By the time Diaco learns how to coach. | Page 3 | The Boneyard

By the time Diaco learns how to coach.

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Throat's all better now, thanks for asking...
Aug 26, 2011
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I am incensed at the program right now.

To me, this team physically and talent-wise passes the eye test. By right they should at least be 5-2. They've clearly gotten good reps in practice. Matt Balis has done wonders making their bodies stronger. But they seemingly have not addressed the mental aspect of winning on the field yet, and it is m-a-d-d-e-n-i-n-g.

And the main reason why this hasn't been overcome yet is that the coaches haven't addressed THEIR decision-making, either. It's as if they think they're still coaching last year's team at times, when clearly these kids are at a different level than the '14 crew. Diaco & Co. need to call plays that put the onus on the playmakers so that they can learn how to make winning plays when it's time to win. If they fail, so be it: they either learn or it's next man up.

That's why I nearly walked out after the Sad Field Goal attempt. That was at minimum a teachable moment for a young, developing offense that was going up and down the field all day, and at the most a time to go take the game from an outclassed opponent.

Instead? Doink. W. T. F.

Look, all I'm trying to say is that yes, lack of talent or poor Strength/conditioning loses games. But constant mental errors and weak play calling? That loses fanbases.

I am royally pissed this morning - and I just hope to Delany that there are a bunch of coaches and players right now in the Burton Building just as pissed as I am.

Fix this Coach Diaco, while the fans still care...
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Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I am incensed at the program right now.

To me, this team physically and talent-wise passes the eye test. By right they should at least be 5-2. They've clearly gotten good reps in practice. Matt Balis has done wonders making their bodies stronger. But they seemingly have not addressed the mental aspect of winning on the field yet, and it is m-a-d-d-e-n-i-n-g.

And the main reason why this hasn't been overcome yet is that the coaches haven't addressed THEIR decision-making, either. It's as if they think they're still coaching last year's team at times, when clearly these kids are at a different level than the '14 crew. Diaco & Co. need to call plays that put the onus on the playmakers so that they can learn how to make winning plays when it's time to win. If they fail, so be it: they either learn or it's next man up.

That's why I nearly walked out after the Sad Field Goal attempt. That was at minimum a teachable moment for a young, developing offense that was going up and down the field all day, and at the most a time to go take the game from an outclassed opponent.

Instead? Doink. W. T. F.

Look, all I'm trying to say is that yes, lack of talent or poor Strength/conditioning loses games. But constant mental errors and weak play calling? That loses fanbases.

I am royally pissed this morning - and I just hope to Delany that there are a bunch of coaches and players right now in the Burton Building just as pissed as I am.

Fix this Coach Diaco, while the fans still care...
From JJ's column it sounds to me like Diaco is on the right page, going to have the staff look critically at their process. I think he gets it though I'm sure other Yarders will disagree.

"We have to do a better job as a staff having a higher level of play awareness and play selection," Diaco said. "I don't have a 40,000-feet-looking-down comment for you right now. I'm not trying to give you coachspeak. I know we're going to have to look down at the third-and-1, the fourth-and-1 and say, 'Why was this play not successful? Should it even have been called? What's a better play selection here?'

"Really be honest. Start with myself and move on down through the staff to give us a better opportunity to keep the drive alive and produce points. We need to do a better job as a staff to find ways to be successful in critical situations."


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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I was asking the community at large what their thoughts were. Not once did I say I wanted anyone fired. I created that thread to a) blow off steam due to anger and b) spark discussion. Which it did on both accounts.
Hey Stair..
maybe some of us should just stay on the MBB site - there's some dolts there but some people here are just, well I'm heading back over
People can get frustrated but be big enough to carry on a discussion
I love UConn and would love to see the football program do well but you need to hire a game coach in your head coach package, not only a recruiter and a cheerleader. Has Diaco ever been college HC?
As much as I condone the man for how he left but RE did know how to call a game and he was a rah rah guy and the players appeared to like him = NOT SAYING I WANT HIM BACK


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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I don't think so. There are Caliendos in that area I know, but not within two relations to me. Nor is Frank Caliendo. :)
Thanks for the reply Kevin


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Hey Stair..
maybe some of us should just stay on the MBB site - there's some dolts there but some people here are just, well I'm heading back over
People can get frustrated but be big enough to carry on a discussion
I love UConn and would love to see the football program do well but you need to hire a game coach in your head coach package, not only a recruiter and a cheerleader. Has Diaco ever been college HC?
As much as I condone the man for how he left but RE did know how to call a game and he was a rah rah guy and the players appeared to like him = NOT SAYING I WANT HIM BACK

Thanks for the advice, but I think I'll continue posting on the FB board as well.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm opting for a third alternative. Diaco does learn here, the team does improve(including in game decisions) and he stays because UConn is committed to putting a winner on the football field and can come up with the finances to upgrade the Rent as customer demand dictates it. Any raises or extensions to his contract are dependent on results and I'm sure he is fair minded enough to accept that. I think pride with him is pretty important and he wouldn't want to leave a mess behind that has his name on it. Most in here figured it would take til year three for a legit shot at a bowl so I say let this year play out and see who the staff can recruit this cycle. Besides, the league is getting stronger every year and I say that as long as there's a G-5 bid out there for a New Years bowl the AAC can seize on that and prove itself worthy of being considered part of the P-6. Diaco will see that. he also sees how UConn rewards their coaches like Geno and Jim Calhoun and if he gets similar results they'd reward him accordingly. As long as attendance improves with winning percentage why start all over again when the foundation is being poured?

Look, I'm as frustrated with the results as PAL & the rest of you. BUT, don't forget the dumpster fire of the FHCPP years. Diaco inherited a wildfire from Hades & it's taking time to tame the flames. We're all looking for improvement, so here's a checklist:
Strength & conditioning: definitely
Competitiveness on the field-no question
Players buying into the system-yup
Creativeness in play calling: UConn, this season, has successfully completed a fake punt, flea flicker, assorted other "trick plays", so yes
Coaches owning their mistakes-I'll give HCBD an A- grade on this. How many times did PP REALLY come clean? Can you recite from rote Randy's classic line "Players need to execute" (Jeez-sometimes I felt that Randy should be facing the firing squad)
As to Diaco learning on the job in prep for a better position: So be it-that's the coaching mantra. Look at his mentor, Brian Kelley. He's been a gypsy in his career as he's gone up the coaching ladder. The KEY is that, in order to receive that next better opportunity, BD must perform admirably at THIS one. I'm riding the wave with HCBD until it reaches shore.
Finally, addressing that next opportunity: Diaco is a Jersey guy & part of the reason for accepting the UConn coaching position was to bring his family back East to be closer to his roots. Speculating on institutions that could lure him away: PSU-I think that the Nits are very happy with their current coach. Rutgers-if BD's crazy enough to deal with THAT bureaucracy-God Bless him. The Thunderchickens-I don't think so. Temple-lateral move. The Leprechauns-Kelley is there until he retires &, unless he has physical ailments, I don't think it's soon.
His alma mater Iowa- intriguing-UConn alum Ferentz has them on a roll, so talk of his firing has been extinguished. How much longer does Kirk K. coach before he decides to retire? Do the Hawkeyes want to replace him with an "Iowa Man (aka alumnus)"? Does BD go against his eastern family roots & carpet bag to Iowa City? ALL of this speculation is just that. It's the Monday morning NATIONAL FLAG BLUES after a loss of a very winnable game. We want to see winning football on the field of play. I think that we're getting there. I still have patience. HCBD is organized. Here's hoping that he figures the rest out in short order & good results are just over the horizon.
Aug 29, 2011
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From where I sit this season, I have no choice to pay attention very closely to what I can read and hear and see. Coach D is a very passionate, energetic and successful football man. From what I can tell, he's never been really charged with doing what he's doing at UCONN, and that is transition from what we were, into a winner. He's not just doing it as a position coach, or a coordinator either - he's doing it as a head coach, that's had to address every single aspect of the program.

Let's just keep that in mind. I think he's doing a fantastic job, and the quality I like best about him, is his ability to speak his mind clearly as to what he thinks, and feels, and believes. Love it.

ANd that leads me to this - I've been paying very close attention to what Coach Booby says and does over the season. If you pay attention like I do, a pattern has developed here - that Coach needs to break. When he's talking during game week, and he's a strutting peacock, we've performed really well, and really - we coulda shoulda be at least 5-2 right now 7 games in, rather than 3-4, if not for a few head scratchers from the coaching staff and brain farts from the players.

But we're not - were 3-4. Prior to Missouri, Prior to byu, coach was a confident dude, not so prior to Navy and USF, he was all praise for our opponents. Those are the losses, and every single one, was a winnable game. The navy offense, the USF running game - he had lots positive to say prior.

It's subtle, what I'm noticing, I think, and maybe it's just me - and I'm full of beans - but I think it's there. I'm curious to see how he presents this week's opponent. Cincinnati is 3-3, and 1-2 in conference.

The poker face he's got to develop as a head coach, either will come with time, or it won't. As well as the situational awareness for decision making in games. Unrealistic to expect it from a guy as jacked and passionate as this one, who's really just into his 8th game now, of trying to actually win.
Aug 26, 2011
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He'll move on. Hate to say it. But that's how it looks from here.

He should be paying UConn for this education.

Tell you what, you find me the coach who already knows everything there is about coaching and wants to coach here, and I'll pay his salary, deal?


'Ollie North of the Cesspool'
Sep 1, 2013
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Tell you what, you find me the coach who already knows everything there is about coaching and wants to coach here, and I'll pay his salary, deal?

Its always the he knows it all.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Bob's a better coach than the program deserved at the time of his hire. Ward made a good pick in spite of everything. He just needs to adjust on gameday. Everything else is looking pretty good. Recruiting appears to be getting better, the guys are playing hard and getting better. I enjoy watching the games again.

I simply want us to get over the hump of being a losing program as fast as humanity possible because that stink takes a lot longer to get off than it does to put on.

There are 3 long time terrible football programs from this conference ranked this week and deservedly so. However one loss and they are right back to irrelevant town. While teams like Missouri, Northwestern and Ole Miss are a win away from the media driven good to see you again pats on the back.

A bowl game this year would be huge and set up a run to compete for a conference title next season. Credibility takes at least an extra year to find you. For all the suck we've endured, cutting a year off the rebound schedule would do wonders for the program even if Bob left.

A bowl is a decidely uphill climb after Saturday, but it continued improvements should result in an opportunity for a wtf win to offset this wtf loss.

ECU and Tulane become the must wins #4 and #5. Will need an upset of Cincy, Houston, or Temple. I don't think this is our week but, who knows, we've played better on the road this year. An upset at the Nipper would be a huge boost, bigger than UCF last season.
Aug 24, 2011
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Bob's a better coach than the program deserved at the time of his hire. Ward made a good pick in spite of everything. He just needs to adjust on gameday. Everything else is looking pretty good. Recruiting appears to be getting better, the guys are playing hard and getting better. I enjoy watching the games again.

I simply want us to get over the hump of being a losing program as fast as humanity possible because that stink takes a lot longer to get off than it does to put on.

There are 3 long time terrible football programs from this conference ranked this week and deservedly so. However one loss and they are right back to irrelevant town. While teams like Missouri, Northwestern and Ole Miss are a win away from the media driven good to see you again pats on the back.

A bowl game this year would be huge and set up a run to compete for a conference title next season. Credibility takes at least an extra year to find you. For all the suck we've endured, cutting a year off the rebound schedule would do wonders for the program even if Bob left.

A bowl is a decidely uphill climb after Saturday, but it continued improvements should result in an opportunity for a wtf win to offset this wtf loss.

ECU and Tulane become the must wins #4 and #5. Will need an upset of Cincy, Houston, or Temple. I don't think this is our week but, who knows, we've played better on the road this year. An upset at the Nipper would be a huge boost, bigger than UCF last season.

If we played ECU this week, at home, we'd be significant dogs. Significant. The thought that anyone is looking at that as a "must win" rather than a "wtf win" is misguided. It is both.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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businesslawyer said:
If we played ECU this week, at home, we'd be significant dogs. Significant. The thought that anyone is looking at that as a "must win" rather than a "wtf win" is misguided. It is both.

But it's at home on a Friday night and ECU is a cut below the three teams leading the AAC. I would much rather have beat Navy and USF and looking towards Tulane for #6, but we eat what is served. ECU is the best looking dish left at the buffet that wouldn't be a major upset.
Jun 26, 2013
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What does having his own players have to do with the idiotic game decisions being made by the staff? If anyone hired a CEO at several million and that person performed like Diaco has for two years, he would be long gone.

Challenge. Steve Jobs was brought back into Apple after their acquisition of NeXT in 1997, and he was named CEO later that year. It took until 2003 to see consistent positive EPS growth. People saw the progress and innovation, so they kept him around. I wonder where they'd be if they fired him sooner?

I see the progress. I was at Stony Brook last year thinking it couldn't get worse than how that game looked, and felt rock bottom hit while freezing my can off wearing a tshirt at the game vs. Army @ Yankee stadium. There's not been a game this year I felt like turning off before it was over because I wanted to cut my emotional losses for the day, and I've bought into Diaco's madness, and appreciate the fact he's owning up to errors, and even taking the heat for players (even though we all know we saw him yelling at Shirreffs after the 1st half throw to Newsome saying something along the lines of 'I told you to throw it out of the end zone if there was nothing open'). So if I'm on the Board, I'm keeping my CEO around and giving him the latitude he needs for 3 years to see him build.


Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Some threads are inane. This one is up there. Time management is an issue that is pretty correctable. Most of us agree that play calls have been questionable but the two 4th downs Sat where once we didn't kick and the other one we didn't has a pretty divergent view on this board, so obviously not everyone thinks he made the wrong call. Our short yardage game is worthless, but hopefully correctable as is the reluctance to use the short middle of the field in the passing game.

Is our QB effectively a freshman in terms of game experience? Yes. Are the QBs in a rotation like last year? No. Is the guy learning on the job? Yes. Are we watchable compared to last year and the three before that? Yes.
Does he have many of his own recruits on the field? No. Do we have any noticeable play-makers on either the defensive line or among the line backers? I don't see any. Can he bring some in? We'll see. The guy is clearly accepting responsibility publicly the way he wasn't last year, and for better or worse, is less of a cheer leader and sobered up. The wishing of the guy away or the assumption that he'll become good and the then leave, so wy not dump him now is off the wall. Frankly, after the last few years, I haven't a clue why anyone would think that winning enough to go bowling was any more than an outside hope. FWIW, they still have that chance, but next year is more the time to start passing judgment.


Did they burn down the ROTC Hangar?
Oct 13, 2012
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This loss had a lot to do with coaching. Time expiring with a tackle on the 2 yard line and a timeout in your pocket is unacceptable. 3 points left on the table.

Not kicking a fld goal early in the first half left another 3 points on the table.

Kicking a 45+ yard field goal into the wind on 4th and inches?

Still firmly behind Diaco and staff... But this is a game the staff needs to learn from.

He blamed himself, not the OC. shirreffs said he made the error when the 1st half ended. I would have kicked the FG
then and there, our O and clock mgt being what it is, not putting it on the QB.
Bobby looked like he wanted to cry in the post game press conference. Kooky
Sep 5, 2011
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Its easy to criticize when things go wrong, and that's fine with me.

The failure of the team isn't based on one component only. It could have been a good play call.....bad execution. Bad play call, bad execution. Bad coaches.......good players. etc, etc.

I don't disagree with anyone with time management comments. Thirty seconds to get a play in after a previous play was executed or not executed frustrates me to no end when the snap always seems to come with less than 10 seconds to go. Observing UConn's competition it seems some snap the ball anywhere between 30 seconds down to tens seconds. When opposing teams execute or don't execute a play, it seems their coaches have the next play ready based on results of the previous play. UConn needs to hold a convention between the end of a play and the start of another play.

I don't think BD is a bad coach. Whether the team is able to execute or not execute the plays is a different issue. This is the first time in decades that I've seen any UConn coach send in plays that don't make it seem like a glorified high school program. It has the potential to be a very, very, exciting offense.....for the first time ever. We can always retreat to GDL wallpaper play book.

USF has a better talent level at this point. To hear discussions of their program on TV, they've beaten ACC, Big 12, and SEC teams for recruits.

A lot of UConn's competition for recruits, if there is any, includes the FCS programs. Maybe that is why UConn seems smaller and slower than the teams that have scorched them for huge gains.......and why they have trouble scoring in the red zone.

I firmly believe BD can eventually change all aspects of UConn's game....from coaching, play calling and recruits. It just won't happen as fast as many desire.

Lets be honest with big time football coach with a successful resume is coming to UConn. If/when BD leaves, the next coach will probably be from the FCS ranks.
Aug 26, 2011
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Its easy to criticize when things go wrong, and that's fine with me.

The failure of the team isn't based on one component only. It could have been a good play call.....bad execution. Bad play call, bad execution. Bad coaches..good players. etc, etc.

I don't disagree with anyone with time management comments. Thirty seconds to get a play in after a previous play was executed or not executed frustrates me to no end when the snap always seems to come with less than 10 seconds to go. Observing UConn's competition it seems some snap the ball anywhere between 30 seconds down to tens seconds. When opposing teams execute or don't execute a play, it seems their coaches have the next play ready based on results of the previous play. UConn needs to hold a convention between the end of a play and the start of another play.

I don't think BD is a bad coach. Whether the team is able to execute or not execute the plays is a different issue. This is the first time in decades that I've seen any UConn coach send in plays that don't make it seem like a glorified high school program. It has the potential to be a very, very, exciting offense.....for the first time ever. We can always retreat to GDL wallpaper play book.

USF has a better talent level at this point. To hear discussions of their program on TV, they've beaten ACC, Big 12, and SEC teams for recruits.

A lot of UConn's competition for recruits, if there is any, includes the FCS programs. Maybe that is why UConn seems smaller and slower than the teams that have scorched them for huge gains..and why they have trouble scoring in the red zone.

I firmly believe BD can eventually change all aspects of UConn's game....from coaching, play calling and recruits. It just won't happen as fast as many desire.

Lets be honest with big time football coach with a successful resume is coming to UConn. If/when BD leaves, the next coach will probably be from the FCS ranks.

You and others make this sound like science. It ain't.

WE ... the UConn Football Program ... are in a region of the country that gets no coverage from all these rivals/scout/247 services and USF is in a region that every high school gets scrutiny. 37 million people live in NE and NY. You can't tell me that there isn't raw football talent throughout.

I watched a kid recently. 6'6" 250 pounds. His mother is a friend. His father played DT at Auburn and then 4 years in the NFL. He can run a really fast 40; but, plays in a suburban Albany, NY high school that won't be seen by most coaches. Except maybe the FCS program at UAlbany. He didn't go to camps before his Junior year. He went to camps this June. What does this say? It is the typical story of lots of raw kids throughout the region, except this kid obviously had the genes. Nobody tracked him.

He now gets labeled as wondrous. A true-under-the-radar. (Committed to BC - btw) This story has been repeated often over the last 12 years of UConn's FBS. And, it is also what we saw with Syracuse recruiting. And, we heard dismissive remarks from the SUNJ/Rutgers fans; until they started to bring some of these kids in and were successful. Penn State has benefited over the years.

See: it is not that we are only competing with FCS schools. It is we have an entirely different process than Florida. The results speak for themselves actually. Kids that come through NY or NE do excel and do get to the NFL. It just is not as much of a breeding ground for them with early identification and lots of training.
Aug 24, 2011
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So you disagree with that statement?

If this were a business analogy we'd be looking at a CEO executing a turnaround plan. Year 1 was the cost-cutting -- tear any and all excess out of the business. In year 2, he has grown the top and bottom lines (improved competency on offense and defense, and more wins). So no, he would not be fired.
Jun 23, 2014
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So you disagree with that statement?

I wouldn't fire Bob Diaco.
Donald Trump would fire Bob Diaco. "Bob, you're fired!"
Then, Donald is mean and impatient and it would probably be a case of hair envy anyway.


Aug 14, 2011
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