Calipari comes off like an ingenious at times, make no mistake about it, to the point that you wonder if he is actually a human who feels emotion or if he's a robotic salesman. I can get how people don't like him, even independent of the multiple investigations, history with Calhoun, etc.
But it's a slippery slope when you start speaking in absolutes about somebody you don't know (not saying I haven't done it plenty of times myself), as we have learned as fans of this program. Cal is portrayed by the general public as almost something of a cartoon character, a caricature of the evil, power-consumed college basketball coach we all hate. K is the grounded, humble beacon of basketball purity, the guy who prepares his kids to succeed in life.
I am inclined to believe that whenever there is a perception gap this immense between two men of the same profession, there is a lot more middle ground there than we all think. I respect Coach K, I really do. He seems like a genuine guy, somebody you wouldn't mind your son playing for. Cal...he's harder to like, but in reality, he's probably more sincere and likable than anybody thinks, and K, he's not perfect despite the endless superlatives heaped upon him from everywhere.
If Kentucky plays Duke for the title, I'm definitely rooting for Kentucky. Partially because we're on closer footing as a program to Duke than Kentucky, and party because the inevitable good vs. evil portrayal will be too much for me.