Boise Says 'i Do'... | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Boise Says 'i Do'...

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Nov 4, 2011
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My opinion of Boise's blue field just shifted.

I understand you guys wanting to move on but I hope we get to play you a few times first. I am a Boise native and work with a guy that went to UCONN so I have had an interest in watching you guys. Hopefully we can make some money together and have some good football games and get a chance to visit your house before you move on. I hope our hoops program can one day get to the level you guys are at. We got our new coach Rice from Gonzaga last year and we have big hopes for what he can do for us. Also if it makes any difference we hate Boston C with a passion. They have one of the worst fan bases on the face of the earth. Hope this invite goes through and we can have some fun before the twisting sands of college football shift again.
Sep 1, 2011
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We've got love for you Boise. If we can get BYU on board, I think the conference has a chance to be better than "making the best of a bad situation". The western division would be fantastic.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Boise is being smart. They are forcing what I thought would happen, an all sports conference. One that can survive if Uconn or UL leave and it splits with the Catholic schools. I've been saying all week I thought that's what we'd get.
Sep 3, 2011
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Is Navy or UCF out? Kustra talked about a 6 team western division that did not include Louisville and Cincinnati. The only way that is possible is if the East is also 6. UConn, Rutgers, USF, Louisville and Cincinnati make 5. UCF has all but said they have an invite, so it is probably not them. I think Navy is making the right move by staying independent, but it is an interesting development.

Wonder if the BE would go for SDSU and Fresno St. Then they would have 2 schools in FL, TX and CA - the three top recruiting and population centers in the country.
Aug 26, 2011
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This new league is better in football. Maybe not name recognition but football wise it's better. .....It's a good football league.
This! Given the circumstances/departures, I love adding Boise as a FB only. They are an upgrade to WVU. I would have loved if WVU was still a part of this new league, right up until they filed the ridiculous lawsuit, now I hope they get what they want, early departure to the B12 - I have a feeling they'll be begging to get back in to the BE part quatro in 5 - 6years - minus UConn and RU - once the Big Longhorn Conference splits up. I like the Houston, SMU, UCF inclusions given the large TV markets they bring in. This league is stronger than the ACC in FB (in on the field ability - not in prestige or ESPN love-fest factors). If somehow BYU was included as a FB only, then cha-ching, the BE FB presidents went from hitting a game tying triple putting the winning run in scoring position, to hitting a walk off home run. I don't think this is a long term solve though, but if all goes well, you could see UConn, RU, UL, and maybe Cinci w/ new conferences in the next few years, and the remaining NNBE teams keeping the AQ status (which quite frankly the likes of Boise, BYU, etc... have deserved for years). Everybody wins here. Buckle up!!
Aug 26, 2011
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I understand you guys wanting to move on but I hope we get to play you a few times first. I am a Boise native and work with a guy that went to UCONN so I have had an interest in watching you guys. Hopefully we can make some money together and have some good football games and get a chance to visit your house before you move on. I hope our hoops program can one day get to the level you guys are at. We got our new coach Rice from Gonzaga last year and we have big hopes for what he can do for us. Also if it makes any difference we hate Boston C with a passion. They have one of the worst fan bases on the face of the earth. Hope this invite goes through and we can have some fun before the twisting sands of college football shift again.
Like these guys already. They are going to fit in just fine!


I'm just filled with useless information.
Sep 17, 2011
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Also if it makes any difference we hate Boston C with a passion. They have one of the worst fan bases on the face of the earth.

I like you guys already ;)

Bronco, on this board we refer to that school as BCU.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Wonder if the BE would go for SDSU and Fresno St. Then they would have 2 schools in FL, TX and CA - the three top recruiting and population centers in the country.

It looks like the quote in the Idaho newspaper was just a misquote. Navy appears to be on board according to McMurphy.
Aug 28, 2011
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I understand that this is a pretty decent development after how bleak things looked a few weeks ago.

Still, I don't feel disgust towards this new league. It's more like a special level of apathy. College sports are about history and rivalry - and it's hard to get too excited about a league that can't possibly last for the medium term, nevermind the long haul.

the way i'm looking at is that we'll get to see some new teams at the Rent, and we'll have a few different places to travel to if so inclined over the next 4-5 years. hopefully after that period we'll be somewhere else, but in the meantime why not enjoy the novelty of playing some new teams? keep in mind too that some of the teams we're playing against will be more passing oriented and we'll likely have to adapt to keep up. anyone that's been craving a higher octane passing attack might be happy with the results. maybe the NBE will be known as a wide open passing league a la the Big12 and we'll attract more of those types of players.
Aug 26, 2011
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I respect the heck out of Boise. I guess this will buy us some time but I don't see how this new Big East design will endure.


There's no Dark Side's all Dark.
Aug 26, 2011
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I respect the heck out of Boise. I guess this will buy us some time but I don't see how this new Big East design will endure.

The Big East shouldn't endure. The Big East composition should be revisited every contract renewal and the conference should take a 'best of the rest' mentality and openly embrace having football-only or basketball-only members as a wonderful and distinctive part of its culture.

The BE should pride itself as having a formal divestiture policy to identify teams most likely to be replaced in the next contract negotiations and reduce the voting privileges of the at-risk teams accordingly as contract decisions near.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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the way i'm looking at is that we'll get to see some new teams at the Rent, and we'll have a few different places to travel to if so inclined over the next 4-5 years. hopefully after that period we'll be somewhere else, but in the meantime why not enjoy the novelty of playing some new teams? keep in mind too that some of the teams we're playing against will be more passing oriented and we'll likely have to adapt to keep up. anyone that's been craving a higher octane passing attack might be happy with the results. maybe the NBE will be known as a wide open passing league a la the Big12 and we'll attract more of those types of players.

I'm sure I'll warm up to it if it sticks together for a few years. I get the same vibe I get about these developments as I did TCU. I never for a second thought that TCU would actually play a football game at Rentschler Field. I don't think I'll be able to invest emotionally in the 'conference' until it actually unfolds in reality and not on twitter.
Aug 26, 2011
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I would be able to emotionally invest if I knew we wanted to be here. I think this conference could last because of the current strength of Boise and Houston and because the east and west divisions remove a lot of travel concerns. The TV contract for this conference could be very good. I say that because most of the markets are medium to large, the small market and/or lesser programs have national followings (Boise, Navy, ) and the new additions all play a fast paced, more exciting brand of football.

While I would love to be a big player in a great conference, money talks and if the contract for this monstrosity is good, don't be surprised to see it stick together. I suspect that the signing of a huge contract will coincide with revising the exit fees to something very substantial. I have found time and time again in life that things usually turn out ok, but they rarely turn out exactly as expected. I won't be surprised at all if UConn is a happy and proud member of the Big East 7-8 years from now----nor will I be surprised if we announce a move to the ACC next Tuesday.
Aug 26, 2011
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I would be able to emotionally invest if I knew we wanted to be here. I think this conference could last because of the current strength of Boise and Houston and because the east and west divisions remove a lot of travel concerns. The TV contract for this conference could be very good. I say that because most of the markets are medium to large, the small market and/or lesser programs have national followings (Boise, Navy, ) and the new additions all play a fast paced, more exciting brand of football.

While I would love to be a big player in a great conference, money talks and if the contract for this monstrosity is good, don't be surprised to see it stick together. I suspect that the signing of a huge contract will coincide with revising the exit fees to something very substantial. I have found time and time again in life that things usually turn out ok, but they rarely turn out exactly as expected. I won't be surprised at all if UConn is a happy and proud member of the Big East 7-8 years from now----nor will I be surprised if we announce a move to the ACC next Tuesday.
If I am correct, we'd have the most urbanized FBS conference in the whole scene. Urbanization is the future.
Aug 26, 2011
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Will be curoius to see what this does to bowl tie ins. Which do we lose, which do we gain. Adding teams in FL should anchor the Champs bowl. Could see us picking up a bowl in Texas. Hope we hang on to the Pinstripe. Vegas Bowl would be a fun trip!
Aug 26, 2011
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I believe the new BE will get a chance to grow in this new TV network conference era. We got some exciting teams coming in with high octane offenses. We took a hit in prestige and tradition, but there will be new traditions made. Teams like Boise, Houston, UCF and SMU all got huge growing potential with 3 in traditional rich recruiting areas.

Once things settle down, I can get excited about the new lineup and games. I would like to see Fresno State and SDSU added to the Western division so BE has 2 in FLA, 2 in TX and 2 in CA. It will give east coast schools a chance to get some exposure out here in the West. I would love to see UCONN in CA for example. Location is overrated these days because planes are faster and everything is now on TV.

What UCONN needs to do is focusing on growing the football brand to make itself as attractive as possible. Current state of UCONN football is not acceptable. We need to grow our stadium to 55K ASAP and get the attendance way up. We need to win some games on the field and become Boise of the East Coast. Do we have the potential for both? I would say yeah. If coach P is not the right guy, we need to replace him ASAP vs. letting it drag on for years. I would love to get a coach like Mike Leach here cause he will bring an exciting brand of football to the Rent. Whatever we have to do, we have to do it quickly and efficiently. I really like our new president because she is all about the bottom line and she gets things done. Let's hope she can lead do everything within our control to grow the athletic department and take us to new heights. I have no doubt UCONN will end up in a stable conference at some point in the near future.
Aug 26, 2011
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Will be curoius to see what this does to bowl tie ins. Which do we lose, which do we gain. Adding teams in FL should anchor the Champs bowl. Could see us picking up a bowl in Texas. Hope we hang on to the Pinstripe. Vegas Bowl would be a fun trip!

Agree about the Champs Bowl. The Pinstripe Bowl is a "made for the Big East" bowl, so we won't lose it. The Texas Bowl (Rutgers played in it a few years ago) may become a Big East affiliated bowl with 2 Texas teams in the Big East. Isn't the Holiday Bowl affiliated with the service academies?


Aug 26, 2011
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Will be curoius to see what this does to bowl tie ins. Which do we lose, which do we gain. Adding teams in FL should anchor the Champs bowl. Could see us picking up a bowl in Texas. Hope we hang on to the Pinstripe. Vegas Bowl would be a fun trip!

This, this, this. Big East could really use some better bowl options, I believe.
Aug 26, 2011
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Agree about the Champs Bowl. The Pinstripe Bowl is a "made for the Big East" bowl, so we won't lose it. The Texas Bowl (Rutgers played in it a few years ago) may become a Big East affiliated bowl with 2 Texas teams in the Big East. Isn't the Holiday Bowl affiliated with the service academies?
Holiday I think is affiliated with P12 v. B12, but there may be some tie in w/ Navy. Not certain. I think there is another SD based bowl that Navy is linked to. Poinsetta maybe?? Not certain.
Aug 26, 2011
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Holiday I think is affiliated with P12 v. B12, but there may be some tie in w/ Navy. Not certain. I think there is another SD based bowl that Navy is linked to. Poinsetta maybe?? Not certain.

You are correct. There are two bowls in San Diego at the Qualcomm stadium. One is Holiday with PAC-12 vs. B-12 tie-in and the other is Poinsetta Bowl with Navy as a tie-in against MWC?

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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I understand that this is a pretty decent development after how bleak things looked a few weeks ago.

Still, I don't feel disgust towards this new league. It's more like a special level of apathy. College sports are about history and rivalry - and it's hard to get too excited about a league that can't possibly last for the medium term, nevermind the long haul.

History and rivalry have been forsaken for the almighty dollar.
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