How does the NFL get around this? Just curious.
The injured person could sign a release approving the disclosure of medical information. I'm not sure why a college kid would do that though.
Exactly...I am only speculating on this, but since the NFL is a private business, where it's employees make huge sums of money, AND huge sums of NFL-related money depends on detailed injury reports (sports betting), my guess is part of these PRO athlete's contracts involves some detailed legalize that specifies types of PHI (Protected Health Information) that will/can be released to the public involving health-related items that could affect ability to play.
At this point, college athletes are still technically non-professionals (yes, I know "but NIL"., "sports betting", etc.). So I'd surmise that any health-related information that gets released is much more in line with HIPAA regs and much more is, in general, kept close to the vest.
Yes, its "so, so, so unfair" to rabid entitled college sports fans who deserve to know everything about their star players (sarcasm not directed at anyone specific in this thread), but its probably the right approach.