We didn't get our first color TV until I was 11-12 . Because we didn't have one, we didn't miss it........until we saw one on display at a major appliance store.

We were not handcuffed to a TV or a cellphone all day. We (as kids) grew up being outdoors all day every day. We knew every kid in the neighborhood in a 3-4 block radius. Most of us had bikes, and rode them all around the neighborhood visiting every kid's house we knew.
We found things to keep our interest and friends to keep us busy and entertained. We had options and we used them. We built scooters and go-carts out of scrap wood using those old clamp skates.
Some of these poor children today are in bondage. They are prisoners of their cellphones. They stare into their phones every waking moment, putting them down only to sleep.

I am so glad cellphones had not been invented during my youth.
When I recall to my grandchildren all of the things that we have now, that had not been invented yet when I was a kid, they are in awe, wondering "how did you survive the day?" No cellphones, no computers or internet, no WiFi, no social media, no DVD recorders, no color TV or remotes to change the channels. No microwave ovens, no digital anything!!! My youngest GD told me "it sounds like you guys lived in the stone age"

She said no way could she have lived "in the olden days." I tried to explain to her that you don't miss things you never had.