quite frankly you are missing the point . . ."
Aug 26, 2011
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Yeah you're right... Clearly the turning point was when the staff decided to ignore whether RP had a concussion or not... This brief is chiefly idiotic.

Do you think it's possible that it might have been in everyone's best interests - a couple times last night - to wink off the concussion protocol? This was potentially the last game of Rodney's career. Good luck telling him he's not going back in in that spot. Basketball is his life and he might never play in a game that big again.

There are obvious problems with that approach, but I wonder if that's the way it's looked at. You don't want to put the decision in the players hands but at the same time you don't want to apply a precautionary protocol to a situation where one is not warranted.


This is some PFT Commenter sh i t. I think he's basically written this before.

If the boneyard hired a comedy writer to impersonate chief people would say he was going too far with this.

"Young fellow, quite frankly you are missing the point . . ."

I do think that was the turning point in the game and hopefully our season.
Aug 27, 2011
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LOL - you miss the point - the focus was on resuming play - not getting hysterical and needlessly wasting another week of someone's season. The reality is that we had no players this year with concussions - if they truly had concussions they would have been out for more than a week. Sometimes it's prudent to monitor someone and keep them out of play - but we had set the bar too low to begin that process. Today, we watched and observed without officially going into the protocol of no return and things got back to normal in a few minutes not several days. It may be difficult for a casual fan to appreciate this distinction but it's significant. Chief has been heard by the powers to be!

I get the point, Chief... I have no idea why I even bother to respond to you since it is all part of your shtick. But did it ever occur to you that they checked him, determined he did not have a concussion, and then put him back in? That the staff did not make a conscious choice to "ignore the protocol" and jeopardize the kid's life?

And then again, in what universe do you have the authority, knowledge, expertise, access, bla bla bla to make the determination that no one on our team suffered a concussion this year? I know in your fantasy world you are tight with all the bitchez, Andre, Glen Miller, etc...
Dec 8, 2015
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I get the point, Chief... I have no idea why I even bother to respond to you since it is all part of your shtick. But did it ever occur to you that they checked him, determined he did not have a concussion, and then put him back in? That the staff did not make a conscious choice to "ignore the protocol" and jeopardize the kid's life?

And then again, in what universe do you have the authority, knowledge, expertise, access, bla bla bla to make the determination that no one on our team suffered a concussion this year? I know in your fantasy world you are tight with all the bitchez, Andre, Glen Miller, etc...

Did he even hit his head? I was courtside, looked more like a mid-body collision. Maybe knocked the wind out of himself pretty bad?
Aug 26, 2011
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To me the turning point in this game was when Rodney had his collision and they did not instantly go into the knee jerk ridiculous concussion protocol that had characterized our season up to this point. It was all about Rodney pulling himself together and continuing "game on". I was really proud of him and the coaching staff. These things happen in basketball games and dust yourself off and resume the game. That vibe carried on for the rest of the game!

Today, we watched and observed without officially going into the protocol of no return and things got back to normal in a few minutes not several days. It may be difficult for a casual fan to appreciate this distinction but it's significant. Chief has been heard by the powers to be!

No concussion protocol needed because there was no associated signs and symptoms...

>>In the midst of it, Purvis went down with an injury after being called for a charging foul. He lay on the floor for several moments, walked to the end of the bench with trainer James Doran, then to the locker room.
But he returned to the bench a few minutes after that and quickly checked back into the game. He had simply been shaken up by the collision and hurt his back a bit, but did not have to undergo concussion protocol.
“I kind of just got the wind knocked out of me a little,” Purvis explained. “I told the trainer I just needed some time to catch my breath. It was nothing major.”

Aug 27, 2011
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No concussion protocol needed because there was no associated signs and symptoms...

>>In the midst of it, Purvis went down with an injury after being called for a charging foul. He lay on the floor for several moments, walked to the end of the bench with trainer James Doran, then to the locker room.
But he returned to the bench a few minutes after that and quickly checked back into the game. He had simply been shaken up by the collision and hurt his back a bit, but did not have to undergo concussion protocol.
“I kind of just got the wind knocked out of me a little,” Purvis explained. “I told the trainer I just needed some time to catch my breath. It was nothing major.”


Truth is subjective in Chief's world... They clearly listened to him and they chose to ignore any type of protocol.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Truth is subjective in Chief's world... They clearly listened to him and they chose to ignore any type of protocol.
I don't know about that. If they listen to Chief, Clyde would be coaching our bigs and Bunky would be on the payroll.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Not just "knee jerk ridiculous concussion protocol"

but "that has characterized our season"



Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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I don't know about that. If they listen to Chief, Clyde would be coaching our bigs and Bunky would be on the payroll.

And Chief would have a lot of angry mothers whose kids he made play through broken bones coming after him.
Aug 25, 2011
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And Chief would have a lot of angry mothers whose kids he made play through broken bones coming after him.

Listen, there is a lot to be said for gutting it out and playing through pain. But to add that to the mix legitimizes an objectively stupid argument from Chief, that the key development in yesterday's game was that they abandoned a concussion protocol that has "characterized the season." I mean that's just objectively dumb. A logical person who's not just in love with the sound of his own voice would think, hmm, maybe they followed the usual protocols, evaluated Rodney when he went back to the locker room, and determined that he was okay to play. That sort of thinking is entirely beyond Chief's comprehension.


I get the point, Chief... I have no idea why I even bother to respond to you since it is all part of your shtick. But did it ever occur to you that they checked him, determined he did not have a concussion, and then put him back in? That the staff did not make a conscious choice to "ignore the protocol" and jeopardize the kid's life?

And then again, in what universe do you have the authority, knowledge, expertise, access, bla bla bla to make the determination that no one on our team suffered a concussion this year? I know in your fantasy world you are tight with all the bitchez, Andre, Glen Miller, etc...

Very shady, you reply to me and include a quote "ignore the protocol" that was from another poster but you implied those were my words. This "jeopardizing the kids life" is extreme hyperbole. I said UConn has made adjustments to their process which was not effective and produced 100% false positives. Given the results it was reasonable to make mid course corrections.


No concussion protocol needed because there was no associated signs and symptoms...

>>In the midst of it, Purvis went down with an injury after being called for a charging foul. He lay on the floor for several moments, walked to the end of the bench with trainer James Doran, then to the locker room.
But he returned to the bench a few minutes after that and quickly checked back into the game. He had simply been shaken up by the collision and hurt his back a bit, but did not have to undergo concussion protocol.
“I kind of just got the wind knocked out of me a little,” Purvis explained. “I told the trainer I just needed some time to catch my breath. It was nothing major.”


So now you are advocating taking a player at his word on these matters, what a change!!!
Because a player says he fine ignore any testing.
Why can't we be honest about what happened? A new practice that got preverted into ridiculous territory and was broken got fixed.


For the record, they did not do this.
So are you saying Adams, Vital and Jackson all had concussions and were all allowed to return in a week to unlimited game level activity? If so they are writing an interesting medical book.


And Chief would have a lot of angry mothers whose kids he made play through broken bones coming after him.
With Stairmaster distortion, moralizing and hyperbole never take a vacation.

Doctor Hoop

Prescribing Hardwood Excellence
Jan 29, 2016
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I said UConn has made adjustments to their process which was not effective and produced 100% false positives. Given the results it was reasonable to make mid course corrections.
Yeah, that's it exactly. Dead on balls accurate.

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