Bryant Shirreffs was a Warrior Saturday. | The Boneyard

Bryant Shirreffs was a Warrior Saturday.

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Aug 29, 2011
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The word warrior gets thrown around a lot, and especially coming from you it's not really - well whatever. He's a college football player, and not a soldier. Nobody needs to know that he played with a broken bone to know that the kid has the toughness to play the position he plays, if they've been watching this team through the season. People questioning whether or not he's got the goods to play the position, don't know what they're looking at.

He wasn't the first football player at UCONN, or the first quarterback at UCONN, to break a bone and keep playing in a game, and he won't be the last.

I'll be more impressed if the next time he's got a receiver in stride, open down the hashes for a TD, that he lays the ball out there for the receiver to run under and catch it.

Dealing with pain, and overcoming - is part of the game, and why I don't think that little kids really should play football. It's a grown up sport.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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The word warrior gets thrown around a lot, and especially coming from you it's not really - well whatever. He's a college football player, and not a soldier. Nobody needs to know that he played with a broken bone to know that the kid has the toughness to play the position he plays, if they've been watching this team through the season. People questioning whether or not he's got the goods to play the position, don't know what they're looking at.

He wasn't the first football player at UCONN, or the first quarterback at UCONN, to break a bone and keep playing in a game, and he won't be the last.

I'll be more impressed if the next time he's got a receiver in stride, open down the hashes for a TD, that he lays the ball out there for the receiver to run under and catch it.

Dealing with pain, and overcoming - is part of the game, and why I don't think that little kids really should play football. It's a grown up sport.

Give him a little bit of credit, Carl. Wrist injuries aren't fun - I sprained mine in a practice once and spent the next game on the bench wearing street clothes and a cast. Kudos to BS and hope he recovers quickly.
Aug 29, 2011
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Give him a little bit of credit, Carl. Wrist injuries aren't fun - I sprained mine in a practice once and spent the next game on the bench wearing street clothes and a cast. Kudos to BS and hope he recovers quickly.

Oh - you had a boo boo on the wrist?

Look, I don't care if that's harsh what I wrote. It's football.

Play the damn game, and I'm tired of the crap from a certain poster that knows everything better because he's friends with somebody. This same guy claimed that our offensive coordinator should be fired, because Mike Nebrich posted something online.

We just squeezed a 6 win season and a bowl game appearance out of a season where on offense we have nobody that can reliably block for the duration of a game. Read the new haven register for a stat line on what our QB and RB and Receivers were able to do even still.

Somebody wants to use the word warrior to describe football - that's fine , forgive me if I'm touchy on that.

You want to give credit where credit is due to the Sheriff, it's that we have NO offense if not for his ability to stay on the field, and provide leadership and toughness from the QB position throughout the season.

That he broke a bone and kept playing? Expected. What I want to see, is that improvement I wrote - that when he's got that receiver open next time, he throws the ball that the receiver can run under, rather than wait for. That comes from the hips, not the wrist.
Aug 27, 2011
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The word warrior gets thrown around a lot, and especially coming from you it's not really - well whatever.He wasn't the first football player at UCONN, or the first quarterback at UCONN, to break a bone and keep playing in a game, and he won't be the last. I'll be more impressed if the next time he's got a receiver in stride, open down the hashes for a TD, that he lays the ball out there for the receiver to run under and catch it.

This doesn't deserve a respectful response from me---so I'll let others comment if they wish.
Aug 29, 2011
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There is another poster around here, that has taken flak for expressing the concept that somehow there should be satisfaction for the performance that was a 6-7 season in 2015.

I am 100% behind that attitude. THe idea that a player played with injury and pain? Whoopee.

There is a lot of personal animosity in what I wrote here, so far, and it's just me projecting against the words of another poster. So it's time for me to go do something else with my time.

For the record:

There is no UCONN offense to speak of in 2015, without Bryant Sherifffs at the QB position. The most important aspects of that position are leadership, communication, and setting the example of both mental and physical toughness.

That he played with a broken bone, should be no surprise to anyone paying attention.

have a nice day.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Oh - you had a boo boo on the wrist?

Look, I don't care if that's harsh what I wrote. It's football.

Play the damn game, and I'm tired of the crap from a certain poster that knows everything better because he's friends with somebody. This same guy claimed that our offensive coordinator should be fired, because Mike Nebrich posted something online.

We just squeezed a 6 win season and a bowl game appearance out of a season where on offense we have nobody that can reliably block for the duration of a game. Read the new haven register for a stat line on what our QB and RB and Receivers were able to do even still.

Somebody wants to use the word warrior to describe football - that's fine , forgive me if I'm touchy on that.

You want to give credit where credit is due to the Sheriff, it's that we have NO offense if not for his ability to stay on the field, and provide leadership and toughness from the QB position throughout the season.

That he broke a bone and kept playing? Expected. What I want to see, is that improvement I wrote - that when he's got that receiver open next time, he throws the ball that the receiver can run under, rather than wait for. That comes from the hips, not the wrist.

Don't you talk bad about my boo-boos.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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The word warrior gets thrown around a lot, and especially coming from you it's not really - well whatever. He's a college football player, and not a soldier. Nobody needs to know that he played with a broken bone to know that the kid has the toughness to play the position he plays, if they've been watching this team through the season. People questioning whether or not he's got the goods to play the position, don't know what they're looking at.

He wasn't the first football player at UCONN, or the first quarterback at UCONN, to break a bone and keep playing in a game, and he won't be the last.

I'll be more impressed if the next time he's got a receiver in stride, open down the hashes for a TD, that he lays the ball out there for the receiver to run under and catch it.

Dealing with pain, and overcoming - is part of the game, and why I don't think that little kids really should play football. It's a grown up sport.



Block C Bozo
Aug 30, 2011
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I submit for your consideration, last night I changed a soaking wet diaper/pijama combo on a furious and thrashing toddler without ever fully waking up. Then I continued sleeping. Am I a warrior?

May 29, 2015
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I led a 3 hour training program at my office at 8 am after drinking the previous night til 4 am and spending the 15 minutes prior to the training dry heaving in the bathroom. Nailed it and nobody was the wiser.

Basically was my flu game.

Suck it, Jordan.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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I led a 3 hour training program at my office at 8 am after drinking the previous night til 4 am and spending the 15 minutes prior to the training dry heaving in the bathroom. Nailed it and nobody was the wiser.

Basically was my flu game.

Suck it, Jordan.

Nobody the wiser after a 3 hour training seminar? Not bad. Usually training is so bad people leave more dumb than they were when it started.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Seriously, this board pisses me off sometimes.

How many hours after a warriors reference and I have to be the one to dig up this picture?

No references to Kellen Winslow Jr's rant at the U?

No Scandal "Warriors" You Tube video?

Not even a lay up for referencing GS Warriors and Steph Curry?


Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
Entirely possible nobody realized how banged up I was because nobody was paying attention.

Then you did good. If the presentation was good enough from keeping the audience from keying in on your personal hygiene, 5 o'clock shadow or inability to master fine motor skills over 3 hours, you are a master.
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