Boren wants to kill the LHN | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Boren wants to kill the LHN

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Aug 27, 2011
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Big XII loses Oklahoma but keeps Texas: It adds a couple of good markets and survives (with a slightly smaller tv deal). Texas keeps its kingdom and life goes on for a while.
Big XII loses Texas but keep dies because they aren't worth much without Bevo. It raids the AAC for stability which lasts about 10 minutes because Oklahoma joins the SEC. The newly formed BIG American Conference gets a crap t.v. deal and world keeps on spinning.

In short, there is no Big XII without Texas...and everyone knows it.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Saying if Texas bolts "so be it" is the equivalent to Steve Martin's routine when he says he can teach you how to be a millionaire and not pay taxes. "First, get a million bucks."

That is a silly analogy. You could just as easily say "ignore Oklahoma" is the equivalent of the Steve Martin routine blah blah blah.

If the Big 12 concedes to Texas, Oklahoma IS GONE. This isn't my opinion, Boren is all but saying it. Texas just rubbed Oklahoma's face in a pile of dogspit in front of the entire collegiate athletics community, so maybe that ship has sailed anyway.

Or maybe you think Boren is happy with the outcome, and we are misinterpreting his comments.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Big XII loses Oklahoma but keeps Texas: It adds a couple of good markets and survives (with a slightly smaller tv deal). Texas keeps its kingdom and life goes on for a while.
Big XII loses Texas but keep dies because they aren't worth much without Bevo. It raids the AAC for stability which lasts about 10 minutes because Oklahoma joins the SEC. The newly formed BIG American Conference gets a crap t.v. deal and world keeps on spinning.

In short, there is no Big XII without Texas...and everyone knows it.

#1 will never happen. Texas is all but signaling they are gone at the end of this contract anyway. ESPN will not renew the LHN, so Texas is just running out the clock and then will go looking for another partner willing to put up with their bullspit. From Texas' viewpoint, it could be an entirely new world in 10 years, so why plan ahead because no matter what happens, Texas will be fine. The rest of of the BIg 12 can't take that approach though.
Sep 26, 2011
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#1 will never happen. Texas is all but signaling they are gone at the end of this contract anyway. ESPN will not renew the LHN, so Texas is just running out the clock and then will go looking for another partner willing to put up with their bullspit. From Texas' viewpoint, it could be an entirely new world in 10 years, so why plan ahead because no matter what happens, Texas will be fine. The rest of of the BIg 12 can't take that approach though.

You have to give TX some credit. They just don't give a crap about their partners. For OU and others to be so public about their issues, there most have been some really nasty stuff behind closed doors. The thing that would piss me off as one of their partners is that TX KNOWS this isn't in the best interest of the Big 12 for the future. They are saying that they don't care about the future, just the now.

I agree with you that TX just wants to keep as much money as possible because they don't care about the long-term viability of the Big 12. The only thing I disagree with is that Texas is almost definitely gone at the end of the contract. I think that at the end of the contract they will be a free agent and look for the most money / power combination. I can see them going to the rest of the Big 12 and saying that they'll stay as long as their revenue matches what they'd get in the [Fill in the conference]. They'd be asking their brethren to make up any difference. The rest of the conference's weaker members may allow TX to dictate the terms and that may lead to the revenue and power TX wants. If ISU is given a choice of a 2/3rd piece of a Big 12 share with TX or a full share with no TX, it may be in their best interest to blink. Of course, TX would probably have to cozy up to OU a bit and include them in on the uneven cut of revenue. Even then they may lose OU which would have to go into TX's decision.
Mar 4, 2014
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Texas is to Big 12 as ND is to ACC, more or less. Except now Texas may have the opportunity to play in a CCG. It's good to be the King.
Aug 27, 2011
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#1 will never happen. Texas is all but signaling they are gone at the end of this contract anyway. ESPN will not renew the LHN, so Texas is just running out the clock and then will go looking for another partner willing to put up with their bullspit. From Texas' viewpoint, it could be an entirely new world in 10 years, so why plan ahead because no matter what happens, Texas will be fine. The rest of of the BIg 12 can't take that approach though.

Aug 26, 2011
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Well, duh.

I kind of figured as much when he lumped a championship game, expansion and a B12 network as items to deal with pronto.

From an Oklahoma newspaper, it's basically confirmed.

Some niceties:

Boren’s declaration that fixing everything at once — expand, ideally to 12, which would give the league a title game, while also implementing a conference network — would get the Big 12 back on the road to equal footing with the leagues it considers its peers.

Form a Big 12 Network, and suddenly different schools look much better. Connecticut, for example. An entire state of 3.5 million is gaga over UConn basketball. A Big 12 Network would sell in New England, while providing exposure for the other schools.

Brigham Young would be an interesting case. BYU TV is a major force — it was on my cable system at the Camelback Inn in Scottsdale — and the Cougars would have to move their athletic content from BYU TV to a Big 12 Network. I have no idea if that appeals to BYU; the current Big 12 system is perfect for the Cougars. But if BYU athletics moved into a Big 12 Network, that would open markets everywhere for the enterprise. BYU has a national following.

The other expansion candidates — Cincinnati, Boise State, Houston, Central Florida, East Carolina, whoever you think of — don’t really register much on the conference-network train.

But Connecticut and Brigham Young would be major additions.

Okay. We accept.

I thought it was all contingent on BBQ Sauce!?!
Oct 28, 2014
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If you're Iowa State, that's what you are counting on. But I the XII blows up because of OU, OU will end up fine.

If the Big 12 does blow up there's going to be one hell of a finger-pointing match between UT and OU as to whose fault it was.
Aug 26, 2011
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Best thing for the B12 is for Texas to abandon LHN and turn it into the B12 Network. Rest of the B12 can guarantee Texas the same payment amount they are getting from ESPN and split the rest. OU might not agree to that. In that case, OU will get their guarantee amount and remaining split the pot equally. Of course, this 2 tier membership system will create resentment over time and will cause problems. The ideal situation would be for Texas to behave like an equal partner and split the pie with the rest of the B12 equally. I think Texas is more likely to leave before agreeing to that. Either way, the current status quo will screwed for everyone in the B12 outside Texas and OU.


Mar 30, 2012
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I predict Texas gets a Notre Dame type deal with the ACC, Longhorn network survives, and an ACC network is formed. Texas's games at ACC teams provide valuable content for the ACC network, and help the network sell in Texas, a large state. Meanwhile as an independent Texas has much more valuable content to put on the Longhorn network, since it will no longer have given all the football and most of the rest to the B12.

Meanwhile ESPN picks up content from the other Texas schools stranded out of the B12 at AAC-type rates, and can put the cheap content on the Longhorn network, improving LHN's position and profitability.

Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, and Kansas find homes in the B1G and SEC (either Oklahoma and UConn to B1G, Ok State and Kansas to SEC; or Kansas and UConn to B1G, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State to SEC). The others try to get places in Pac or ACC, fail, and form a "best of the rest" conference with the best of the AAC and Mountain West.
Nov 18, 2011
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I am getting so discouraged. Not having to check this crappy board everyday will be like winning the powerball.
Aug 2, 2013
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I'm not sure the Big XII can survive the loss of either Texas or Oklahoma.
I'm not sure Texas and Oklahoma can coexist in the same conference.
If the Big XII offers UConn a spot, UConn has to take it; but I really don't want to see UConn in a conference with Texas. (At least Oklahoma is trying to make the right moves.)

I can't help but think that the Big XII is dead man walking. The Big XII and the ACC should be battling for the last P4 spot, but the school that should be leading the way for the Big XII (Texas) isn't doing so because it knows it will be okay no matter what happens. The ACC will eventually win the right to be the last P4 conference, the Big XII will die and Texas (and Oklahoma) will be fine. Sucks to be the rest of the Big XII.
Aug 26, 2011
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PaulMyerberg1:49pm via Twitter Web Client
Hope you're sitting down: The SEC made $527.4 MILLION in the first year of the SEC Network and CFP

>>...The return, which the conference provided Thursday in response to a request from USA TODAY Sports, also shows that SEC had $527.4 million in total revenue for a fiscal year that ended Aug. 31, 2015. That was the first fiscal year in which the conference began receiving money from the formation of the SEC Network and from the new College Football Playoff.<<

slmandel2:29pm via TweetDeck
Up 60 percent in one year! SEC Network is a game-changer


Wildly Inaccurate
Aug 29, 2011
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^^^ This is what Oklahoma is saying. Build a conference network, get the most attractive markets available... before the money's gone.
May 29, 2015
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Or join the sec.

Why join the already 14-team deep SEC when you can be in a 12-team Big 12 network?

Not saying that a Big 12 network will get SEC-type money, but if they can get within spitting distance of them, they can get a larger cut, while playing in a conference that is more comfortable to them.

Someone tell me if I'm just viewing this through rose-colored glasses, but if I am a Big 12 president anywhere other than Austin, I am looking at this SEC news and jumping on the Big 12 Network bandwagon heading into Feb. 4.
Nov 10, 2014
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If you are a Big12 team how do you not look at the latest SEC yearly earnings ($500 Million + this year) and Big10 earnings and not realize you need a network?

Even Texas, who has alway tried to run the Big12 like its own personal ponzi scheme, has to realize the true earning potential is in marketing a conference wide TV network. Watching Vanderbilt cash a $35 million check must make Oklahoma want to defect immediately. Yeah, UT got $15 million from the LHN but Kentucky will pocket over 30 million for it share of the football TV rights.

Yes football is a religion in SEC country but football is also huge in B12 country. If the Big 12 smartly adds some strategic teams there is no reason why a B12 network should not double their take home.

Sadly for the Big12, there appears to be a lot of decisions makers in Texas who believe 'Merica stops at the Red River and it always better to go it alone. I am sure the SEC will let Texas in as an equal partner as long as they stand in the corner and shut up like all the other new guys once they are finished ruining the B12.
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