By the time Diaco learns how to coach. | The Boneyard

By the time Diaco learns how to coach.

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Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Fine by me. I expect he will learn and improve as a coach and if that happens at the same time the team becomes more experienced / has more depth he absolutely will be in a position to move on.

Jax Husky

Larry Taylor did nothing wrong
Aug 27, 2011
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He makes terrible calls. I said earlier in the year I 2ould not blast him for being aggressive, and I wont; however, you have to have a better pulse on what your team is good at. Ugghh. This one hurts.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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If there were any consistency, you could defend him. If the play calls have any chance of success you can defend him.

I still have no clue, what that last key 4th down call was supposed to be. None.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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This game was mostly lost by the coaches.

First half clock management was horrendous. 23 seconds ran off the clock when UConn got close towards the end of the first half. Timeouts would have been great but UConn uses two TO's whenever they get 1st and goal for the first time in a game. Second half they couldn't adjust to USF's offensive change.

If Clax never plays another snap for UConn, I'm okay with that. Keep him on scholarship and let him know as long as he practices hard and keeps his nose clean off the field, he'll get a no-cost degree. The throat slash and the running away from the kickoff were horrible plays.
Aug 21, 2011
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I've agreed with Pal twice in fifteen years on the Boneyard. This is the third. If we go back to the beginning of the year, we are 0 for Whatever on every critical 3rd and 4th down decision inside the twenty. Missuri, BYU, last week's unexplainable hurry up QB sneak, option on third down against Navy and today's QB sneak plus Puyol FG attempt into a stiff wind. We've decided its time for Diaco to pull a Costanza from now on - and to go with the opposite of whatever he wants to do on the crititical third and fourth downs. Such a frustrating game and loss. At least Diaco owned it post game but another winnable game wasted
Aug 26, 2011
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Like I said in other thread, on the post game, Disco said coaching needs to be better. I agree Bob.
Aug 28, 2011
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I've agreed with Pal twice in fifteen years on the Boneyard. This is the third. If we go back to the beginning of the year, we are 0 for Whatever on every critical 3rd and 4th down decision inside the twenty. Missuri, BYU, last week's unexplainable hurry up QB sneak, option on third down against Navy and today's QB sneak plus Puyol FG attempt into a stiff wind. We've decided its time for Diaco to pull a Costanza from now on - and to go with the opposite of whatever he wants to do on the crititical third and fourth downs. Such a frustrating game and loss. At least Diaco owned it post game but another winnable game wasted

The good news is you have right three times now.

Diaco thought he threw away last year to -- build the program. Problem is he wasted a year where he could have been learning --how to win.
Aug 26, 2011
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I started a thread last week calling the coaches a disaster with clock management. That may have been an understatement. Would be nice to have timeouts to work with as the half winds down bob. Instead a year and a half in they have to burn timeouts because they still can't get plays in.

I think pal is right. By the time he masters that play of the game he will be ready to move on. God today was frustrating.

The bend but don't break defense, bent, broke and sheet the bed giving up big plays. The offense continues to leave points on the field.

Jax Husky

Larry Taylor did nothing wrong
Aug 27, 2011
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I started a thread last week calling the coaches a disaster with clock management. That may have been an understatement. Would be nice to have timeouts to work with as the half winds down bob. Instead a year and a half in they have to burn timeouts because they still can't get plays in.

I think pal is right. By the time he masters that play of the game he will be ready to move on. God today was frustrating.

The bend but don't break defense, bent, broke and sheet the bed giving up big plays. The offense continues to leave points on the field.

I actually have had no issues with our schemes and game plans. In game decision making is just awful. 8th grade level calls going on out there.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I started a thread last week calling the coaches a disaster with clock management. That may have been an understatement. Would be nice to have timeouts to work with as the half winds down bob. Instead a year and a half in they have to burn timeouts because they still can't get plays in.

I think pal is right. By the time he masters that play of the game he will be ready to move on. God today was frustrating.

The bend but don't break defense, bent, broke and sheet the bed giving up big plays. The offense continues to leave points on the field.

Remember in the press conference earlier this week when Diaco said the USF full backfield was basically Navy's triple option? Yeah, that's real funny right now. Not in a funny way funny. Funny, like damn you've seen it twice this year and knew it was coming and still didn't have an adjustment for it funny.
Aug 31, 2011
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The game management (play calling, schemes, clock management, pace of play, situations, substitutions, etc.) is high school level or worse. Its basic stuff that they have no clue about or don't practice. But that is 100% coaching. Last year we blamed talent, but this stuff was evident last year to anyone who knows even a tiny bit about football. Now that the talent and effort is better, this stuff is magnified.

Its very hard to win games when you consistently are the dumber team


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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The game management (play calling, schemes, clock management, pace of play, situations, substitutions, etc.) is high school level or worse. Its basic stuff that they have no clue about or don't practice. But that is 100% coaching. Last year we blamed talent, but this stuff was evident last year to anyone who knows even a tiny bit about football. Now that the talent and effort is better, this stuff is magnified.

Its very hard to win games when you consistently are the dumber team

Went to college and roomed with a Steve Caliendo from Windsor
Any relation?
Just wondering

Agree with your comments
This guy may be recruiting better talent but his play calling and game management is awful at this point
Oct 6, 2013
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He'll move on. Hate to say it. But that's how it looks from here.
He should be paying UConn for this education.

Have often disagreed with you in the past but I agree with you 2000%. He is the one getting a free education and on the job training. Would rather see him opt out now and move on and get someone in here who can make game decisions. This is year 5 of this SHEEET.... go back to ND, go to USC, just go....


Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Aug 26, 2011
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Have often disagreed with you in the past but I agree with you 2000%. He is the one getting a free education and on the job training. Would rather see him opt out now and move on and get someone in here who can make game decisions. This is year 5 of this SHEEET.... go back to ND, go to USC, just go....

Seriously? It seems to be widely acknowledged that we are getting better under Diaco and that he also needs to improve too but that we're getting there (but slower than we all want).

So you'd rather he leave now so we can move on to what exactly?
Oct 6, 2013
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Seriously? It seems to be widely acknowledged that we are getting better under Diaco and that he also needs to improve too but that we're getting there (but slower than we all want).
So you'd rather he leave now so we can move on to what exactly?
Absolutely. This program had only one way to go ... up. You did not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out where the changes needed to be made off the field....
He spends 1 or 2 more years here and then leaves.... I would rather start now with a proven coach and not move $$$ toward a coach that cannot effectively manage on game day. At a seven figure salary, we hired a coach that has proven over 18 games, that he can't manage critical points, make key decisions. It is one thing to wait but at the price we are paying, he should already have it down..... and not use us as a learning and improvement vehicle.
Sep 3, 2011
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I think we should at least wait until Diaco's players (that he recruited) are on the field and playing before we try and run him out of town.
Aug 26, 2011
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I think we should at least wait until Diaco's players (that he recruited) are on the field and playing before we try and run him out of town.

What does having his own players have to do with the idiotic game decisions being made by the staff? If anyone hired a CEO at several million and that person performed like Diaco has for two years, he would be long gone.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I want UConn to fire Diaco and then hire Nick Saban. We can probably get him for like $2M/yr. If he turns that down (I don't know why he would), then I say we go after Chip Kelly. He'll no doubt leave the NFL for the opportunity to coach here for $1.75M/yr. Or, maybe we can hire Saban as DC and Kelly as OC and then hire Belichick as head coach. He'll have to take a salary concession so we can pay Saban 300K and Kelly 350K, but I say do it.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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What does having his own players have to do with the idiotic game decisions being made by the staff? If anyone hired a CEO at several million and that person performed like Diaco has for two years, he would be long gone.

Okay sure, let's can Diaco. Put Don Patterson in for the rest of the season and hire someone else in the offseason. Then, when you're inevitably dissatisfied with the new coach, can him as well as Warde for good measure (since he keeps screwing up so many coaching hires). 5th coach and 3rd AD since 2011. Do you see what kind of path your impatience leads us down? I'm very glad you aren't our AD.
Feb 4, 2012
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best scenario right now is he DOES get better enough to be attractive to a high rent school. We lose him, then lather, rinse, repeat. We'd better hope he gets that good. Otherwise our goose is cooked.
Aug 26, 2011
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Okay sure, let's can Diaco. Put Don Patterson in for the rest of the season and hire someone else in the offseason. Then, when you're inevitably dissatisfied with the new coach, can him as well as Warde for good measure (since he keeps screwing up so many coaching hires). 5th coach and 3rd AD since 2011. Do you see what kind of path your impatience leads us down? I'm very glad you aren't our AD.

And where exactly did I say Fire Diaco?
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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And where exactly did I say Fire Diaco?
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

"If anyone hired a CEO at several million and that person performed like Diaco has for two years, he would be long gone." -- implies that you think Diaco should've been already fired. Bless your soul.
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