I just found a Costco Business Center near me yesterday. It's Costco geared toward business and more specifically restaurants. No clothes, no books, no games, furniture and other common household items (other than food). Really cool industrial or near industrial appliances, shelving, kitchen gear (saw a meat slicer I would love to pick up if I had the space for one) and even larger packaging for food compared to a normal Costco. Some great meat options for grilling and smoking - whole briskets, pork butt, and amazingly I found a 14ish pound prime new york strip. I suppose you could roast it, but it would be a great way to get new york strips to the exact thickness you want. They have jackets available for walking in the huge cooler section. Wear long pants if you plan to spend some time shopping in there. The only thing I couldn't find that I've been looking for is an uncooked ham.