Bottom Line: Someone has to go | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Bottom Line: Someone has to go


Long live the Civil ConFLiCT
Dec 27, 2016
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The problem with that argument is start over with who? What legitimate FBS coach is going to jump at the UConn job right now?

Unfortunately, I think the best path forward is to fire the entire coaching staff on the defensive side and pray for improvement next season.

That is the question. I have no idea who would/should be next, but Edsall & Co. just aren't cutting it so far. For Edsall's salary we can't attract any noteworthy candidates. However, if we finally pony up and pay a coach in the 2.5M range (which I don't believe is too outrageous), we should be able to get somebody competent.
There's a difference between rebuilding, and just being awful, but I tend to agree with you; Edsall will be back with a (mostly) new defensive staff.
Aug 28, 2011
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Hate to break it to the lashlee fans but Dunn is doing a fine job. Offense is least of our issues right now. He has identified our strengths and centered play calling around it. That’s what good coaches due.

We shouldn’t be lamenting that Lashlee left, we should be focusing on how horrid our defense is and why, aside from D Line, we haven’t even seen a little improvement. Letting players give less than 100% effort is just not acceptable. And that’s what’s happening in the secondary. We have 4.6 million defensive backs. If one doesn’t hustle, take him out, and play someone who will run to the football.
Aug 30, 2011
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I feel bad for Crocker because he isn’t calling the shots. If he is scapegoated, don’t celebrate, Randy will still be in control of the D.

Doesn't matter. We're bad enough that at this point the scheme is irrelevant. We aren't the worst defense of all time because of using 4 down lineman or not blitzing enough


That is the question. I have no idea who would/should be next, but Edsall & Co. just aren't cutting it so far. For Edsall's salary we can't attract any noteworthy candidates. However, if we finally pony up and pay a coach in the 2.5M range (which I don't believe is too outrageous), we should be able to get somebody competent.
There's a difference between rebuilding, and just being awful, but I tend to agree with you; Edsall will be back with a (mostly) new defensive staff.
It’s not reassuring that he hand picked the current defensive staff, that has produced truly historic negative results.
Aug 29, 2011
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I think the dc will be gone. We could put orange highway cones out there here and do a better job. At least maybe someone trips over one. But Edsall isn’t going anywhere. His plan and ad Dave is all in on it. As to Lashlee you could have made him the Duke of Coventry. His wife hated Connecticut and you know the saying if momma ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy. If daddy ain’t happy, who cares? He wasn’t staying. FWIW offense isn’t the issue. When you score 50 and lose that ought to be obvious
Aug 26, 2011
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It’s not reassuring that he hand picked the current defensive staff, that has produced truly historic negative results.
I hate to agree with this, but the play of the LBs and DBs is so putridly bad, that you wonder about the coaching. Simple fundamentals like wrapping up and gang tackling and looking for the ball are virtually non existant. The next 2 worse teams in the league lit us up like Time Square. Pathetic is a step up from where we are right now.


Long live the Civil ConFLiCT
Dec 27, 2016
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It’s not reassuring that he hand picked the current defensive staff, that has produced truly historic negative results.
If you were the AD, what would you do?
Option 1: Keep Edsall, and let him make staff changes as he sees fit.
Option 2: Keep Edsall, but force him to make some changes on his defensive staff which includes a new DC. Option 3: Fire Edsall, and start over once again...

#1 PA Husky Fan

Diehard Fan of All UConn Sports Teams!
Aug 27, 2011
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We’re in the doom loop.
1. The only option. See 2, 3. Hopefully, Randy sees the issues and makes changes. Hopefully, he is given the money to upgrade the staff that needs to be upgraded. Neither is likely.
2. Don’t see Randy being forced to do anything. Won’t get fired, see 3.
3. AD David Benedict won’t admit that he whiffed. Don’t think that we can afford another coaching change. The new coach would need to be a proven winner. Unless we hit the Powerball, we can’t afford the caliber that it would take.
Aug 26, 2011
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HCRE2.0 has made it very clear, he is in charge and any failures of coaching/recruiting/player execution is on him. I take him at his word. All three areas have been much less than the program needs to be successful.

What is the maximum upside of keeping HCRE2.0 in 2019:

1. Fires DC and some of defensive staff. He picked these guys, HCRE2.0 was not a 1st time head coach when he made his selection but a 60 year old guy with 15 or so years of head coaching experience. How likely is it that the replacement defensive staff is average or above average; let's shoot for average. So 2019 is new defensive coaching staff whether keep HCRE2.0 or not, with keeping him also get his choice of DC and staff.
2. Offensive staff. Don't see them being replaced by HCRE2.0 so that's what get in 2019 unless fire HCRE2.0. Pretty ok players to be only 108th in scoring offense (especially with type of shoot out games playing and scoring over 50 against FCS team) so I'm not real thrilled with this coaching staff's performance either.
3. Recruiting. Probably last in AAC per ratings and 80 to 110 overall. New coach probably similar. Some different faces but similar ranking keep HCRE2.0 or not.
4. Juco/grad transfers. Not sure how this will work out but need serious upper class assistance on DL and LB for sure. How much is UConn administration an issue not sure. I would expect new coach would put more pressure on administration to give him leeway to go this route for a couple of years.
5. Transfers out. HCRE2.0 has noted not all potential red shirt seniors will be taken back. Other than poor body language of some defenders not sure what attitude of players are concerning HCRE2.0. Tough on them being beat up every week, especially on defense. Would not expect the next guy to be a "clean house" type of guy so don't think transfers out change much either way.
6. Player development. OL playing better (from low base level), Mensah running hard, WR's not used enough nor TE's. No meaningful reps for potential replacement QB's. Take out the FCS game and still way too few points to be competitive in AAC. And this is with a defense that gives up scores like water so get a lot of offensive possessions with the need to score on every possession. Defense am unable to make a logical comment as the play is so bad that the guys seem either uncoached or trying to get their staff fired. Expect new staff and question is whether think HCRE2.0 would do better job picking and directing than another HC. I see no reason to suggest HCRE2.0 would be better at selecting replacements. Strength, conditioning and speed training. Would expect improvements by players whoever runs this program. More on player quality/potential than any magic workout regime.
7. Head coaching. HCRE2.0 has gotten UConn to 3-9 and soon to be 1-11. Offers no excuse for how team has performed related to anything he could/should have done differently and players are just not good enough at this stage to compete (be it talent, youth, training, etc.). No quick fix. Take that to mean looking at 2021 as "the year" for solid play. Get new coach get whatever that guy brings/does.
So keep HCRE2.0 has a few continuity benefits and few potential drawbacks for 2019.

There is no big upside for keeping HCRE2.0 for 2019. See no reason based on HCREDreamJob1.0 or HCRE2.0 performance to suggest would rather roll the dice on him in 2019. Expect to be in similar or worse place this time in 2019 with same type of decision to be made. Hard to think it could be the same or worse but I was one of the guys who considered a 1 win season not in the realm of possibilities this year. Just think of this, have averaged less than 25 points a game for two straight years with QB's with some college level experience, next year have no one like that at QB. You think can't average less than 25 points a game, ask the Rutgirls what it's like to have a team that averages less than 2 touchdowns a game!

It's never to early to stop going in the wrong direction.


If you were the AD, what would you do?
Option 1: Keep Edsall, and let him make staff changes as he sees fit.
Option 2: Keep Edsall, but force him to make some changes on his defensive staff which includes a new DC. Option 3: Fire Edsall, and start over once again...

Option 3.


I think the dc will be gone. We could put orange highway cones out there here and do a better job. At least maybe someone trips over one. But Edsall isn’t going anywhere. His plan and ad Dave is all in on it. As to Lashlee you could have made him the Duke of Coventry. His wife hated Connecticut and you know the saying if momma ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy. If daddy ain’t happy, who cares? He wasn’t staying. FWIW offense isn’t the issue. When you score 50 and lose that ought to be obvious

Good post, but let’s not blame Lashlee’s wife.
Dec 1, 2011
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Now that all you geniuses have shown you have zero patience and want Edsall out, if that does happen, are you ready to wait another 5 years (mininum) to get this thing turned around? IF that is in the plans, what booster will step up to foot the bill (on the low) for the big time college football coach that we covet so that might be able to pull it off, in 5 years?
agree 100%. at some point we have to get off this cycle. Edsall didn't make these decisions in a vacuum. he knew that he would take some hits this year but that he would make the painful steps of getting this program back to respectability. I assume Benedict has his back for another season or two at least if Edsall can show some forward progress.
when they announced 20 starting freshman did people really think there was going to be some miracle season. Wouldn't be surprised if this staff is back.
Sep 11, 2011
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Edsall is here through 2020 at least, unless 2020 turns out to be a disaster too. I agree that the AD was all in on RE's plan to play all underclassmen on D, and I believe he still is, even though things turned out much worse than they both probably anticipated.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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I would like to see Chief produce a list of potential 2019 HCs in the AD's price range before he continues any further. Please and thank you.
Aug 29, 2016
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I have no clue what is gonna happen but the new president is not gonna come in and fire AD David Benedict right away, so Randy should be safe and thus so should be Crocker. So the master plan is gonna play out for at least another year. And if the trajectory is firmly up next year everyone should be a go for the last two. But is that gonna happen? No clue.
Aug 26, 2011
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I would like to see Chief produce a list of potential 2019 HCs in the AD's price range before he continues any further. Please and thank you.

Would you have put FHCRE1.0/FHCREDreamJob1.0 on the list of potential HC's for UConn in 2016? I thought Boneyard guys were joking when I read about it. What about Skip Holtz if we want retreads.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Would you have put FHCRE1.0/FHCREDreamJob1.0 on the list of potential HC's for UConn in 2016? I thought Boneyard guys were joking when I read about it. What about Skip Holtz if we want retreads.

Tell me why you think a non-retread will come here to coach a program in this part of the country, with this deficient of a roster, with a >.500 season drought as long as ours, at whatever paltry salary the AD can afford/will pay.


Semi Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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I would like to see Chief produce a list of potential 2019 HCs in the AD's price range before he continues any further. Please and thank you.
Not just in our price range but also in our reality of having ANY interest in coming here seeing what has occurred over the past 8 years.

No current FBS head coach is leaving their job to come here. I can't see any top level FCS coach coming either as there will be better jobs available they might get.

So yeah, I'd love to see this list of coaches who'll be banging on our door to come here.
Aug 26, 2011
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I have no clue what is gonna happen but the new president is not gonna come in and fire AD David Benedict right away, so Randy should be safe and thus so should be Crocker. So the master plan is gonna play out for at least another year. And if the trajectory is firmly up next year everyone should be a go for the last two. But is that gonna happen? No clue.
They'll have more muscle mass, at least. Our linemen from the Big East days were huge.

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